Archive for the ‘Poster Prize’ Category

Congratulations to the winners of the RSC prizes at WCUCC 2023

The Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference 2023 (WCUCC 2023) took place in Edmonton, Canada from 2–5 May 2023. Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances were delighted to support prizes at this event and we would like to congratulate the two winners!

Maria Hangad standing between posters for the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference 2023 and the Chemistry Students Association.

Chemical Engineering Oral and Poster Prize

Maria Hangad (University of Victoria, Canada)
Presentation Title: “From droplets to drug delivery: A lab-on-a-chip device for dosing retinoic acid in polycaprolactone (PCL) microparticles”

Maria Hangad is an undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry/Microbiology at the University of Victoria. Her research journey began in 2020 before the pandemic, where she first took interest in microfluidics under the supervision of Dr. Katherine Elvira. This experience has led her to gain co-op job experiences in the nanomedicine industry and in academia under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Willerth investigating drug delivery in 3D bioprinted neural tissues. Outside the lab, Maria is passionate about equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and advocates for better accessibility for marginalized communities in Science. For the future, Maria intends to pursue an MD/Ph.D to dive deep within the fields of translational medicine and biotechnology in addition to assessing its impacts on human health.

Chantell Fernandes standing between posters for the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference 2023 and the Chemistry Students Association.

Materials Chemistry Poster Prize

Chantell Fernandes (University of Alberta, Canada)
Poster Title: “ATP and pH dual-triggered drug delivery using chitosan-based supramolecular nanogels”

Chantell Fernandes is an undergraduate student with a major in Chemistry and minor in Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta, working under supervision of MSc Student, Karen Kanemaru, and Professor Michael Serpe. Throughout her degree, she undertook teaching and mentoring opportunities for first year general chemistry classes and did research in chemical education to create interactive resources to foster a robust understanding of fundamental concepts for students. Further, she worked in a surgical lab focusing on the biomedical applications of hydrogels in 3D bioprinting of human nasal cartilage. Her current work looks at controlled drug delivery systems using supramolecular nanogels which she will be continuing in the upcoming year.

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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium

Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances were delighted to sponsor poster prizes at the RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Annual Symposium. The symposium took place on 26 and 27 January 2023 at Burlington House in London and welcomed around 100 attendees.

The meeting covered recent developments in fundamentals and applications of novel materials, providing an opportunity for nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers to engage and exchange information. It included plenary lectures, invited talks, contributed presentations, and poster sessions.

We congratulate all poster prize winners!

Nanoscale Horizons poster prize: Mark Hunter, University of Liverpool


Nanoscale poster prize: Esmé Shepherd, Kings College London


Nanoscale Advances poster prize: Xiangyi Chen, University of St Andrews

We thank all organisers and Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Committee for organising this conference. You can follow @RSC__CNN on Twitter to keep up to date with the latest news!

Hope to see you again next year!

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RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Annual Symposium

In mid-January 2022, the RSC Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Network were delighted to welcome attendees to the annual symposium!

This annual flagship event of the RSC CNN Special Interest Group covers recent developments in fundamentals and applications of novel materials, with the aim to provide a forum of nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers to engage and exchange information, discuss challenges and build networks. Held in a hybrid format, more than 70 delegates attended in person at Burlington House in London, and many attendees dialed in to attend virtually.






Congratulations to the prize winners!

Congratulations to poster prize winner Ian Machado!

Congratulations to poster prize first runner-up Jennifer Gracie

Congratulations to poster prize runner-up Chengao Yue


An exciting new initiative from the RSC CNN interest group is coming in March 2022: a virtual Journal Club! If you’re on Twitter, follow @RSC__CNN to keep up to date.

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Congratulations to the prize winners at POEM 2019 and SPb-POEM 2019

Two Photonic and OptoEletronics Materials conferences took place ealier this year: POEM 2019 and SPb-POEM 2019.

Both conference were a great success, attracting more than 200 delegates (POEM2019) and more than 500 delegates (SPb-POEM2019) from academia and industry.  The Royal Society of Chemistry was delighted to support a number of  poster prizes at the events from across the Materials and Nano journal portfolio.

Congratulations to the prize winners!



Huda Alzahrani, University of Salford UK, was awarded the Nanoscale Advances prize for her work on the chirality and optical response of 2D nanostructure chiral metamaterials

Laila Almanqur, University of Manchester UK, was awarded the Journal of Materials Chemistry C prize for her work on the synthesis of iron sulfide thin films and powders from new precursors.

Juan Sebastian Totero Gongora, University of Sussex UK, was awarded the Nanoscale prize for his work on two-colour terahertz emission from quasi-2D semiconductor interfaces.

Alexandra Toropova, ITMO University, was awarded the Journal of Materials Chemistry C prize for her work on a Shellac hologram.

Tatiana Kormilina was awarded the Nanoscale Advances prize for her work on near-IR emitting PbS nanosheets and their lifecycle.

Tatyana Choban was awarded the Nanoscale prize for her work on Ф-OTDR based on tunable Yb-Er: phosphate glass laser.




