Top 10 Reviewers for Materials Chemistry Frontiers

In celebration of Peer Review Week, with the theme of Recognition for Review – we would like to highlight the top 10 reviewers for Materials Chemistry Frontiers in 2016, as selected by the editor for their significant contribution to the journal.

Name Institution
Dr Yuya Tachibana Gunma University
Professor Qichun Zhang Nanyang Technological University
Dr Lang Jiang Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr Zhen Li Wuhan University
Dr Xiaoyong Lai Ningxia University
Dr Baojiu Chen Dalian Maritime University
Professor Nam-Gyu Park Sungkyunkwan University
Dr Do-Geun Kim Korea Institute of Materials Science
Professor J Paul Attfield University of Edinburgh
Dr Tie Wang Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

We would like to say a massive thank you to these reviewers as well as the Materials Chemistry Frontiers board and all of the materials chemistry community for their continued support of the journal, as authors, reviewers and readers.



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First Advance Articles from Materials Chemistry Frontiers

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We are delighted to announce publication of the first Advance Articles from Materials Chemistry Frontiers, a collaborative journal developed by the Chinese Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry and endorsed by the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science.

Stimuli responsive furan and thiophene substituted difluoroboron β-diketonate materials
William A. Morris, Tristan Butler, Milena Kolpaczynska and Cassandra L. Fraser
DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00008H

Blue pyrene-based AIEgens: inhibited intermolecular π–π stacking through the introduction of substituents with controllable intramolecular conjugation, and high external quantum efficiencies up to 3.46% in non-doped OLEDs
Jie Yang, Le Li, Yun Yu, Zichun Ren, Qian Peng, Shanghui Ye, Qianqian Li and Zhen Li
DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00014B

Self-healing alginate–gelatin biohydrogels based on dynamic covalent chemistry: elucidation of key parameters
Asja Pettignano, Marleen Häring, Luca Bernardi, Nathalie Tanchoux, Françoise Quignard and David Díaz Díaz
DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00066E

A high-performance BaTiO3-grafted-GO-laden poly(ethylene oxide)-based membrane as an electrolyte for all-solid lithium-batteries
N. Angulakshmi, Goutam Prasanna Kar, Suryasarathi Bose, E. Bhoje Gowd, Sabu Thomas and A. Manuel Stephan
DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00098C

Thiophene-derived polymer dots for imaging endocytic compartments in live cells and broad-spectrum bacterial killing
Kenath Priyanka Prasad, Aung Than, Nan Li, Mahasin Alam SK, Hongwei Duan, Kanyi Pu, Xinting Zheng and Peng Chen
DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00065G

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We are delighted to announce publication of the first Advance Articles [WL1] from Materials Chemistry Frontiers, a collaborative journal developed by the Chinese Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry and endorsed by the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science.

[WL1]Link to MCF pub platform ‘recent articles’

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Congratulations on POC-16 poster prize winners!

Congratulations to our Materials Chemistry Frontiers Poster Prize winners at the 16th International Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry in Hersonissos, Greece!

This conference is organized under the sponsorship of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nd under the auspices of the University of Crete. It aims to provide a forum for exchanging information, results and advances among scientists working in the areas of polymer synthesis, characterization, and applications, with an eye towards organic chemistry.

The Poster Prize winners were as follows:

The winners were selected by a panel of judges and all received a certificate to recognize their achievement.

Well done to all our five winners!


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Meet Professor J Paul Attfield

Professor J. Paul Attfield FRSC from University of Edinburgh joined the editorial board of Materials Chemistry Frontiers in 2016. His research focuses on synthesis, structural studies, and property measurements for electronic and magnetic materials.

J Paul Attfield

Paul Attfield holds a Chair in Materials Science at Extreme Conditions at the School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh and he is the Director of the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions. He received B.A. and D.Phil. degrees from Oxford University, and he was a Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Superconductivity at the University of Cambridge during 1991-2003. He received the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Meldola and Corday-Morgan medals and Peter Day award, and he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2006 and of the Royal Society in 2014.

His early research contributions included pioneering resonant X-ray scattering experiments of cation and valence ordering, and studies of disorder effects in functional oxides. Current research is centred on electronic and magnetic materials; a recent highlight was the solution of the 70-year old ‘Verwey’ problem of charge order in magnetite – the original magnetic material.

Check some of his recent publications:

Competing antiferromagnetic orders in the double perovskite Mn2MnReO6 (Mn3ReO6)

A. M. Arévalo-López, F. Stegemann and J. P. Attfield

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 5558-5560

Nitride tuning of lanthanide chromites

Black, A. P., Johnston, H. E., Oró-Solé, J., Bozzo, B., Ritter, C., Frontera, C., Attfield, J. P. & Fuertes, A.

