Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers is now open for submissions

We are delighted to announce that Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers is now open for submissions!

Editor-in-Chief, Professor Song Gao (Peking University), invites you to submit your latest research. Submissions to Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers’ Associate Editors are handled fairly, quickly and efficiently.

Articles on inorganic and organometallic molecules and solids with explicit applications are welcomed. This includes inorganic chemistry research at the interfaces of materials science, energy, nanoscience, catalysis and bio-inorganic chemistry. Papers should be of high significance and answer fundamental questions relevant to interdisciplinary applications. For more information on how to submit and author guidelines please see our instructions to authors.

Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers is part of the Frontiers project: a unique collaboration between the Chinese Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry. The Journal will publish the best inorganic chemistry research from China, Asia and the rest of the world to an international audience.

Be a part of this new collaboration – submit your work today!

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