Archive for the ‘Nanoscale’ Category

Direct real-time detection of single proteins using silicon nanowire-based electrical circuits

The development of analytical devices that convert biological response into an electrical signal is a very important goal with great potential benefits for clinical diagnostics, environmental science, and defense.

In a recent communication published in Nanoscale, researchers discuss findings from a newly developed single silicon nanowire (SiNW) based biosensor, which is able to directly detect protein adsorption/desorption at single-molecule resolutions.

Fig. 1 Schematic demonstration of SiNW FET-based electrical biosensors, where Au electrodes are passivated by using a thermally deposited 50 nm-thick SiO2 layer. The inset shows how His-tag F1-ATPase is immobilized on the surface of SiNWs through Ni2+ chelation.

SiNW’s were synthesised following an Au-catalysed vapor deposition method and then high-density SiNW array devices were fabricated on silicon substrates using photolithography. Subsequently the devices were functionalized in a stepwise manner to impart the biomolecule recognizing Nickel functionality, and characterized with XPS and FTIR spectroscopy.

By combining theses devices with microfluidic systems, the authors were able to achieve real-time, direct detection of the chelation between Nickel and the imidazole of His-tags in the target biomolecules (F1 ATPases) at the single-event level. This nondestructive and label-free sensor shows great promise for number verification and real-time monitoring of proteins in complex biological systems.

Direct real-time detection of single proteins using silicon nanowire-based electrical circuits
Jie Li, Gen He, Hiroshi Ueno, Chuancheng Jia, Hiroyuki Noji, Chuanmin Qi and Xuefeng Guo
Nanoscale, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6NR04103E

Alexander Cook is a guest web writer for the RSC journal blogs. He is a PhD researcher in the Perrier group at the University of Warwick, focusing on polymer materials and their use in various applications. Follow him on twitter @alexcook222

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Top 10 Reviewers for Nanoscale

In celebration of Peer Review Week, with the theme of Recognition for Review – we would like to highlight the top 10 reviewers for Nanoscale in 2016, as selected by the editor for their significant contribution to the journal.

Name Institution
Dr Yuchao Yang Peking University
Professor Shu-Hong Yu University of Science and Technology of China
Professor Zhuang Liu Soochow University
Professor Haibo Zeng Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Dr Katsuhiko Ariga National Institute for Materials Science
Professor David Lou Nanyang Technological University
Dr Yu-Lun Chueh National Tsinghua Univeristy
Dr Wolfgang Parak Philipps University Marburg
Dr Jihang Lee University of Michigan
Dr Ilia Valov Research Centre Juelich

We would like to say a massive thank you to these reviewers as well as the Nanoscale board and all of the nanoscience community for their continued support of the journal, as authors, reviewers and readers.

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pH-responsive polyrotaxane self-assembly leads to exciting stimuli-responsive nanoparticles

Polyrotaxanes are an exciting class of materials that in recent years have found applications in self-healing materials, coatings, nanomedicine, and biomaterials. This interesting supramolecular polymer architecture conveys unusual and dynamic properties not found in conventional covalently bonded polymer materials.

Fig. 1 DLS (number) analysis of PRX 5 (0.1 mg mL−1 ) at pH 7.2 (continuous line) and the self-assembly of PRX 5 into SA-PRX 5 at pH 2 (dashed line).

Commercially available PEG of 10 and 20 kDa were threaded into CDs with two different threading degrees of 28% and 65%. The CDs were modified with succinic anhydride to give approximately 4 carboxylic acid groups per CD ring.

At neutral pH, the 28% threaded polyrotaxanes formed self-assembled nanoparticles due to movement of the CD units along polymer chains to form segregated regions of more hydrophobic CD in the core and PEG chains at the periphery. When the pH of the polymer solution was less than 3 the subsequently charged CDs electrostatically repel each other and the nanoparticles fall apart to give their corresponding unimolecular polyrotaxanes in an extended conformation. By cycling the pH of the polyrotaxane system, nanoparticles can be formed and disassembled up to three times.

These nanoparticles are proposed to be of interest and significance for oral drug delivery systems that could be responsive to the lumen of the stomach (pH 1 – 3.8), and thus release therapeutics when the nanoparticles dissociate at low pH values.

