Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

Highlights from ChinaNANO

The Nanoscale Editorial Office is delighted at the success of the Nanoscience Symposium which occurred at the ChinaNANO 2015 conference in Beijing from 3rd-5th September. This one-day symposium included talks from the Nanoscale Associate Editors about their latest research covering topics such as carbon nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, bionanomaterials, nanophotonics, nanoclusters and nanocrystals.

Some articles submitted to Nanoscale from delegates of the ChinaNANO 2015 conference can be found below.

Surface coating of siRNA-peptidomimetic nano-self-assemblies with anionic lipid bilayers: Enhanced gene silencing and reduced adverse effects in vitro
Xianghui Zeng, Anne Marit de Groot, Alice Sijts, Femke Broere, Erik Oude Blenke, Stefano Colombo, Willem van Eden, Henrik Franzyk, Hanne M Nielsen and Camilla Foged
Nanoscale, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04807A

Strong metal-support interaction in novel core-shell Au-CeO2 nanostructures induced by different pretreatment atmospheres and its influence on CO oxidation
Zhihua Wang, Huifen Fu, Ziwei Tian, Dongmei Han and Fubo Gu
Nanoscale, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR06929G

Fabrication of ultra-thin silicon nanowire arrays using ion beam assisted chemical etching
Zhiyuan Tan, Wenjia Shi, Chungang Guo, Quan Zhang, Liang Yang, Xiaoling Wu, Guo-an Cheng and Ruiting Zheng
Nanoscale, 2015,7, 17268-17273, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR02876K

Ethanol-assisted gel chromatography for single-chirality separation of carbon nanotubes
Xiang Zeng, Jinwen Hu, Xiao Zhang, Naigen Zhou, Weiya Zhou, Huaping Liu and Sishen Xie
Nanoscale, 2015,7, 16273-16281, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04116C

There was a great turn-out and we received a lot of useful feedback from the attendees.

A prominent highlight of the event was the reception organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry to celebrate the launch of Nanoscale Horizons as well as the Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons partnership with the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) in Beijing which included cutting an enormous cake!

Left to right: Xiaodong Chen, Fiona McKenzie, Chunli Bai and Xingyu Jiang

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Poster prize winners at the 10th Sino-US Symposium on Nanoscale Science and Technology

Many congratulations to Chuanbo Gao and Mengyu Yan for winning the Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons poster prizes at the 10th Sino-US Symposium on Nanoscale Science and Technology.

Chuanbo, from the Xi’An Jiaotong University, and Mengyu, from Wuhan University, won prizes for their posters entitled “Etching-free epitaxial growth of gold on silver nanostructures for high chemical stability and plasmonic activity” and “Vanadium oxide/graphene nanocomposite for advanced lithium battery”, respectively.

The 10th Sino-US Symposium on Nanoscale Science and Technology took place from 26th to 28th June 2015 at Wuhan University of Technology, China. The conference is organised by the Wuhan University of Technology, University of California, Los Angeles, and Wuhan University, and aims to provide a platform for scholars, experts, research institutes, and companies to share the latest research progress in nanoscience and technology research. This year’s event was the largest symposium ever held in the history of the Forum, with over 1,000 participants. Further details are available on the conference website.

Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons will be awarding more prizes throughout the year – keep an eye out to find out about the winners!

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6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ChinaNANO 2015)

ChinaNANO 2015

Nanoscale is proud to collaborate with the 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ChinaNANO 2015), which will be held at the Beijing International Convention Center in Beijing, China on 3-5 September 2015. The conference is organised by the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China. Professor Chunli Bai will act as the Chairman of the organising committee.

ChinaNANO 2015 aims to stimulate discussions on the forefront of research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, focusing on the following topics: carbon nanomaterials, inorganic nanomaterials and MOFs, self-assembly and supramolecules, nanocomposites and applications, energy and environmental nanotechnology, nanophotonics and optoelectronics, nanodevices and nanosystems, nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine, nanocharacterization and metrology, modelling and simulation of nanostructures, and the environment, safety and health of nanomaterials.

Submit your abstract now – the deadline is 30 April 2015. For more information, please see the conference website.

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Poster prize winners at Nano India 2015

Professor Ajay K. Sood awarding a Nanoscale poster prize at Nano India 2015

Many congratulations to G. Rajaraman and E. Manikandan for winning the Nanoscale poster prizes at Nano India 2015.

G. Rajaraman, from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, won a prize for his poster entitled “New generation molecular nanomagnets”, and E. Manikandan’s poster was entitled “A fingerprint micro Raman spectroscopy study for few layered graphene formation on gold substrate by low energy ion implantation technique”. The prizes were awarded by Professor Ajay K. Sood from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

The conference was hosted by the Centre for Nanotechnology & Advanced Biomaterials (CeNTAB), SASTRA University, Thanjavur, on the 29-30th  January 2015. It is a national conference supported by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), and aims to promote the exchange of ideas and create a platform for collaborative research in interdisciplinary areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Further details are available on the conference website.

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Poster prize winners at the International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC)

Many congratulations to P. S. Pramod and Nilesh Deshpande from the Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science Education & Research for winning the Nanoscale poster prize at the International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC), with their poster entitled “Dextran Nanovesicles for Loading and delivering Anticancer Drugs”.