Chem. Comm., 2016, 52, 23, 4317-20 4

The Verwey structure of a natural magnetite

G. Perversi, J. Cumby, E. Pachoud, J. P. Wright and J. P. Attfield

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 4864-4867

Crystal and magnetic structures of the brownmillerite Ca2Cr2O5

Angel M. Arevalo-Lopez and J. Paul Attfield

Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 10661-10664

Titanium migration driven by Li vacancies in Li1−xTi2O4 spinel

Kitada, A., Arevalo-lopez, A. M. & Attfield, J. P.

Chem. Comm., 2015, 51, 11359-11361

Learn more about the research carried out by Paul’s group, visit the webpage:

New journal: Materials Chemistry FrontiersThe international, high quality journal for topical and multi-disciplinary research on all aspect of materials chemistry.

Editor-in-Chief Ben Zhong Tang answers your questions about Materials Chemistry Frontiers.




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International Conference on Advanced Polymeric Materials Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Polymer Society of Korea (PSK)

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International Conference on Advanced Polymeric Materials Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Polymer Society of Korea (PSK) (IUPAC-PSK40) is to be held on October 4 – 7, 2016, at ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea. This conference will be an attractive event with 5 plenary and more than 200 invited lectures by renowned speakers from all over the world. It will be an open forum for participants engaged in polymer synthesis, polymer physics, polymeric materials and polymer engineering. It will be a valuable chance to obtain insights and new perspectives for polymer science and engineering.

The main scientific programs of IUPAC-PSK40 include, but are not limited to:

1.Polymer Synthesis
2.Polymer Physics and Characterization
3.Polymer Rheology and Processing
4.Hybrid Materials and Composites
5.Smart Functional Polymers
6.Polymer Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
7.Energy Conversion and Storage
8.Polymers for Electronics and Photonics
9.Bio-related Polymers
10.Advanced Industrial Technology
11.Polymer Research at Korean National Laboratories (KIST and KRICT)

Materials Chemistry Frontiers is pleased to sponsor this conference and award 2 poster prizes.

The early registration deadline will  end on Aug 31, 2016. Conference Registration and Accommodation booking can be done via ONLINE REGISTRATION. More information about this exciting conference, please visit their WEBSITE!

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International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials (AEM2016)

Look out for our Material Chemistry Frontiers flyers in the delegate bags at International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials (AEM2016). AEM2016 is a premier conference series on energy materials that will be held from September 12-14, 2016 at the University of Surrey, England focusing on the following events:

  • 1st International conference on Advanced Energy Materials
  • 2nd International conference on Hydrogen Energy
  • 8th International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials

In addition to the above three symposia, AEM conference will also host dedicated sessions on Solar Energy Materials, Graphene Materials and Hydrogen Embrittlement.

These international symposia, which will be hosted simultaneously as parallel sessions will promote the gathering of scientists, students and industry experts to exchange and enhance their knowledge and vanguard ideas for future energy applications.

Conference Registration and Accommodation booking can be done via ONLINE REGISTRATION. More information about this exciting conference, please visit their WEBSITE!

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Meet Professor Natalia Shustova

Professor Natalia Shustova from University of South Carolina joined the Editorial Board of Materials Chemistry Frontiers as Associate Editor. Her current research interests are graphitic hybrid materials for sustainable energy conversion, sensors, switches, and artificial biomimetic systems.

Natalia Shustova

Natalia Shustova received her M.S. degree in Materials Science in 2004 from Moscow State University (MSU), Russia, and two Ph.D. degrees, the first in Physical Chemistry in 2005 from MSU and the second in Inorganic Chemistry in 2010 from Colorado State University. She then did postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2013 she joined the faculty at the University of South Carolina as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry. She is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award, MIT Infinite Kilometer Postdoctoral Award, an MIT/Bruker Symposium Award, a German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Graduate Research Scholarship, an Electrochemical Society Herbert H. Uhlig Summer Fellowship, and a Humboldt University (Berlin) L. Euler Student Fellowship.

Check some of her recent publications:

Photophysics of GFP-related chromophores imposed by a scaffold design

E. A. Dolgopolova, T. M. Moore, W. B. Fellows, M. D. Smith and N. B. Shustova

Dalton Trans., 2016, Advance Article

Redox-active corannulene buckybowls in a crystalline hybrid scaffold

W. Brett Fellows, Allison M. Rice, Derek E. Williams, Ekaterina A. Dolgopolova, Aaron K. Vannucci, Perry J. Pellechia, Mark D. Smith, Jeanette A. Krause, Natalia B. Shustova

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 2195–2199

A Mimic of the Green Fluorescent Protein β-barrel: Photophysics and Dynamics of Confined Chromophores Defined by a Rigid Porous Scaffold

Williams, D. E.; Dolgopolova, E. A.; Pellechia, P.J.; Palukoshka, A.; Wilson, T. J.; Tan, R.; Maier, J. M.; Tan, R.; Greytak, A. B.; Smith, M. D.; Krause, J. A.;  Shustova, N. B.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 2223–2226.

