Congratulations to the winners of Industrial Chemistry & Materials Youth Innovation Award

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The 1st Industrial Electrochemistry Innovation and Development Forum and the 18th National Symposium on Organic Electrochemistry and Industry were held in Changchun, China, from May 8th to May 10th. The conference theme is “Industrial Electrochemistry-Clean, Green, Efficient, and Economical Electrochemical Processes”, which aligns with the mission of Industrial Chemistry & Materials—focusing on the application-oriented innovative research.

Therefore, in conjunction with this conference, Industrial Chemistry & Materials has established the ICM Youth Innovation Award to celebrate the remarkable achievements and innovative contributions of early career scientists in the field of electrochemistry.


The winners of this award are:

Dr. Xun Huang, Chongqing University.

Dr. Hui Chen, Jilin University

Dr. Yinlong Zhu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Dr. Wei Chen, Hunan University

Dr. Bingzhang Lu, Xi’an Jiaotong University


These young scientists have demonstrated exceptional dedication and creativity, pushing the boundaries of related field. Their work not only advances scientific understanding but also holds great potential for practical applications that can benefit industrial chemistry and materials.


Join us to congratulate the winners!