Introducing our RSC Applied Polymers Editorial Board

We are delighted to introduce to you the inaugural RSC Applied Polymers Editorial Board. Get to know our Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors and hear from them in the videos below.


Emily Pentzer, Editor-in-Chief

Rachel Auzély-Velty, Associate Editor

Pengfei Cao, Associate Editor

Peter Wich, Associate Editor


RSC Applied Polymers is a leading international journal for the application of polymers, including experimental and computational studies on both natural and synthetic systems. In this journal, you can discover cross-disciplinary scientific research that leverages polymeric materials in a range of applications. This includes high impact advances made possible with polymers across materials, biology, energy applications and beyond.


Discover the first articles from RSC Applied Polymers

We are delighted to share the first articles published in RSC Applied Polymers. These publications are gold open access, so they are free to read by everyone.


These include:


Influence of Post-3D printing processing Conditions on Poly(propylene fumarate) Star Polymer Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Properties

Taylor R. Klein, Alina Kirillova, Ken Gall and Matthew L. Becker

RSC Appl. Polym. 2023, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D3LP00013C


Multifunctional MXene/PAA Organohydrogel as Flexible Strain Sensor for Wearable Human-Machine Interaction

Ning Ding, Yan Bai, Yuhui Feng, Xiang Zou, Yuzhe Chen, Shuaihang Bi, Shujuan Liu, Weiwei Zhao, Qiang Zhao

RSC Appl. Polym. 2023, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D3LP00052D


Poly(ionic liquid)s having coumarate counter-anions as corrosion inhibitors in acrylic UV coatings

Daniela Minudri, Anthony Somers, Nerea Casado, Maria Forsyth and David Mecerreyes

RSC Appl. Polym. 2023, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D3LP00017F


Find more articles here.


RSC Applied Polymers is a leading international journal for the application of polymers, including experimental and computational studies on both natural and synthetic systems. In this journal, you can discover cross-disciplinary scientific research that leverages polymeric materials in a range of applications. This includes high impact advances made possible with polymers across materials, biology, energy applications and beyond.


Sign up for email alerts and submit your manuscript.



Professor Rachel Auzély-Velty joins RSC Applied Polymers as Associate Editor

We are delighted to welcome Professor Rachel Auzély-Velty, University Grenoble Alpes, France, as an Associate Editor for RSC Applied Polymers, a new open access journal publishing application-focused polymer research.


Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Rachel Auzély-Velty is full Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). She is leading the group “Structure and Modification of Polysaccharides” in CERMAV-CNRS (Grenoble) where she was recruited as a CNRS researcher in 1999 before being promoted to full Professor at UGA in 2005. Her research interests lie in the fields of chemistry and physico-chemistry of polysaccharides and of biomaterials (especially hydrogels). Potential target applications include controlled and targeted drug delivery, cell therapy and tissue engineering. She has published more than 110 papers related to polysaccharide chemistry in international journals, 6 book chapters, and 14 patents. She was a junior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) (2009-14) and she is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Biomacromolecules (ACS) and Carbohydrate Polymers (Elsevier).


Read some of her recent contributions below:


Design of hyaluronan-based dopant for conductive and resorbable PEDOT ink

Maxime Leprince, Pascal Mailley, Luc Choisnard, Rachel Auzély-Velty and Isabelle Texier

Carbohydrate Polym., 2023, 301, 120345


Self-crosslinking smart hydrogels through direct complexation between benzoxaborole derivates and diols from hyaluronic acid

Tamaris Figueiredo, Yu Ogawa, Jing Jing, Vanina Cosenza, Isabelle Jeacomine, Johan D.M. Olsson, Thibaud Gerfaud, Jean-Guy Boiteau, Craig Harris and Rachel Auzély-Velty

Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 3800-3811


RSC Applied Polymers is now open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up to e-Alerts or submit your manuscript now. Make sure you follow us on Twitter for the latest news.


Please join us in welcoming Professor Auzély-Velty to RSC Applied Polymers.

Professor Pengfei Cao joins RSC Applied Polymers as Associate Editor

We are delighted to welcome Professor Pengfei Cao, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China, as an Associate Editor for RSC Applied Polymers, a new open access journal publishing application-focused polymer research.


Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Pengfei Cao is a full professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT, China). After his Ph.D. in the Macro department at Case Western Reserve University, USA, Cao moved to Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL, USA) and had been a staff scientist since 2019. He has also served on the Editorial Board of Supramolecular Materials, Macromolecules, and MRS Communications. Pengfei has also been awarded the R&D 100 Award of 2021, ACS-PMSE Young-Investigator Award of 2021 and the ACS Rising Star in Materials Science of 2023.


Pengfei leads the research group of Energy-Applied Elastomers. His current research interests are synthetic elastic polymers for energy-related applications, including functional elastomers (e.g., recyclable, self-healing, impact resistant or adhesive elastomers) and energy-storage applications (e.g., polymer electrolytes/binders and polymeric protective layers)..


Read some of his recent contributions below:


Ultra-Stretchable, Ionic Conducting, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive with Dual Role for Stable Li-Metal Batteries

Shilun Gao, Yiyang Pan, Bingrui Li, Md Anisur Rahman, Ming Tian, Huabin Yang and Pengfei Cao

Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023, 33, 2210543


An in situ generated polymer electrolyte via anionic ring-opening polymerization for lithium-sulfur batteries

Quinton J. Meisner, Sisi Jiang, Pengfei Cao, Tobias Glossmann, Andreas Hintennach and Zhangcheng Zhang

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 25927-25933


RSC Applied Polymers is now open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up to e-Alerts or submit your manuscript now. Make sure you follow us on Twitter for the latest news.