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Congratulations to the winners at the 10th International Nanomed Conference

#oznanomed the 10th International Nanomedicine Conference took place from 24 – 26 June 2019 in Sydney, Australia.


Congratulations to all the student prize winners!


Congratulations to Zerong Ma from the Children’s Cancer Institute, Australia, who was awarded an oral presentation prize sponsored by Journal of Materials Chemistry B.

Congratulations to Yi Ju from the University of Melbourne, Australia, who was awarded an oral presentation prize sponsored by Nanoscale Advances.

Congratulations to Pramod Jagtap from the Indian Institute of Technology, India, who was awarded an oral presentation prize sponsored by Nanoscale Horizons.

Zerong Ma, Children’s Cancer Institute, Australia, received her award from Professor Chunying Chen, NCNST and Nanoscale Advances Associate Editor.

Yi Ju, University of Melbourne, Australia, receives his award from Professor Chunying Chen, NCNST and Nanoscale Advances Associate Editor.

Pramod Jagtap, Indian Institute of Technology, India, recieves his award from Professor Cyrille Boyer, Co-director of the Australian Centre for Nanoscience.


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Congratulations to the Poster Prize winners at ISPM 2019!

From 26 – 29 May 2019 the International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference was held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and the nanoscale journal family was delighted to sponsor student poster prizes at the event – congratulations to the winners!

Dr Andreas Karner (Univ. of Applied Sciences, Linz) won the Nanoscale Horizons prize

Emilie Gachon (King’s College, London) won the Nanoscale prize

Dr Melanie Köhler (UClouvain, Belgium) won the Nanoscale Advances prize

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Congratulations to Dr Matthew Otten: 2018 Best NST Postdoctoral Fellow Presentation Awardee

The nanoscience and technology (NST) Postdoctoral Fellow Presentation Series is an opportunity at Argonne National Laboratory for postdocs to present their research in order to facilitate networking between postdocs and staff scientists. The best presentation is selected annually through ballots available to anyone who attends a talk.

The winner of the 2018 edition was announced at the NST division holiday lunch on December 14, 2018. Dr Matthew Otten has been awarded the 2018 NST Best Postdoctoral Fellow Presentation Award and has received $200 prize sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Nanoscale, a high impact international journal that publishes the experimental and theoretical articles across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Matt received his bachelor degree from Illinois Institute of Technology and PhD in physics from Cornell. He joined the NST division in the fall of 2017 as a recipient of prestigious Maria Coepper Mayer Fellowship available at Argonne National Laboratory to top science and engineering young talents. Matt is working on the theory and modeling of quantum information and sensing processes in nanoscale systems such as metallic nanostructures interacting with quantum dots the dynamics of NV centers in diamond.

Congratulations Matt!

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Poster prize winner at PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference (PANIC 2015)

Maciej Bieniek receiving the Nanoscale prize for the best oral presentation at PANIC 2015

Many congratulations to Maciej Bieniek for winning the Nanoscale prize for the best oral presentation at the PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference (PANIC 2015).

Maciej, from the Wrocław University of Technology, was chosen by Professors Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Luana Persano and Robert Luxenhofer to receive the prize for his oral presentation entitled “Two-dimensional topological insulator quantum dots”.

The 6th PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference took place from 20th to 23rd April 2015 at Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland). The interdisciplinary conference aims to gather students and young scientists working in the fields of photonics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science and organic electronics in order to enable them to discuss and share their knowledge. The event, organised by students, also featured a number of invited speakers. Further details are available on the conference website.

Nanoscale will be awarding more prizes throughout the year – keep an eye out to find out about the winners!

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Poster prize winners at Nano India 2015

Professor Ajay K. Sood awarding a Nanoscale poster prize at Nano India 2015

Many congratulations to G. Rajaraman and E. Manikandan for winning the Nanoscale poster prizes at Nano India 2015.

G. Rajaraman, from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, won a prize for his poster entitled “New generation molecular nanomagnets”, and E. Manikandan’s poster was entitled “A fingerprint micro Raman spectroscopy study for few layered graphene formation on gold substrate by low energy ion implantation technique”. The prizes were awarded by Professor Ajay K. Sood from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

The conference was hosted by the Centre for Nanotechnology & Advanced Biomaterials (CeNTAB), SASTRA University, Thanjavur, on the 29-30th  January 2015. It is a national conference supported by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), and aims to promote the exchange of ideas and create a platform for collaborative research in interdisciplinary areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Further details are available on the conference website.

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Poster prize winners at the International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC)

Many congratulations to P. S. Pramod and Nilesh Deshpande from the Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science Education & Research for winning the Nanoscale poster prize at the International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC), with their poster entitled “Dextran Nanovesicles for Loading and delivering Anticancer Drugs”.

The conference took place at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India on the 11-15th  January 2015 and aims to enhance scientific communication between global investigators in chemical biology as well as promote the development of molecular biosciences and related fields. Dr Yamuna Krishnan, one of Nanoscale‘s Associate Editors, was a member of the Organizing Committee. Further information about the conference can be found on the event website.

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