Archive for the ‘Uncategorised’ Category

Celebrating six months of RSC Applied Interfaces

It has now been six months since RSC Applied Interfaces published its first issue! To mark the occasion, we have been reflecting on some of the excellent articles that have been published so far in our journal and on the some of the other milestones we have reached so far this year.

Looking back at our first articles

Our Editorial Board members have been revisiting some of the first articles that were published in RSC Applied Interfaces. Hear from our Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors as they discuss some of these articles in our recent blog series.


Welcoming our inaugural Advisory Board

We introduced our inaugural Advisory Board comprised of 22 internationally renowned researchers working across the fields of applied interfacial and surface science.

Find out more about our Advisory Board members and their current research interests in our blog series.


Community events

In April, we held our first in-person symposium to celebrate the launch of RSC Applied Interfaces. We were joined by the authors of some of our first articles who discussed their latest high-profile research.

We also held a “Meet the Editor” Showcase webinar in which our Editor-in-Chief, Federico Rosei, and Associate Editor, Jianbin Huang, discussed their work on the journal as well as their current research interests.

We look forward to hosting more events to engage with our community as the journal grows and develops.


Publish with us

Showcasing some of the excellent applied research published in RSC Applied Interfaces and RSC Applied Polymers, check out these article collections focusing on research that supports the advancement of several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Does your research focus on these areas? Consider submitting your next high impact piece of work.


Meet our authors

Our authors have provided some excellent videos and interviews in which they discuss their articles and wider research. Explore our “Meet our Authors” series to find out more and submit your next piece of work to RSC Applied Interfaces to receive additional promotion for your research.


Latest journal news

RSC Applied Interfaces is now indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)! This is a mark of quality and trust, and it is the first step on our journey to ensure your research in the journal is as discoverable as possible.

Keep an eye on our journal webpage and sign up for our e-alerts to stay up-to-date with the latest journal news.

Congratulations to the prize winners at the Particles at Liquid Interfaces meeting

Last week, RSC Applied Interfaces and Soft Matter were delighted to sponsor the Particles at Liquid Interfaces – Fundamental Processes to Functional Materials meeting in Leeds.

We sponsored two prizes at the meeting, both awarded by Professor Bernie Binks from the University of Hull, UK.

The best student poster prize was awarded to Elizabeth Tenorio from the University of Leeds, UK, and the best student talk prize was awarded to Johannes Menath from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany.

Please join us in congratulating our excellent prize winners!

Celebrating the launch of RSC Applied Interfaces

Join our symposium in Seattle to celebrate the launch of RSC Applied Interfaces

We are delighted to announce a symposium to celebrate the launch of RSC Applied Interfaces!

Speakers will be discussing their latest high-profile research across different aspects of applied interfacial and surface science.

  • Federico Rosei, Editor-in-Chief (University of Trieste, Italy)
  • Anna Balazs (University of Pittsburg, US)
  • Jaroslaw Jacak (University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
  • Maria Antonietta Loi (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
  • Richard Kaner (UCLA, US)
  • Svetlana Kilina (North Dakota State University, US)
  • Clara Santato (École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada)
  • Aiping Yu (University of Waterloo, Canada)

The symposium will run from 10:30am until 16:00pm. Coffee/refreshments will be provided during the scientific sessions. Formal registration is not required, but to get an idea of attendance numbers we would be grateful if you could RSVP if you are planning to attend.

We hope to see you in Seattle in April!

RSC Applied Interfaces first issue now published


Explore new and exciting research for free

Welcome to the inaugural issue of RSC Applied Interfaces.

Our first issue features cutting edge research from around the globe and an editorial from our editor-in-chief, Federico Rosei.

Read every article for free – we’re gold open access.

Our first issue includes:

Introducing RSC Applied Interfaces

Federico Rosei
RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 9-10.

The role of ceria/precious metal interfaces in catalysis

Michele Melchionna and Paolo Fornasiero
RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 70-79.

Bias switchable narrowband/broadband NIR organic photodetector fabricated with a scalable technique

Lai-Hung Lai, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Chin-Chuan Hsieh and Maria Antonietta Loi
RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 122-132.

Understanding improved capacity retention at 4.3 V in modified single crystal Ni-rich NMC//graphite pouch cells at elevated temperature

Galo J. Páez Fajardo, Meltiani Belekoukia, Satish Bolloju, Eleni Fiamegkou, Ashok S. Menon, Zachary Ruff, Zonghao Shen, Nickil Shah, Erik Björklund, Mateusz Jan Zuba, Tien-Lin Lee, Pardeep K. Thakur, Robert S. Weatherup, Ainara Aguadero, Melanie J. Loveridge, Clare P. Grey and Louis F. J. Piper
RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 133-146.

Developing 3D computational models to capture the spatial, temporal and thermal behavior as laser beams propagate through photo-thermally responsive gels

Victor V. Yashin, Fariha Mahmood, Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu and Anna C. Balazs
RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 183-193.