The conference took place at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India on the 11-15th  January 2015 and aims to enhance scientific communication between global investigators in chemical biology as well as promote the development of molecular biosciences and related fields. Dr Yamuna Krishnan, one of Nanoscale‘s Associate Editors, was a member of the Organizing Committee. Further information about the conference can be found on the event website.

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Poster prize winners at the 5th DEA-BRNS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC-2014)

Congratulations to Mr S. J. Pawar from North Maharashtra University and Mr. S. P. Mundinamani from Karnatak University for winning the Nanoscale and Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prizes, respectively, at the 5th DEA-BRNS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC-2014).

Mr Pawar receiving the Nanoscale poster prize

Mr Pawar won the Nanoscale prize for his poster entitled “Silver Nanoparticle Based Catalytic Conversion of 4-nitrophenol to Paracetamol in Aqueous Medium”, and Mr Mundinamani’s poster entitled “Supercapacitors Based on CdO Thin Films” won the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prize.

The conference took place at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai on the 9-13th December 2014. Further information about the conference can be found on the event website.


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ICMAT2013 Article Collection

We are pleased to introduce the following collection of articles marking the 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2013). Guest Edited by Professor Hua Zhang (Nanyang Technical University), this collection highlights some of the high quality research presented at the conference, which took place last year on 30th June-5th July in Singapore. The ICMAT meeting is a biennial event organised by the Materials Research Society of Singapore and attracts over 2000 delegates from all over the world.

The ICMAT2013 collection includes a Mini-review, a Communication article, and two full papers. We hope you enjoy reading them.

Wei Yao and Yong Sheng Zhao
Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 3467-3473 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR04654K
Chong-Bo Ma, Xiaoying Qi, Bo Chen, Shuyu Bao, Zongyou Yin, Xue-Jun Wu, Zhimin Luo, Jun Wei, Hao-Li Zhang and Hua Zhang
Nanoscale, 2014, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C3NR04975B
Yu-Hsuan Hsiao, Cheng-Ying Chen, Li-Chuan Huang, Guan-Jhong Lin, Der-Hsien Lien, Jian-Jang Huang and Jr-Hau He
Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 2624-2628 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR05226E
General synthesis of noble metal (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt) nanocrystal modified MoS2 nanosheets and the enhanced catalytic activity of Pd–MoS2 for methanol oxidation
Lihui Yuwen, Fei Xu, Bing Xue, Zhimin Luo, Qi Zhang, Biqing Bao, Shao Su, Lixing Weng, Wei Huang and Lianhui Wang  
Nanoscale, 2014, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C3NR06084E
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Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS15) – call for abstracts

Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS15) – call for abstracts

Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS15) will be the 15th conference in the highly successful International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences (ISACS) series.

Abstracts are now invited for this event so submit today and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to present your work alongside scientists from across the globe.

For details of speakers and conferences themes, please visit the dedicated website.

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Nanoscale Cake Definitely Not Nanoscale

Last week Nanoscale held a cake reception at the ChinaNANO13 conference in Beijing to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST). The journal Nanoscale is a collaborative venture between RSC Publishing NCNST in Beijing.

The ChinaNANO13 conference was the fifth biennial International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology. The conference covered all things nano from carbon nanomaterials to nanobiotechnology. The only thing there that wasn’t nano was the Nanoscale Cake, which was quite enormous.

Nanoscale has also published a collection of articles, guest edited by Xingyu Jiang to mark the 10th anniversary of NCNST. Take a look at the collection here.

Royal Society of Chemistry - NCNST cake

Chunli Bai, Philip Earis, Xingyu Jiang and Jie Liu cutting the cake with a hungry crowd behind

Crowd at ChinaNANO13 enjoying the cake

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UK-China Symposium of New Energy Materials and Nanotechnology

The Chinese Society of Chemical Science and Technology in the UK (CSCST-UK) is professional organisation organised by Chinese Scholars currently working in the UK. It was established in April 1994 in London with the help of the Education Section of Chinese Embassy in the UK.
The society aims to promote academic communications among members and strengthen academic exchange between UK and China.

The Society and Zhengzhou University co-organized a UK-China Symposium of New Energy Materials and Nanotechnology in July 2012 and Nanoscale was pleased to publish the following papers in association with the conference:

Enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity of mesoporous TiO2−xNx derived from the ethylenediamine-based complex
Zheng Jiang, Liang Kong, Feraih Sh. Alenazey, Yangdong Qian, Liam France, Tiancun Xiao and Peter P. Edwards
Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 5396-5402
DOI: 10.1039/C3NR00344B

Tunable Pt nanocatalysts for the aerobic selox of cinnamyl alcohol
Lee J. Durndell, Christopher M. A. Parlett, Nicole S. Hondow, Karen Wilson and Adam F. Lee
Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 5412-5419
DOI: 10.1039/C3NR00184A

Silver nanoparticles-decorated polyphosphazene nanotubes: synthesis and applications
Minghuan Wang, Jianwei Fu, Dandan Huang, Chao Zhang and Qun Xu
Nanoscale, 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3NR00010A

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Delegates at the 2012 UK-China Symposium of New Energy Materials and Nanotechnology

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