Introducing Viola Birss and Yu Fang to our inaugural Advisory Board

Meet some of our Advisory Board members who work in protective coatings

In February, we introduced our inaugural Advisory Board for RSC Applied Interfaces. Each month, we will be shining a spotlight on some of our new Advisory Board members and highlighting their current research interests.

This week we are delighted to introduce Viola Birss and Yu Fang as members of our inaugural Advisory Board.



Viola Birss is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Calgary, Canada. Her research focuses on better understanding fuel cell reaction mechanisms, as well as on improving the performance and lifetime of low temperature PEM fuel cells through the development of paradigm-shifting nanoporous carbon scaffold materials, for use as both catalyst and microporous layers. Professor Birss is also engaged in the development of core@shell nanoparticles, protective coatings and other novel strategies to combat the corrosion of metals, electrochemical biosensors, and a range of structurally ordered nanomaterials for a variety of clean energy/environment applications.







Yu Fang is a Professor of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Science at the Key Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry (CAS) and is a Professor at Shaanxi Normal University, China. His research interests include the development of film-based fluorescent sensors via innovative design of sensing fluorophores and modulation of their excited-state processes. Professor Fang’s research also focuses on development of smart molecular materials of diversified internal structures with emphases in physical chemistry at the surfaces, interfaces and adlayers of the relevant systems.







Please join us in welcoming our new Advisory Board members to the journal community!