Interactions between liquid ammonia and graphitic materials

Cheng-Wei Lin, Zhiyin Yang, Ailun Huang, Xueying Chang, Chenxiang Wang, Fan Yang, Chen Wei, Markus Thiel, Yuto Katsuyama, Lihua Jin, David Jassby and Richard B. Kaner
RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 194-205.

Read these papers and more in our first issue.



Find out more about RSC Applied Interfaces on the journal webpage, sign up for email alerts, or submit your manuscript now.

Meet our Associate Editor Series: Professor Ryan Richards


We are delighted to introduce you to our RSC Applied Interfaces Associate Editor, Professor Ryan Richards.


About Professor Ryan Richards

Ryan Richards is a Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) and holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) both in Golden, Colorado USA. Find out more about Professor Richards on our webpage.

Read some of his applied research here:

Nanocrystalline rhenium-doped TiO2: an efficient catalyst in the one-pot conversion of carbohydrates into levulinic acid. The synergistic effect between Brønsted and Lewis acid sites
Sorin Avramescu, Cristian D. Ene, Madalina Ciobanu, Josefine Schnee, Francois Devred, Cristina Bucur, Eugeniu Vasile, Luke Colaciello, Ryan Richards, Eric M. Gaigneaux and Marian Nicolae Verziu
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022, 12, 167-180.

Carbon Capture by Metal Oxides: Unleashing the Potential of the (111) Facet
Greg A. Mutch, Sarah Shulda, Alan J. McCue, Martin J. Menart, Cristian V. Ciobanu, Chilan Ngo, James A. Anderson, Ryan M. Richards and David Vega-Maza
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 4736-4742.

Revealing the Dynamics and Roles of Iron Incorporation in Nickel Hydroxide Water Oxidation Catalysts
Chunguang Kuai, Cong Xi, Anyang Hu, Yan Zhang, Zhengrui Xu, Dennis Nordlund, Cheng-Jun Sun, Christopher A. Cadigan, Ryan M. Richards, Luxi Li, Cun-Ku Dong, Xi-Wen Du and Feng Lin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 18519-18526.


Professor Richards considers submissions on


Submit your research in these areas to Professor Richards now


Federico Rosei awarded National Order of Québec

Celebrating our RSC Applied Interfaces editor-in-chief


The RSC Applied Interfaces editorial team would like to extend a huge congratulations to our inaugural editor-in-chief, Federico Rosei, after he was awarded the National Order of Québec.


The National Order of Québec is awarded annually to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the development and reputation of Québec. Candidates are nominated by the public, with the most outstanding nominees being selected to receive the award by the Council of the Order.


As a result of the award, Federico has received the esteemed title of Knight of the National Order of Québec. The title of Knight recognises those who have exhibited exceptional activity in a particular field.


You can find out more about Federico on our webpage, here.

You can also find out more about the National Order of Quebec on their webpage, here:

Meet our Associate Editor Series: Professor Serena Margadonna


We are delighted to introduce you to our RSC Applied Interfaces Associate Editor, Professor Serena Margadonna.


About Professor Serena Margadonna

Serena Margadonna joined Swansea University, UK, in 2015 as Chair in Materials Engineering and is currently the Head of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Find out more about Professor Margadonna on our webpage.

Read some of her applied research here:

Synergic effect of Bi, Sb and Te for the increased stability of bulk alloying anodes for sodium-ion batteries
Marcin W. Orzech, Francesco Mazzali, James D. McGettrick, Cameron Pleydell-Pearce, Trystan M. Watson, Wayne Voice, David Jarvis, and Serena Margadonna
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2017, 5, 23198-23208.

Water-Stable DMASnBr3 Lead-Free Perovskite for Effective Solar-Driven Photocatalysis
Lidia Romani, Andrea Speltini, Francesco Ambrosio, Edoardo Mosconi, Antonella Profumo, Marcello Marelli, Serena Margadonna, Antonella Milella, Francesco Fracassi, Andrea Listorti, Filippo De Angelis, and Lorenzo Malavasi
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 3611-3618.


Professor Margadonna considers submissions on


Submit your research in these areas to Professor Margadonna now


Meet our Associate Editor Series: Professor Jianbin Huang

We are delighted to introduce you to our RSC Applied Interfaces Associate Editor, Professor Jianbin Huang.


About Professor Jianbin Huang

Jianbin Huang is a Professor and Chief of surfactant and colloid research and development at Peking University, China. Find out more about Professor Huang on our webpage.

Read some of his applied research here:

The pressing-induced formation of a large-area supramolecular film for oil capture
Wenkai Wang, Mengqi Xie, Hongjun Jin, Wanwan Zhi, Kaerdun Liu, Cheng Ma, Peilong Liao, Jianbin Huang, and Yun Yan
Mater. Chem. Front., 2020, 4, 1530-1539.

