Archive for the ‘Nanoscale’ Category

HOT article: Unfolding the secrets of DNA origami nanostructures

DNA origami machine components

DNA origami is an emerging field of nanotechnology that exploits the unique base-pairing capabilities of the DNA bases to produce complex and mechanically stiff self-assembled nanoscale geometries. Recently, DNA origami has found uses in applications such as single molecule sensing, drug delivery and templating molecular components.

This review, by researchers from Ohio State University, sets out to explore the mechanical nature of DNA nanostructures in order to understand how these structures will respond to physical interactions. The review covers three major areas of progress, including measuring and designing mechanical properties of DNA nanostructures, designing complex nanostructures based on imposed mechanical stresses and, finally, designing and controlling structurally dynamic nanostructures.

For researchers interested in the future possibilities of DNA origami, this review should provide an insightful first stop for discussing the mechanical design of DNA nanostructures.

Mechanical design of DNA nanostructures
Carlos E. Castro, Hai-Jun Su, Alexander E. Marras, Lifeng Zhou and Joshua Johnson
Nanoscale, 2015, Advance Article. DOI: 10.1039/C4NR07153K

Dr Lee Barrett is a guest web writer for the Nanoscale blog. Lee is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Centre for Molecular Nanometrology at the University of Strathclyde. His research is currently focused on the development of nanoparticle-based sensors and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Follow him on twitter: @L_Bargie

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Poster prize winners at Nano India 2015

Professor Ajay K. Sood awarding a Nanoscale poster prize at Nano India 2015

Many congratulations to G. Rajaraman and E. Manikandan for winning the Nanoscale poster prizes at Nano India 2015.

G. Rajaraman, from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, won a prize for his poster entitled “New generation molecular nanomagnets”, and E. Manikandan’s poster was entitled “A fingerprint micro Raman spectroscopy study for few layered graphene formation on gold substrate by low energy ion implantation technique”. The prizes were awarded by Professor Ajay K. Sood from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

The conference was hosted by the Centre for Nanotechnology & Advanced Biomaterials (CeNTAB), SASTRA University, Thanjavur, on the 29-30th  January 2015. It is a national conference supported by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), and aims to promote the exchange of ideas and create a platform for collaborative research in interdisciplinary areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Further details are available on the conference website.

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HOT article: Effects of morphology and chemical doping on electrochemical properties of metal hydroxides in pseudocapacitors

With a limited amount of fossil fuels in the ground, developing alterative strategies for energy production is of the utmost importance.  However, without a way to store that energy, these endeavors could be futile.

From the team of Gyeonghee Lee, Chakrapani V. Varansi, and Jie Liu (an Associate Editor here at Nanoscale), comes one of this month’s HOT papers, “Effects of morphology and chemical doping on electrochemical properties of metal hydroxides in pseudocapacitors.” In this paper, the team’s specific metal hydroxide of interest is Ni(OH)2.

image file: c4nr06997h-s1.tif

Schematic illustration of the proposed mechanism for the morphology modification of Ni(OH)2 by glucose in the solvothermal medium.

Lee et al. state “…that both morphology control and chemical doping positively affect the electrochemical performance of Ni(OH)2 when applied individually.”  In this paper, they set out to determine what happens to the electrochemical performance when morphology and doping are combined instead of applied individually.  In order to investigate the effects of both, they chose a solvothermal synthesis route for metal hydroxide flakes, creating both cobalt-doped (CoxNi1-x(OH)2) and undoped particles (Ni(OH)2) that have varying amounts of D-glucose added.  For both the doped and undoped particles, four sets of particles are created, where 0, 10, 20, and 50% of the urea normally used in the solvothermal process is replaced by the D-glucose.  All of the particles were characterized with x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with the SEM showing that increasing amounts of glucose decreased flake size.  XRD and thermogravimetric analysis also revealed that increasing D-glucose amounts created an increase in the amount of interlayer water, with XRD also indicating degree of crystallinity decreased with increasing D-glucose.

In order to understand how the glucose affects morphology, the authors ran the solvothermal synthesis without the metal precursor. XRD and nuclear magnetic resonanace (NMR) data indicates the presence of ethyl-substituted glucose (formed during the synthesis process) instead of D-glucose.   The authors conclude that “…ethyl glucoside molecules can hinder the precursor diffusion and thus inhibit the metal hydroxide growth during synthesis.”