A Bio-inspired Approach for Chromophore Communication: Ligand-to-Ligand and Host-to-Guest Energy Transfer in Hybrid Crystalline Scaffolds

Dolgopolova, E. A.; Williams, D. E.; Greytak, A. B.; Rice, A. M.; Smith, M. D.; Krause, J. A.; Shustova, N. B.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 13639–13643.

Active Sites in Copper-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks: Understanding Substrate Dynamics, Redox Processes, and Valence-Band Structure

Audrey S. Duke, Ekaterina A. Dolgopolova, Randima P. Galhenage, Salai C. Ammal, Andreas Heyden, Mark D. Smith, Donna A. Chen, and Natalia B. Shustova

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 27457–27466

Learn more about the research carried out by Natalia’s group, visit their group website:

New journal: Materials Chemistry Frontiers The international, high quality journal for topical and multi-disciplinary research on all aspect of materials chemistry.

Editor-in-Chief Ben Zhong Tang answers your questions about Materials Chemistry Frontiers.

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Call for papers: Web theme on “Organic/Hybrid Photovoltaics”

We are delighted to announce an exciting and high profile the themed collection to be published in 2017 from Materials Chemistry Frontiers.

Next-Generation Organic/Hybrid Photovoltaics

Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2016

Guest editors Tobin Marks (Northwestern University) and Henry Yan (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) welcome original research and critical reviews on the science and fabrication techniques of materials and devices that are paving the road towards high-efficient solar energy harvesting.

Key topics include but are not limited to:

  • Organic photovoltaics
  • Perovskite solar sells
  • Non-fullerene organic photovoltaics
  • Charge transport layers for perovskite solar sells
  • Interface engineering for organic/hybrid photovoltaics

Every submission to this themed issue must meet the high standard of the journal via rigorous peer-review.  Accepted articles will be published and included into recent journal issues without delay to permit the timely dissemination of the work. Meanwhile, all contributions to this special topic are being assembled and presented as a web-based thematic issue on the journal webpage, in accompany with active promotions to ensure the widest possible impact of reported research.

New journal: Materials Chemistry Frontiers The international, high quality journal for topical and multi-disciplinary research on all aspect of materials chemistry.

Editor-in-Chief Ben Zhong Tang answers your questions about Materials Chemistry Frontiers.

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Meet Professor Dan Wang

Professor Dan Wang from Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, serves as Associate Editor of Materials Chemistry Frontiers.

His current research focuses on the design and controllable synthesis of functional inorganic materials with porous or hollow structures, and their applications in solar cells, Li-ion batteries and photocatalyst and gas sensors, etc.

Born at Jilin, Jilin province in 1969.Graduate from Jilin University, China, Dan Wang received the Bachelor’s degree from Jilin University in 1994. He entered a master’s degree program at his alma mater in the same year. He obtained his Ph.D. from Yamanashi University in Japan in 2001. He was awarded by Hundred Talent Program of the CAS, and served as professor of the Institute of Process Engineering, CAS in February 2004. And he earned the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2013.

He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and he sits on advisory boards for several international journals, such as Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Science, Advanced Materials Interface.

Research of his group is in the soft chemistry synthesis and application of inorganic functional materials including porous, layered and nano-sized materials. Emphases are placed on the development, design and application of the energy sources, catalyst and environment materials by self-assembly, surface modifying methods. Studies in the following fields are being performed: semiconductor metal oxide sensitive material, environmental friendly heat stabilizer for PVC, high efficient adsorbent for heavy metal ions, porous TiO2 films for photocatalysis, and so on.

Check some of his recent publications:

Controllable synthesis of mesostructures from TiO2 hollow to porous nanospheres with superior rate performance for lithium ion batteries

Hao Ren, Jiajia Sun, Ranbo Yu, Mei Yang, Lin Gu, Porun Liu, Huijun Zhao, David Kisailus and Dan Wang

Chem. Sci., 2016,7, 793-798
DOI: 10.1039/C5SC03203B, Edge Article

Multi-shelled LiMn2O4 hollow microspheres as superior cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries

Feng Wang, Jiangyan Wang, Hao Ren, Hongjie Tang, Ranbo Yu and Dan Wang

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2016,3, 365-369
DOI: 10.1039/C5QI00213C, Research Article