Nanoparticles assembled via pH-responsive reversible segregation of cyclodextrins in polyrotaxanes
Blaise L. Tardy, Shereen Tan, Henk H. Dam, Hirotaka Ejima, Anton Blencowe, Greg G. Qiao and Frank Caruso
Nanoscale, 2016, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C6NR04841B

Alexander Cook is a guest web writer for the RSC journal blogs. He is a PhD researcher in the Perrier group at the University of Warwick, focusing on polymer materials and their use in various applications. Follow him on twitter @alexcook222

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HOT article: Ultra-small lipid–polymer hybrid nanoparticles for tumor-penetrating drug delivery

When it comes to cancer treatment, smaller can sometimes be better, as a new HOT article published in Nanoscale has shown. New ultra-small hybrid nanoparticles, developed by Jiangfang Zhang and a team based at the University of California, have proven highly effective at delivering anti-cancer drugs in mice – the nanoparticles, which are under 25nm in size, could penetrate deep into the tumours of the mice to release the drug where it would be most effective.

The size of drug delivery nanocarriers has a crucial role in how effective they are at moving through the body: too large, and they will be cleared by the liver; too small, and they will be filtered by the kidneys. Cancer drug carriers work best at sizes below 50nm, where they can more easily infiltrate tumours, but preventing such small particles from aggregating once synthesised can be a challenge. Zhang’s team used both lipids and polymers to make their nanoparticles highly stable, even in physiological conditions –  the polymer cores took up the hydrophobic drug, while the lipid coating provided stability and protection from the aqueous environment of the body.

The nanoparticles were targeted to tumour cells by conjugating them to folate ligands – when injected into mice with induced tumours, the number of target nanoparticles present within the tumours was three times that of non-targeted carriers. What’s more, the anti-cancer drug docetaxel could be loaded into the nanoparticles and used to treat the mice, with highly promising results. Over half of the mice treated with the hybrid nanocarriers were still alive 64 days after having tumours induced, a significant extension compared to a clinically used drug treatment.

Read the full article here:

Ultra-small lipid–polymer hybrid nanoparticles for tumor-penetrating drug delivery

Diana Dehaini, Ronnie H. Fang, Brian T. Luk, Zhiqing Pang, Che-Ming J. Hu, Ashley V. Kroll, Chun Lai Yu,  Weiwei Gao and Liangfang Zhang*
Nanoscale, 2016, Advance Article

Susannah May is a guest web writer for the RSC Journal blogsShe currently works in the Publishing Department of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and has a keen interest in biology and biomedicine, and the frontiers of their intersection with chemistry. She can be found on Twitter using @SusannahCIMay.

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The role of advanced nanomaterials in tackling key global challenges

Duncan Graham, University of Strathclyde

Kian Ping Loh, National University of Singapore

As human demand on earth’s limited resources continues to grow and evolve, global challenges are emerging that require solutions to sustain the quality of life and improve communities where socio-economic disparities remain.  The chemical sciences, and in particular advanced nanomaterials, can play a leading role in providing solutions to some of these global challenges.  Top of the list in terms of the most pressing global challenges is the change in our environment.  For instance, the quality of air that we breathe is being affected by industrialization and other human activities. Can more efficient chemical processes be devised to reduce the release of pollutants into the atmosphere? Or can new materials be produced which sequester and maintain the quality of the air which we are used to breathing?

Climate change has been discussed since the 1830s and it is clear that human activities are having a highly detrimental effect on our climate.  Can nanoscience provide solutions to reduce the rising temperatures experienced globally? Can chemistry have a role in understanding some of the mechanisms that are resulting in climate change and as a result provide effective mediation measures?

Water is the major component of the surface of our planet – however an alarmingly large number of countries struggle to have access to this most basic necessity for drinking, agriculture and sanitation.  Can chemistry and advanced nanomaterials provide solutions to new desalination processes? Or be used to harness solar energy to provide sanitation in remote parts of the globe?

In addition to our environmental concerns, the human population is increasing in some parts of the world which results in a greater demand for food, energy and agricultural lands; this all contributes to increasing food prices.  Can we find chemical solutions to enhance the ability to feed our growing population and can these be effective solutions in the areas that need it most?

With a rapidly aging population in many developed countries, health is also a concern across the globe.  People are living longer – health monitoring and diagnostics create the need for wearable, portable sensors. With the boundaries between countries becoming increasingly transparent, infectious diseases, caused by rapidly mutating biological agents, are potentially worrying. Anti-microbial resistance features prominently in the national research agenda of many countries. Drug discovery is taking longer and costing more than it should.  Can chemistry, and in particular advanced nanomaterials, play a role in addressing some of these health challenges which are common to all countries across the globe?  Can we produce new materials for sensing, diagnosis of disease or produce a therapeutic effect using different mechanisms to traditional small molecule drugs?

Finally, all of the earth’s activities require energy and we have to move towards a sustainable energy future.  Can chemistry play a role in providing new materials which can harvest solar energy efficiently? Furthermore, can we safely harness the potential cleanliness of nuclear fuel? How can bioenergy be used to create a sustainable future based on renewables?  These global challenges affect everyone on the planet and unless steps are taken now, with a strong scientific basis for the solutions, the future health and wellbeing of the global civilisation is at risk.


