Titanium falls flat in an eight-membered boron ring

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry
(a) Top and (b) side views of the ball and stick model of the predicted 2D TiB4 monolayer. Titanium and boron atoms are denoted by grey and pink spheres, respectively. The black square marks a unit cell
Researchers in China and the US have predicted the first two-dimensional material to contain completely planar octacoordinate transition metal atoms – TiB4. If scientists can make it, the monolayer would contain edge-sharing wheels of eight-membered boron rings with a central titanium atom.
To read the full article visit Chemistry World.
Two-dimensional TiB4 Monolayer Exhibits Planar Octacoordinate Ti
Xin Qu, Jian Lv, Yanchao Wang, Jinghai Yang, Zhongfang Chen and Yanming Ma
Nanoscale, 2017, Accepted Manuscript