The electrochemical performance of all of the types of particle is evaluated using cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge–discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).  Increasing glucose levels on undoped particles increased specific capacitance and cobalt doping is also shown to improve specific capacitance.  Combining the two showed that specific capacitance increased up to 50% of Co doping, but was less effective above 50%.

Lee et al. find that “…the addition of glucose in the ethanol-mediated solvothermal synthesis effectively reduces the particle size of metal hydroxide flakes. The specific capacitance is improved as a result of the increased surface area and reduced particle size.”  In terms of specific capacitance, the higher interlayer water levels found for increasing glucose levels may make ion mobility easier in the materials, enhancing the specific capacitance of the doped-Ni(OH)2.  In the doped materials, the specific capacitance was increased with low doping and decreased with high doping.

In designing future iterations of Ni(OH)2 batteries, careful attention will need to be placed on both morphology and doping levels in order to find the best balance for electrochemical performance.

Effects of morphology and chemical doping on electrochemical properties of metal hydroxides in pseudocapacitors
Gyeonghee Lee, Chakrapani V. Varanasi and Jie Liu
Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 3181-3188. DOI: 10.1039/C4NR06997H

Stephanie E. Vasko is currently a Senior Research Assistant at The Rock Ethics Institute at the Pennsylvania State University in State College. Her research focuses on science communication, STEM education, and the intersections between art, craft, and science.  You can follow her on Twitter at @stephanievasko.

The opinions and views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not represent or reflect the opinion, views, or policy of the Pennsylvania State University, the Rock Ethics Institute, or the National Science Foundation.

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Shepherding cells – moving in the right direction?

image file: c4nr06594h-f1.tif

Schematic representation depicting the ability for an external magnetic field to attract magnetic nanoparticles which have been internalised within cells. For details please view the full article.

Superparamagnetic nanoparticles are widely used for non-invasive imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to their ability to only become magnetised under the influence of an external magnetic field. In this article, it is demonstrated that labelling cells with magnetite nanoparticles can allow for manipulation of both direction and speed of the migration of cells using an external magnet. Bespoke nanoparticles were synthesised with a positive charge to induce internalisation into two different cell lines that are important for wound repair. Placing labelled cells under the influence of an external magnetic field resulted in 2D migration of cells towards the magnet, whereas non-labelled cells (in a magnetic field) and labelled cells with no magnetic showed no directional movement.  The migration could be monitored by bright field and fluorescent microscopy as the nanoparticles contained a fluorescent tag.  The possibility of controlling cell mobility is suggested to have importance in not only cell therapies, but also tissue engineering and cell tracking. This tailored synthesis approach could also allow tracking of cells in vivo using a bi-modal imaging approach of dual MRI and whole animal fluorescence.

Manipulating Directional Cell Motility Using Intracellular Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
Michael Bradshaw, Tristan Clemons, Diwei Ho, Lucia Gutierrez, Francisco Lazaro, Michael House, Timothy Guy St Pierre, Mark Fear, Fiona Wood and Swaminathan Iyer
Nanoscale, 2015, Advance Article. DOI: 10.1039/C4NR06594H

Dr Mike Barrow is a guest web writer for the Nanoscale blog. He currently works as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Liverpool.

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Introducing our new Associate Editors: Xiaogang Liu, Hongxing Xu and Yves Dufrêne

We are pleased to introduce three new Associate Editors for Nanoscale: Xiaogang Liu, Hongxing Xu and Yves Dufrêne.

Professor Xiaogang Liu

Xiaogang is Dean’s Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the National University of Singapore. He obtained his B. Eng from the Beijing Technology and Business University in China, and MS degree in Chemistry from East Carolina University, US. After completing his PhD at Northwestern University in the US, Professor Liu worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), before joining the National University of Singapore. His research interests encompass supramolecular chemistry, materials science, and bioinorganic chemistry, specifically controlling assemblies of dynamically interacting biological molecules and understanding the relationship between structure and physical properties.

Xiaogang says: “I’m thrilled to take on a new role as an Associate Editor for Nanoscale, a forum that enables researchers to share their exciting work in the diverse field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. I look forward to working with members of our community and do hope to continue to improve the quality of the journal.”

