Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

Nanoscale Board Member talks at Biophysical Society Meeting

Nanoscale Editorial Board member Molly Stevens (Imperial College London) gave a talk at the Annual Biophysical Society meeting yesterday.

This was the first time Professor Stevens had been invited to talk at the Biophysical Society Meeting, and her lecture on her research into tissue engineering was very well received. Her research focusses on the regeneration of tissue, with a focus on engineering new bone tissue.

She also discussed her collaborative research on sub-nanoscale patterning which she did with Francesco Stellacci’s group (Nanoscale Editor-in-Chief) – find out more about Nanoscale and our Editorial Board at

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Chemical Nanoscience Symposium

Chemical Nanoscience Symposium

30th March 2011
Newcastle University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK

Organised by: RSC Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Interest Group


Thomas Wandlowski, Univeristy of Bern, Switzerland

Paula Mendes, University of Birmingham, UK

Andrew Pike, Newcastle University, UK

Felix Zamora, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Richard Nichols, University of Liverpool, UK

Karl Coleman, Durham University, UK

Free registration: closes the 6th March

More information on how to register for this one day symposium can be found here

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International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology

International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology

ChinaNANO 2011

September 7-9 2011, Beijing

ChinaNANO 2011 is an international conference intended to stimulate discussions on the forefront of research in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The conference will focus on inorganic nanomaterials and MOFs, carbon nanomaterials, organic and polymeric nanomaterials, nanocomposites and applications, nanodevices and nanosystem, nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine, characterization and standards of nanostructures, nano-optics and plasmonics, as well as modeling and simulation of nanostructures.

Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2011

Registration deadline: 30 June 2011

For information, please visit the conference website.

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Advances in Semiconductor Nanowires Research

Nanoscale is delighted to be collaborating with the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2011) and will be publishing a collection of papers resulting from the high-quality research presented at the meeting on ‘Advances in Semiconductor Nanowires Research’.

Abstract submission deadline for ICMAT 2011: 15 January 2011

Deadline for submissions to the Nanoscale issue: 1 August 2011

Please indicate upon submission that your paper is from this conference. All articles will be subject to rigorous peer-review according to the journal’s usual standards.

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Meet the team at ACS Fall 2010

Philip EarisManaging Editor, Philip Earis, will be at the ACS Fall 2010 National Meeting and Exposition in Boston.

Let us know if you are going to be there and visit Booth 801, where you can find out the latest news from RSC Publishing.

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