Archive for the ‘Poster Prize’ Category

Poster Prize Winner at the 4th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on Nanotechnology

Congratulations to Richard Archer from the University of Sheffield for winning the Nanoscale and Polymer Chemistry poster prize at the 4th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on Nanotechnology.

Richard won the prize for his poster entitled “Nanospinners: Controlling Rotational Frequency in Self-Phoretic Janus Devices”.

Richard Archer receiving his poster prize from Adam Perriman

The symposium took place at the University of Birmingham on the 15th December 2014 and is aimed at giving early career researchers an opportunity to present their research.

Further information about the symposium can be found on the event website.

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Winners of the Nanoscale-sponsored poster awards at ElecNano 5

The 5th edition of the international meeting on Nanoelectrochemistry (ElecNano 5) was held in Bordeaux at the ENSCBP Engineering School from 15th to 17th May 2013. This conference is organized biannually by the electrochemistry group of the French Chemical Society (SCF). The 2013 edition gathered participants from 20 different countries and the topic was dedicated to “Electroanalysis and the Nanoscale”.

Overall, the program scheduled 42 oral contributions including 4 keynote lectures (Pr. Henry S. White, University of Utah, USA; Pr. Hubert Girault, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland; Pr. Joseph Wang, UCSD, USA and Pr. Richard J. Nichols, University of Liverpool, UK) as well as a poster session with 46 presentations.

For the first time, poster awards were sponsored by RSC Publishing through the journal Nanoscale. More than 30 candidates were competing for the awards and an independent committee nominated three laureates who won a prize of 100 euros each as well as a RSC certificate.

The three winners are:

  • Izabela Kaminska, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland: “Indium tin oxide nanoparticulate film decorated with gold”
  • Lita Lee, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand: “Preparation of a monolayer of carboxylate groups based on the electroreduction of a protected aryldiazonium salt”
  • Milica Sentic, University of Bordeaux, Institute of Molecular Sciences, Pessac, France: “Electrochemiluminescence imaging at the single bead level: New approach to investigate the ECL mechanism”
Poster Prize winners at ElecNano5

From left: Alexander Kuhn (Chair of the conference), Izabela Kaminska (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), Lita Lee (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), Milica Sentic (University of Bordeaux, France), Laurent Bouffier (Chair of the poster award committee)

By Prof. Alexander Kuhn (Chair of the conference), Dr Laurent Bouffier (Chair of the poster award committee)

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International Workshop on Photonics of Functional Nanomaterials

Nanoscale was proud to sponsored poster awards at the International Workshop on Photonics of Functional Nanomaterials, which was held on the 6-9th May 2013 in Hong Kong. Nanoscale Associate Editor Jianfang Wang was a co-organiser of the workshop.

Here are the prizewinners…

Nanoscale poster awards for International Workshop on Photonics of Functional Nanomaterials

…and the group that attended the conference…

International Workshop on Photonics of Functional Nanomaterials

Here are some recent research highlights in the area of photonics and functional nanomaterials:

Molding the flow of light on the nanoscale: from vortex nanogears to phase-operated plasmonic machinery
Svetlana V. Boriskina and Björn M. Reinhardhe flow of light on the nanoscale: from vortex nanogears to phase-operated plasmonic machinery
DOI: 10.1039/C1NR11406A, Feature Article

Free-standing one-dimensional plasmonic nanostructures
Lin Jiang, Yinghui Sun, Fengwei Huo, Hua Zhang, Lidong Qin, Shuzhou Li and Xiaodong Chen
DOI: 10.1039/C1NR11445J, Feature Article

Fabrication of Au nanotube arrays and their plasmonic properties
Haojun Zhu, Huanjun Chen, Jianfang Wang and Quan Li
DOI: 10.1039/C3NR33658A, Paper

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Nanoscale Best Speaker Prize Winners

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Nanoscale Best Speaker Prize at the “China-Singapore Young Chemist Forum”: Dr. Yuangang Zheng (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore) and Prof. Hailin Peng (Peking University, China).

Nanoscale: Best Speaker Prize Winners

Nanoscale Best Speaker Prize winners at China-Singapore Young Chemist Forum

The Prizes were presented by the Chairs of the two Forums, Prof. Hua Zhang (Singapore) and Prof. Haoli Zhang (China), and were part of the 28th Chinese Chemical Society Congress which was held at Chengdu, China from the 13-16 April 2012.

Nanoscale will be awarding further Prizes over the summer so watch this space!

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Nanoscale Poster Prize: Nanoformulation2011

We are delighted to announce that two Nanoscale Poster Prizes were awarded at the recent NanoFormulation2011, held in Singapore, 26 June to 1 July 2011, as part of ICMAT.

Prize winner 2

Lok Kumar Shrestha with David Higgins

The winners of the Nanoscale Poster Prizes were Johannes Kluge and Lok Kumar Shrestha:

Stability of Amorphous Nano-formulations: the solubility of Ketoprofen in colloidal PLGA
Authors: Johannes Kluge; Gerhard Muhrer and Marco Mazzotti

Structure and dynamics of non-ionic surfactant micelles in non-aqueous media
Authors: Lok Kumar Shrestha; Rekha Shrestha, Takaaki Sato. Kenji Aramaki; Katsuhiko Ariga

Prize winner

Johannes Kluge with David Higgins

Nanoscale will be awarding further Poster Prizes over the summer so watch this space!

Sign-up to the free Nanoscale e-alert and Nanobites Newsletter to read the latest content and news.

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Nanoscale Poster Prize: Nanoplasmonics

We are delighted to announce that two Nanoscale Poster Prizes were awarded at the recent Nanoplasmonics workshop in Sanxenxo, Spain.

The International Workshop on Nanoplasmonics for Energy and the Environment was held from 8-10 June 2011, and the Nanoscale Poster Prize winners were:

  • Beatriz Hernández Juarez (IMDEA Nanoscience) on “SILICA ENCAPSULATION OF QUANTUM DOTS”

The winners were presented with a prize certificate by the Conference Chair, Luis Liz-Marzán, as well as a financial award.

Nanoscale will be awarding further Poster Prizes over the summer so watch this space!

winner  winner

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RSC 2011 Prizes and Awards

Nominations for the 2011 Prizes and Awards are now open

The RSC currently presents around 60 prestigious Prizes and Awards annually to scientists in all the main chemical science disciplines allowing for the greatest range of scientists to be recognised for their work; individuals, teams and organisations working across the globe.

There are nine categories of awards including specific categories for Industry and Education so whether you work in business, industry, research or education recognition is open to everyone.

Our Prizes and Awards represent the dedication and outstanding achievements in the chemicals sciences and are a platform to showcase inspiring science to gain the recognition deserved.

Do you know someone who has made a significant contribution to advancing the chemical sciences?

View our full list of Prizes and Awards and use the online system to nominate yourself or colleagues.

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