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iPAINT: brushing-up on super resolution microscopy

In recent years, super-resolution microscopy has enabled researchers to explore biological interfaces at the nanoscale. Single-molecule localization methods, such as point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (PAINT), are fundamental techniques for studying the morphology and architecture of living matter. While super-resolution microscopy techniques like PAINT have acquired the interest of researchers in biology, it remains elusive to applications in soft matter and materials science.

In issue 16 of Nanoscale, researchers from the Netherlands have endeavoured to overcome the limitations of PAINT, such as a pre-requisite for hydrophobic domains or specific ligand/receptor pairs, by introducing interface point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (iPAINT). In short, this new technique enables nanometre resolution imaging of interfaces by non-covalent, continuous labelling during imaging. This was achieved by labelling silica nanoparticles with polyethylene glycol (PEG) end-functionalized with a photoactivatable rhodamine analogue (PEG552) that is able to continuously adsorb and desorb from the interface. This method of labelling is essential for interfaces such as emulsions, foams and crystals like ice.

By employing iPAINT as a generic imaging method, the authors are able to obtain super-solution images at different interfaces in 3D. This innovation allows users to develop PAINT in other fields, such as colloid and interface science, food science, soft matter physics and nanotechnology.

iPAINT: a general approach tailored to image the topology of interfaces with nanometer resolution
A. Aloi, N. Vilanova, L. Albertazzi and I. K. Voets
Nanoscale, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6NR00445H

Dr Lee Barrett is a guest web writer for the Nanoscale blog. Lee is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Centre for Molecular Nanometrology at the University of Strathclyde. His research is currently focused on the development of nanoparticle-based sensors and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Follow him on twitter @L_Bargie

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Siligraphene gets serious about solar cells: Nanoscale article featured in Chemistry World

Theoretical scientists have predicted SiC7 – a new phase of the graphene–silicene hybrid siligraphene, which if synthesisable, could revolutionise flexible optoelectronic devices such as solar cells.

A charge density map reveals delocalised π bonds in SiC7 siligraphene's irregular hexagonal rings

SiC7 siligraphene has an interesting structure with a graphene-like honeycomb lattice, but unlike graphene, its hexagonal rings are irregular. The scientists expect SiC7 siligraphene to be much better than SiC2 siligraphene and single-layer black phosphorus at absorbing sunlight. Additionally, broken symmetry caused by silicon doping would create band gaps that boost its optoelectronic properties.

Interested to know more? Read the full article by Suzanne Howson in Chemistry World.

The original article is free to access and can be read at:

SiC7 siligraphene: a novel donor material with extraordinary sunlight absorption
Huilong Dong, Liujiang Zhou, Thomas Frauenheim, Tingjun Hou, Shuit-Tong Lee and Youyong Li
Nanoscale, 2016,8, 6994-6999.

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Go with the (lateral) flow

Lateral flow assays (LFA) have become a promising tool in the diagnostics market in recent years due to their low cost, ease of use and short assay times. The simplicity of their use extends to the inclusion of, typically, gold nanoparticle labels that provide a visual confirmation, due to their distinctive red colour, of a particular target analyte. However, limitations, such as quantitative analysis and assay sensitivity, can hinder their broader use in diagnostics.

To overcome these limitations, researchers from South Korea have utilised surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) to detect staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) on a LFA strip. The authors have opted to use Raman reporter-labelled hollow gold nanospheres (HGNs) instead of the conventional gold nanoparticle labels. Using HGNs, the authors were able to detect as low as 0.001 ng/mL of SEB, which is about three orders of magnitude more sensitive than the conventional ELISA-based method for SEB.

These researchers demonstrates that SERS can be utilised to overcome the limitations of conventional LFAs in order to achieve greater assay sensitivity without deviating from the original LFA design.

Application of a SERS-based lateral flow immunoassay strip for the rapid and sensitive detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B
Joonki Hwang, Sangyeop Lee and Jaebum Choo
Nanoscale, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR07243C

Dr Lee Barrett is a guest web writer for the Nanoscale blog. Lee is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Centre for Molecular Nanometrology at the University of Strathclyde. His research is currently focused on the development of nanoparticle-based sensors and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Follow him on twitter @L_Bargie

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Emerging topic: Two-dimensional materials

Two-dimensional materials research is an emerging topic area, in particular their application in electronic devices. To help our readers stay up to date we have collected papers published in Nanoscale into one online web collection entitled 2D materials for electronic devices.

