Wenping Lv and Ren’an Wu from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics have investigated the aggregation of two graphene nanosheets in water and the role of the interfacial water monolayer in the aggregation mechanism.
They found that the interfacial water monolayers hinder the aggregation of graphene nanosheets, attributed to the many structurally ordered H-bonds of the water monolayer. Their findings advance understanding of the hydrophobic assembly of nanomaterials, such as proteins in aqueous solution.
Read this Nanoscale paper in full:
The interfacial-organized monolayer water film (MWF) induced “two-step” aggregation of nanographene: both in stacking and sliding assembly pathways
Wenping Lv and Ren’an Wu
DOI: 10.1039/C3NR33447C