Eco-Friendly Carbon Dot Catalysts for the Conversion of Oil to Biodiesel

RSC Applied Interfaces has published its first articles, which are free to read here! To celebrate our excellent first articles, we asked our authors to discuss their work in more detail.

Check out the infographic below which summarises the key message from Naccache et al.’s work entitled ‘Nitrogen-doped carbon dots in transesterification reactions for biodiesel synthesis‘.

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Want to find out more? Read the full article here! 


Nitrogen-doped carbon dots in transesterification reactions for biodiesel synthesis

Tayline V. de Medeiros, Alexia Macina, João P. de Mesquita and Rafik Naccache

RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2023, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D3LF00060E






RSC Applied Interfaces is a dedicated, interdisciplinary reference journal for cutting-edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces. In addition to the applied focus, work considered for publication in RSC Applied Interfaces is expected to be highly original and of top quality. The journal seeks to report major scientific advances beyond the state of the art, at the cutting edge of this interdisciplinary field.