Professor Hongxing Xu

Hongxing is Professor, the director of the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, and the Vice Dean of the School of Physics and Technology and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Wuhan University. His research is focused on surface enhanced spectroscopy and nanoplasmonics, in particular, phenomena, mechanisms, devices and applications based on surface plasmon resonances in novel metal nanostructure systems.

Professor Yves Dufrêne

Yves is a Research Director of the National Fund for Scientific Research and a Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium. He obtained his Bioengineering degree and PhD at UCL, then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Naval Research Laboratory, USA, before returning to UCL. He is interested in nanobioscience and nanobiotechnology, specifically in the development and use of advanced nanoscale techniques for analyzing biological systems. His research focuses on studying the nanoscale surface architecture, biophysical properties and molecular interactions of living cells – particularly microbial pathogens – using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The goals are to further understand key cellular functions, like cell adhesion, and to contribute to the development of nanoscopy techniques for the life sciences.

We are delighted to welcome Yves to the Nanoscale Editorial Board. He comments: “I am very honored and excited to become Associate Editor of such a great journal, definitely one of the very best in nanoscience. My main mission will be to promote publication of top-quality research in the fast moving area of nanobioscience and nanomedicine.”

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HOT article: A tunable submicro-optofluidic polymer filter based on guided-mode resonance

image file: c4nr07233b-f3.tif

SEM images of the polymer submicro-channels and photographs of the fabricated submicro-optofluidic PGMR filter with empty channels and with water filled channels, respectively.

Optical filters are routinely included in devices used for communications, displays and bio-sensing. One such class of optical filters, which have been frequently used, are guided-mode resonance (GMR) filters. Inherent errors with common GMR filters are assigned to fabrication difficulties and as a result, new classes of reconfigurable GMR filters have been created.

In this HOT article, Jin and co-workers have proposed and devised a novel polymer-based GMR (PGMR) which can be incorporated into lab on a chip devices and become tuned by the optical properties of the fluidic mixture present. The simple and low cost PGMR filter was fabricated in three stages, using two-beam interference lithography, floating nanofilm transfer, and finally, thermal bonding technology.

The tunability of this class of PGMR was tested by filling the fluidic channels with a range of liquid mixtures of differing refractive indices. The resulting PGMR exhibited high reflection efficiency in the visible wavelength region, a narrow band tuning range and a high tuning efficiency. The successful incorporation of the PGMR in an optofluidic device operating in the visible wavelength region opens up the possibility of the inclusion of such PGMR devices in future lab on a chip devices.

A tunable submicro-optofluidic polymer filter based on guided-mode resonance
Guohui Xiao, Qiangzhong Zhu, Yang Shen, Kezheng Li, Mingkai Liu, Qiandong Zhuang and Chongjun Jin
Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 3429-3434. DOI: 10.1039/C4NR07233B.

Dr Derek Craig is a guest web writer for the Nanoscale blog. He is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of St. Andrews based in the fields of Biophotonics and Materials Science. With a background in chemistry, his work mainly focuses on the synthesis of nano to meso materials and the use of imaging techniques to study biological samples.
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HOT article: Glance into the nanoparticle-imprinted mirror antenna (NIMA)

An ultrahigh-sensitivity plasmonic antenna (NIMA)

Researchers using surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) are always on the look out for new substrates that take advantage of coupled metallic nanoparticles to improve sensitivity.  In this HOT article, researchers from Taiwan have introduced NIMAs (nanoparticle (NP)-imprinted mirror antennas) for exactly this purpose.

The researchers deposited Ag on a polycarbonate substrate and used Si molds to create 2D periodic nanostructures, which were then used to create NIMAs by self-assembling Ag nanoparticles onto the Ag mirrors.  The formation of 2D nanoclusters on the mirror results in more intense Raman signals as a result of electromagnetic coupling between the NPs in the clusters. NIMAs have several advantages over other SERS-active substrates. For example, NIMAs gain broadband enhancement from single structures, rather than from various substrates with different morphologies. Also, using a deeper, more consistent structure and tuning the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) modes can drastically improve the SERS enhancement observed from NIMAs.

The researchers have produced a SERS-active substrate that is compatible in the visible to near-infrared regime and is capable of detecting rhodamine 6G at a concentration as low as 10-15 M.  These attractive advantages should be enough for any SERS researcher to reflect on the possibility of adopting NIMAs as a sensing platform in the future.

