Hear from the authors of ‘Polymeric biomaterials for periodontal tissue engineering and periodontitis’


To celebrate the growth and development of the RSC Applied Polymers community and to highlight the remarkable authors who continue to contribute their high quality work to the journal we would like to share the opinions and insights of these authors through this introductory blog post. Once dubbed #RSCAppliedfirst50, our blog posts aim to give a voice to the authors behind the research and hope that their insights might shed light upon growing challenges and progress in polymer science and its applications.

In this edition, we hear from Professor Nermin Seda Kehr, Yağmur Damla Demir and Gizem Yürük about their study entitled Polymeric biomaterials for periodontal tissue engineering and periodontitis.




Want to know more about their work? Read the full paper here!


Gizem Yürük

Gizem Yürük

Gizem Yürük is a final year student at Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry. For a certain period of time, she conducted research on nanomaterials and hydrogels in the laboratory group led by Nermin Seda Kehr. Her previous studies include investigating the antibacterial properties of nanomaterials and improving the clinical trial process.
Yağmur Damla Demir

Yağmur Damla Demir










Yağmur Damla Demir completed her BSc in Chemistry at Izmir Institute of Technology and is currently pursuing her Master’s degree at the same institution. She is conducting research on nanomaterials and local drug delivery in Nermin Seda Kehr’s group. Her previous work involved metal catalysts and polymer solubility systems.






Nermin Seda Kehr

Nermin Seda Kehr





Nermin Seda Kehr did her Ph.D. at the University of Münster. After postdoctoral research at the University of Münster and University of Strasbourg, she built up her own research group. She received the National Scientific qualification as Full Professor for the disciplinary field “Bioengineering” in the Italian higher education system and completed her habilitation with the Venia Legendi award in Organic Chemistry at the University of Münster in 2021. She is currently working as an Associate Professor at Izmir Institute of Technology. Her research interests include functional nanomaterials and surfaces, injectable nanocomposite hydrogels, 3D bioprinting and local drug delivery.









Polymeric biomaterials for periodontal tissue engineering and periodontitis

RSC Appl. Polym., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4LP00001C




RSC Applied Polymers is a leading international journal for the application of polymers, including experimental and computational studies on both natural and synthetic systems. In this journal, you can discover cross-disciplinary scientific research that leverages polymeric materials in a range of applications. This includes high impact advances made possible with polymers across materials, biology, energy applications and beyond.


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