Please join us in welcoming Professor Cao to RSC Applied Polymers.

Professor Peter Wich joins RSC Applied Polymers as Associate Editor

We are delighted to welcome Professor Peter Wich, University of New South Wales, Australia, as an Associate Editor for RSC Applied Polymers, a new open access journal publishing application-focused polymer research.

 Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Peter R. Wich is a Senior Lecturer for Bioorganic and Macromolecular Chemistry in the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of New South Wales in Sydney (Australia). He is a member of the Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD) and the Australian Center for Nanomedicine (ACN). Previously, he was Assistant Professor at the University of Mainz (Germany) and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of California Berkeley (USA).


For his research work on bioinspired nanomaterials, Peter has been awarded the Innovation Prize in Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Chemistry and the Galenus Technology Prize. He is a “Young Member” of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz (Germany). In 2019 he was named Emerging Investigator of the journal Soft Matter, and in 2020 he was selected as Polymer Chemistry Emerging Investigator. In 2022 he received the David Sangster Polymer Science and Technology Achievement Award from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).


Peter leads the UNSW Research Lab for Functional Biopolymers. His primary research interests are in macromolecular chemistry and nanotechnology focusing on the chemical modification of natural biopolymers to engineer biocompatible materials for applications in drug delivery, nanomedicine, bio-catalysis, and 3D printing.


Read some of his recent contributions below:


Co-encapsulation of L-asparaginase and etoposide in dextran nanoparticles for synergistic effect in chronic myeloid leukemia cells

M. Konhauser, V.K. Kannaujiya, E. Steiert, K. Schwickert, T. Schirmeister and P.R. Wich

Int. J. Pharm., 2022, 622, 121796


pH-Responsive protein nanoparticles via conjugation of degradable PEG to the surface of cytochrome c

Elena Steiert, Johannes Ewald, Annika Wagner, Ute A. Hellmich, Holger Frey and Peter R. Wich

Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 551-559


RSC Applied Polymers is now open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up to e-Alerts or submit your manuscript now. Make sure you follow us on Twitter for the latest news.


Please join us in welcoming Professor Wich to RSC Applied Polymers.

RSC Applied Polymers is now open for submissions

Welcoming your applied polymer research

Are you a polymer researcher working in chemistry, materials science, biology or engineering? Find an impactful platform for your work in RSC Applied Polymers.

We are now open for submissions.

Our gold open access journal is a place for you to publish research on the application of polymers, including experimental and computational studies on both natural and synthetic systems. This journal works across disciplines – we are looking for papers that connect fundamental scientific insights to performance-related metrics in applications across materials, biology, energy and more. Find out more about our scope.

Publish with us for free until mid-2025

Your research could inspire global change. Publishing in a gold open access journal amplifies this potential by making your articles free for people to access and cite. We are covering all article processing charges until mid-2025, so you can publish for free.

We can’t wait to discover your next submission.

Receive future news and updates from RSC Applied Polymers by signing up for email alerts and follow us on Twitter for all the latest news about RSC Applied Polymers.

Introducing Emily Pentzer – Inaugural Editor-in-Chief of RSC Applied Polymers

Learn more about our new Editor-in-Chief

Emily Pentzer is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. Her research centres on developing new polymeric materials and assemblies as a route to understanding structure-property-application relationships and access functions not possible with current state-of-the-art systems. Her group works on the encapsulation of “active” liquids and gases, designing and synthesizing new polymer chemistries, and developing feedstocks for additive manufacturing to produce multifunctional materials.


She received a Young Investigator Award from the Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering (PMSE) Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in 2017, the Rising Star Award in 2019 from the ACS Women’s Chemist Committee, and the Faculty Diversity Excellence Award from Case Western Reserve University in 2019. She was named a Texas A&M Presidential Impact Fellow in 2021 and a finalist for the Blavatnik Award in physical sciences and engineering in 2022. She has served as an Associate Editor for Polymer Chemistry since 2015.


Read some of her recent papers below:


Electrically conductive porous Ti3C2Tx MXene-polymer composites from high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs)

Huaixuan Cao, Yifei Wang, Anubhav Sarmah, Kai-Wei Liu, Zeyi Tan, Kailash Dhondiram Arole, Jodie L. Lutkenhaus, Miladin Radovic, Micah J. Green, Emily B. Pentzer

2D Mater. 2022, 9, 044004


Polymer particles armored with cobalt oxide nanosheets for the catalytic degradation of bisphenol A

Maria Escamilla, Kevin Pachuta, Kuan Huang, Michael Klingseisen, Huaixuan Cao, Huichun Zhang, Alp Sehirlioglu and Emily Pentzer

Mater. Adv. 2022, 3, 2354-2363


Inter-capsule fusion and capsule shell destruction using dynamic covalent polymers

Yifei Wang, Khamila Quevedo and Emily Pentzer

Polym. Chem. 2021, 12, 2695-2700


RSC Applied Polymers will open for submissions later this month. Be the first to hear news about the journal by signing up for updates.

Introducing two journals dedicated to applied research

Discover new journals to publish your applied research

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RSC Applied Interfaces is an interdisciplinary home for articles on applied interfacial and surface research. While RSC Applied Polymers offers a dedicated platform for work on the application of natural and synthetic polymers. These two new titles complement our current portfolio, which includes journals on materials and polymer research. We want to give you more options to discover and publish innovative articles across the spectrum of interfacial and polymer science. Both of these journals are gold open access, and we will be covering all article processing charges until mid-2025.

Introducing our editors-in-chief

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