Multi-shelled hollow micro-/nanostructures

Jian Qi, Xiaoyong Lai, Jiangyan Wang, Hongjie Tang, Hao Ren, Yu Yang, Quan Jin, Lijuan Zhang, Ranbo Yu, Guanghui Ma, Zhiguo Su, Huijun Zhao and Dan Wang

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 6749-6773
DOI: 10.1039/C5CS00344J, Review Article

An in situ vapour phase hydrothermal surface doping approach for fabrication of high performance Co3O4 electrocatalysts with an exceptionally high S-doped active surface

Zhijin Tan, Porun Liu, Haimin Zhang, Yun Wang, Mohammad Al-Mamun, Hua Gui Yang, Dan Wang, Zhiyong Tang and Huijun Zhao

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 5695-5697
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC00661A, Communication

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Editor-in-Chief Ben Zhong Tang talks about Materials Chemistry Frontiers

Editor-in-Chief Ben Zhong Tang talks about the scientific standard and his expectation to Materials Chemistry Frontiers.

Ben Zhong Tang is Stephen K. C. Cheong Professor of Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). His research interests include materials science, polymer chemistry and biomedical engineering. He received BS and PhD degrees from South China University of Technology and Kyoto University, respectively, and conducted postdoctoral research at University of Toronto. He joined the Department of Chemistry at HKUST in 1994. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2009 and 2013, respectively. He has been listed by Thomson Reuters as a Highly Cited Researcher in two disciplines: Chemistry and Materials Science. He received a Natural Science Award from the Chinese Government and a Senior Research Fellowship from the Croucher Foundation in 2007.

Can you tell us about the scope of Materials Chemistry Frontiers?

Materials Chemistry Frontiers (MCF) is committed to report important and highly interdisciplinary studies from across materials science. Scope of the journal focuses on the synthesis and chemistry of exciting new materials, and the development of improved fabrication techniques, as well as characterisation and fundamental research with broad appeal. Significant studies that further the development of organics, inorganics, polymers, nanomaterials, composites, hybrids, etc. are very welcome.

MCF remains as a collaborative journal owned by the Chinese Chemistry Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry and endorsed by the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The journal will reflect the lead of China and its growing impact in global chemistry community, showcasing the very best research from China, Asia and the rest of the world to an international audience.

What type of content will be featured in Materials Chemistry Frontiers?

MCF publishes research that is of high novelty and significance. Original study will be published in the format of Research Article, which differs from the traditional mix of communication and full paper by introducing more flexibility in terms of article length and structure. Authors are free to shape the nature of their publications according to the needs of the science with free use of colour in all articles.

MCF also publishes Review articles and “Chemistry Frontiers” – a unique type of articles for forward-looking comments and perspectives from high profile researchers.

Who should submit to this new journal and why?

I believe researchers working at the forefront of materials science should submit to MCF. This China-led, international journal will uphold the highest ethical standards, offering world-class customer service to authors, as well as unparalleled global visibility for their research. MCF authors will benefit from rapid publication, free colour, no submission charges and open access publishing options. More importantly, the first two years of content will be freely available to everyone – offering authors maximum exposure for their work.

How will the editorial board and advisory board contribute to Materials Chemistry Frontiers?

I am so pleased to have invited these excellent researchers joining the editorial and advisory boards of MCF. Editorial board members will help set and maintain high scientific criteria for the journal. Associate Editors also take extra duties in handling manuscripts and managing peer-review process.

What is your vision of Materials Chemistry Frontiers?

MCF is aiming at high impact research, therefore, we would be really selective and rigorous in peer-review and only the work meets the standard of the journal will get accepted. My expectation is to wish MCF to become the top level journal in materials science in the next five years.

Is the journal open for submissions now? How soon can we read the first articles?

Yes, MCF is now open for submission. The first issue of articles will be published online in late 2016.

The international advisory board members will further bring intelligence and significant expertise into the journal’s development, helping shape a successful future for MCF.

Has the journal been indexed by any databases? When will it receive the first Journal Impact Factor?

No, MCF is not indexed by any databases now because there has been no content being published yet, but we are well prepared for that. And I believe it is only a matter of time for MCF to be indexed in those databases, like Web of Science, CAS and Scopus. In terms of Impact Factors, normally, the first one should be released in the summer of 2019 by Thomson Reuters.

Do you want to say something to the young researchers who are interested in Materials Chemistry Frontiers?

Whereas it is understandable that young researchers wish to publish in well-established top journals, getting published first is more important in terms of establishing your own research programs.  We aim at rapid publication, in an effort to assist career development of junior faculty.

New journal: Materials Chemistry Frontiers The international, high quality journal for topical and multi-disciplinary research on all aspect of materials chemistry.

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