Folic Acid-Based Coacervate Leading to a Double-Sided Tape for Adhesion of Diverse Wet and Dry Substrates
Shuitao Gao, Wenkai Wang, Tongyue Wu, Shasha Jiang, Jinwan Qi, Zhiyang Zhu, Bin Zhang, Jianbin Huang, and Yun Yan
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 34843-34850.

Surface Hydrophobization Provides Hygroscopic Supramolecular Plastics Based on Polysaccharides with Damage-Specific Healability and Room-Temperature Recyclability
Hongjun Jin, Weilin Lin, Ziyan Wu, Xinyu Cheng, Xinyuan Chen, Yingjie Fan, Wangchuan Xiao, Jianbin Huang, Qingrong Qian, Qinghua Chen, and Yun Yan
Adv. Mater., 2023, 35, 2207688.

Generating circularly polarized luminescence from clusterization‐triggered emission using solid phase molecular self-assembly
Peilong Liao, Shihao Zang, Tongyue Wu, Hongjun Jin, Wenkai Wang, Jianbin Huang, Ben Zhong Tang, and Yun Yan
Nat. Commun., 2021, 12, 5496.


Professor Huang considers submissions on


Submit your research in these areas to Professor Huang now

Professor Serena Margadonna joins RSC Applied Interfaces as Associate Editor


We are delighted to welcome Professor Serena Margadonna, Swansea University, UK, as an Associate Editor for RSC Applied Interfaces, a new open access journal publishing cutting edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces.


Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Serena Margadonna joined Swansea University in 2015 as Chair in Materials Engineering and is currently the Head of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Previously, she has worked in several institutions including the Universities of Cambridge as a Jesus College Research Fellow, Edinburgh as a Dorothy Hodgkin Royal Society Fellow and Oslo as a Professor in Materials Chemistry.

She has been responsible for significant advances in the fields of strongly correlated electron systems, superconductivity and molecular magnetism. More recently she focuses on developing sustainable materials and processes for the manufacturing of electrochemical energy storage solutions with a particular focus on sodium-ion batteries.

Find out more about Professor Margadonna on our webpage.


Read some of her recent papers below:

Synergic effect of Bi, Sb and Te for the increased stability of bulk alloying anodes for sodium-ion batteries

Marcin W. Orzech, Francesco Mazzali, James D. McGettrick, Cameron Pleydell-Pearce, Trystan M. Watson, Wayne Voice, David Jarvis and Serena Margadonna

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 23198-23208


Water-Stable DMASnBr3 Lead-Free Perovskite for Effective Solar-Driven Photocatalysis

Lidia Romani, Andrea Speltini, Francesco Ambrosio, Edoardo Mosconi, Antonella Profumo, Marcello Marelli, Serena Margadonna, Antonella Milella, Francesco Fracassi, Andrea Listorti, Filippo De Angelis and Lorenzo Malavasi

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 3611-3618


RSC Applied Interfaces is open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up for email alerts, or submit your manuscript now.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Margadonna to RSC Applied Interfaces.

Professor Ryan M. Richards joins RSC Applied Interfaces as Associate Editor


We are delighted to welcome Professor Ryan M. Richards, Colorado School of Mines & NREL, USA, as Associate Editor for RSC Applied Interfaces, a new open access journal publishing cutting edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces.



Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Ryan M. Richards is a Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) and holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) both in Golden, Colorado USA. Additionally, Prof. Richards is the Mines lead for the Mines/NREL Nexus which coordinates, facilitates and promotes all joint activities and appointments. Prof. Richards received his BS from Michigan State University, MS Central Michigan University and PhD from Kansas State University. Prof. Richards was accepted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in November 2023.

Research in the Richards group is focused on new synthetic methods to control the size, shape and composition of nanoscale materials and apply them in systems integral to alternative energy technologies, pharmaceuticals, biomass upgrading, batteries, and environmental remediation.

Find out more about Professor Richards on our webpage.


Read some of his recent papers below:

Nanocrystalline rhenium-doped TiO2: an efficient catalyst in the one-pot conversion of carbohydrates into levulinic acid. The synergistic effect between Brønsted and Lewis acid sites

Sorin Avramescu, Cristian D. Ene, Madalina Ciobanu, Josefine Schnee, Francois Devred, Cristina Bucur, Eugeniu Vasile, Luke Colaciello, Ryan Richards, Eric M. Gaigneaux and Marian Nicolae Verziu

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022, 12, 167-180


A microwave assisted ionic liquid route to prepare bivalent Mn5O8 nanoplates for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation

Lifang Chen, Ting Zhang, Hongye Cheng, Ryan M. Richards and Zhiwen Qi

Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 17902-17914


RSC Applied Interfaces is now open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up for email alerts or submit your manuscript now.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Richards to RSC Applied Interfaces.