Editor’s Choice selection from Associate Editor, Professor Andrea Ferarri

A highly conducting graphene film with dual-side molecular n-doping
Youngsoo Kim, Jaesung Park, Junmo Kang, Je Min Yoo, Kyoungjun Choi, Eun Sun Kim, Jae-Boong Choi, Chanyong Hwang, K. S. Novoselov and Byung Hee Hong
Nanoscale, 2014,6, 9545-9549

“Graphene has many record properties. It is transparent like (or better than) plastic, but conducts heat and electricity better than any metal, it is an elastic film, behaves as an impermeable membrane, and it is chemically inert and stable. Thus it seems ideal as the next generation transparent conductor. There is a need to find a substitute for indium tin oxide (ITO) in the manufacturing of various types of displays and touch screens, due to the brittleness of indium that makes it difficult to use them when flexibility is a requirement. Graphene is an ideal candidate for such a task. Thus, coupled with carbon’s abundance, this presents a more sustainable alternative to ITO. Prototypes of graphene-based displays have been produced and commercial products seem imminent.

One drawback is that, in order to beat ITO’s conductivity, graphene needs to be doped. Kim et al. report a dual-side molecular doping method, demonstrating effective work function modulation, high carrier density and significant reduction of sheet resistance in large area graphene samples grown by chemical vapour deposition. With further optimization, their approach may enable a variety of practical applications of graphene films requiring low sheet resistance comparable to indium tin oxide (ITO), as well as high transparency and flexibility.”

Here are some popular articles from the collection:

Graphene-analogue carbon nitride: novel exfoliation synthesis and its application in photocatalysis and photoelectrochemical selective detection of trace amount of Cu2+
Hui Xu, Jia Yan, Xiaojie She, Li Xu, Jiexiang Xia, Yuanguo Xu, Yanhua Song, Liying Huang and Huaming Li
Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 1406-1415

Electrochemical properties of CVD grown pristine graphene: monolayer- vs. quasi-graphene
Dale A. C. Brownson, Sarah A. Varey, Fiazal Hussain, Sarah J. Haigh and Craig E. Banks
Nanoscale, 2014,6, 1607-1621

Transparent conductors composed of nanomaterials
Michael Layani, Alexander Kamyshny and Shlomo Magdassi
Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 5581-5591

Access the full collection here!

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HOT article: Ionizing radiation improves glioma-specific targeting of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with cmHsp70.1 monoclonal antibodies (SPION–cmHsp70.1)

In this HOT article, tumour-specific targeting using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) combined with ionising radiation is investigated. Heat shock protein Hsp70 is known to be expressed by cells exposed to stressful conditions or specifically on the membrane of highly aggressive tumour cells.  SPIONs, which are negative contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were synthesised to contain the Hsp70 specific antibody (cmHsp70.1) to increase uptake into various tumour cells.

Conjugation of the cmHsp70.1 was accomplished by introducing amine groups to the dextran polymer coating of SPIONs, allowing covalent attachment to the carboxylic acid functional groups of the antibody through carbodiimide coupling. This was shown to dramatically increase loading of iron oxide into various tumour cells, compared to unconjugated SPIONs. By exposing cells to a non-lethal dose of ionising radiation, additional uptake could be achieved as cells express more of the heat shock mHsp70.

The differences in uptake can be seen in the figure below in both in vivo and in vitro environments using MRI and fluorescence microscopy, respectively. This approach has the potential to be clinically relevant for both diagnosis and therapy of tumours.

Figure 1 Targeting of the orthotopic C6 glioma by SPION–cmHsp70.1 conjugates. (A) Magnetic resonance images for the control, non-irradiated animals treated with SPIONs, SPION–cmHsp70.1 particles and irradiated rats (10 Gy) treated with SPION–cmHsp70.1. Images were obtained in RARE-T1, TurboRARE-T2 and FLASH regimens. Retention of the nanoparticles in the tumor presented as hypotensive zones on T2-weighted and gradient echo images (red arrows). (B) Immunofluorescent images of the brain tumor stained with anti-Hsp70 antibodies (green). Nuclei stained with DAPI (blue). Nanoparticles detected using reflective laser scanning at 488 nm (red). Scale bar, 40 μm.

Ionizing radiation improves glioma-specific targeting of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with cmHsp70.1 monoclonal antibodies (SPION–cmHsp70.1)
Maxim A. Shevtsov, Boris P. Nikolaev, Vyacheslav A. Ryzhov, Ludmila Y. Yakovleva, Yaroslav Y. Marchenko, Marina A. Parr, Valerij I. Rolich, Anastasiya L. Mikhrina, Anatolii V. Dobrodumov, Emil Pitkin and Gabriele Multhoff
Nanoscale, 2015,7, 20652-20664, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR06521F, Paper

Dr Mike Barrow is a guest web writer for the Nanoscale blog, he currently works as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Liverpool. Twitter: @mikesyb

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