Introducing Our New Associate Editor: Professor Atsushi Urakawa

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We are thrilled to announce that Professor Atsushi Urakawa has joined Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM) as an Associate Editor. With his extensive expertise and pioneering research in the field of catalysis engineering, Professor Urakawa’s addition further elevates the internationalization and authority of ICM’s Associate Editor team.


About Professor Atsushi Urakawa:


Professor Atsushi Urakawa obtained his PhD in 2006 at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Then, he worked as a Senior Scientist and Lecturer at ETH Zurich before joining ICIQ (Spain) in 2010 as a Group Leader. In 2019, he took on a new challenge as Professor of Catalysis Engineering at ChemE, TU Delft. His research group is dedicated to developing novel heterogeneous catalysts and catalytic processes that minimize energy usage and reduce negative impacts on the environment and human health. By employing a multidisciplinary approach that integrates material science, reaction engineering, and in situ/operando methodologies, they aim to gain a thorough understanding of active sites and transformation pathways. Their primary target reactions include CO2 conversion to valuable chemicals, methane activation, environmental catalysis (NOx abatement), and hydrogen production through electro- and photocatalytic activation. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in 2016 and has received numerous accolades, including the JSPS Prize (2020) and The Japan Academy Medal (2021).


A Message from Professor Atsushi Urakawa:


“Yet another journal?” – This is a common sentiment among researchers when encountering a new journal nowadays. However, my impression of ICM before its inauguration was different and it remains the same. Its scope and necessity, coupled with the strong drive of the editorial team and the prominent leadership of Prof. Zhang, promised to make it a standout flagship journal. By covering innovative chemistry and materials research of high practical impact, I am confident that ICM will showcase outstanding research and establish its key position in the field.


We are confident that Professor Urakawa’s vision and expertise will greatly contribute to the continued growth and success of ICM. Please join us in welcoming him to our editorial team.