Chen-Chieh Yu, Yi-Chuan Tseng, Pao-Yun Su, Keng-Te Lin, Chang-Ching Shao, Sin-Yi Chou, Yu-Ting Yen and Hsuen-Li Chen
Nanoscale, 2015, Advance Article. DOI: 10.1039/C4NR05902F.

Dr Lee Barrett is a guest web writer for the Nanoscale blog. Lee is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Centre for Molecular Nanometrology at the University of Strathclyde. His research is currently focused on the development of nanoparticle-based sensors and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS).

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Poster prize winners at the International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC)

Many congratulations to P. S. Pramod and Nilesh Deshpande from the Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science Education & Research for winning the Nanoscale poster prize at the International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC), with their poster entitled “Dextran Nanovesicles for Loading and delivering Anticancer Drugs”.

The conference took place at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India on the 11-15th  January 2015 and aims to enhance scientific communication between global investigators in chemical biology as well as promote the development of molecular biosciences and related fields. Dr Yamuna Krishnan, one of Nanoscale‘s Associate Editors, was a member of the Organizing Committee. Further information about the conference can be found on the event website.

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Poster prize winners at the 5th DEA-BRNS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC-2014)

Congratulations to Mr S. J. Pawar from North Maharashtra University and Mr. S. P. Mundinamani from Karnatak University for winning the Nanoscale and Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prizes, respectively, at the 5th DEA-BRNS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC-2014).

Mr Pawar receiving the Nanoscale poster prize

Mr Pawar won the Nanoscale prize for his poster entitled “Silver Nanoparticle Based Catalytic Conversion of 4-nitrophenol to Paracetamol in Aqueous Medium”, and Mr Mundinamani’s poster entitled “Supercapacitors Based on CdO Thin Films” won the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prize.

The conference took place at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai on the 9-13th December 2014. Further information about the conference can be found on the event website.


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A simple method for the preparation of ultra-small palladium nanoparticles and their utilization for the hydrogenation of terminal alkyne groups to alkanes

(A) Phenyl acetylene penetrating the Pd-NP in the ligand shell and (B) styrene cannot get attached on the ligand capped Pd-NP.

Whether or not we actively think about it, catalysts effect our every day lives.  With applications in automobiles and chemical reactions, catalysts enable modern technologies and have been the subject of much recent research and investment.

When it comes to innovation in catalyst design, Seth et al.’s November 2014 Communication demonstrates a way to create smaller, more selective monolayer-protected palladium nanoparticles (Pd NPs).  While they use a common digestive ripening method, the authors indicate that they perform a unique synthesis step for their Pd NPs; unlike in the traditional synthesis, they do not remove the surfactant during their reflux stage.  Using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoparticle sizes were calculated to be 1.5 and ~1.8 nm respectively.  XRD and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed the presence of Pd(0), while the presence of organic molecules (owing to the ligand shell) was demonstrated via thermogravimetric analysis.

In terms of catalyst action, the authors hypothesize that terminal alkynes can penetrate the ligand shell and undergo hydrogenation to alkenes while other functional groups may not be able to penetrate the shell.  In order to test this hypothesis, they incubated their Pd NPs with phenyl acetylene and styrene and evaluated the results using both Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and XPS.  Results indicated that phenyl acetylene interacted with the Pd surface, while the styrene-incubated surfaces showed no such result.  Additionally, according to Seth et al., the MLP Pd NPs could be reused four to five times.

While the authors note that steric hindrance plays a role in this selectivity, they leave the complete mechanism for selectivity for future work.

A simple method for the preparation of ultra-small palladium nanoparticles and their utilization for the hydrogenation of terminal alkyne groups to alkanes
Jhumur Seth, Chandrababu Naidu Kona, Shyamsundar Das and B. L. V. Prasad
Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 872-876. DOI: 10.1039/C4NR04239E

Stephanie E. Vasko is currently a Senior Research Assistant at The Rock Ethics Institute at the Pennsylvania State University in State College. Her research focuses on science communication, STEM education, and the intersections between art, craft, and science.  You can follow her on Twitter at @stephanievasko.

The opinions and views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not represent or reflect the opinion, views, or policy of the Pennsylvania State University, the Rock Ethics Institute, or the National Science Foundation.

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