Lacunary silicotungstate catalyst turns trash to treasure

Biodiesel can be derived from oil found in animal and plant matter or even from recycled cooking oil. Much research has investigated the catalysis of the esterification and transesterification reactions needed to synthesize biodiesel. In this advance article, Patel and Narkhede contribute a novel catalyst towards the advancement of biodiesel as a competitive renewable energy source.

The authors used mono-lacunary silicotungstate supported on MCM-41, a mobile crystalline material hexagonal silicate, for the acid catalyzed esterification of oleic acid. They optimized the reaction up to 81% conversion with elevated temperature and prolonged reaction times. The researchers demonstrated the heterogenous catalyst could be reused in four iterative reactions without any appreciable loss in activity.

The transesterification of other oils including waste cooking oil, jatropha oil, sunflower oil, cotton seed oil and mustard oil was catalyzed in excellent yields. This catalyst is promising as an environmentally benign component of biodiesel production, though more research needs to be done to decrease the high catalyst loadings.

Click the link below to read more:

Biodiesel synthesis via esterification and transesterification over a new heterogeneous catalyst comprising lacunary silicotungstate and MCM-41
Anjali Patel and Nilesh Narkhede

Tien Nguyen is working towards her PhD in David Nicewicz’s research group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her current area of research focuses on anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of alkenes using photoredox catalysis.

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Top Ten most accessed Catalysis Science & Technology articles from July to September 2013

Between the months of July to September, the following articles are in the Top Ten most accessed:

Graphene-based materials for catalysis
Bruno F. Machado and Philippe Serp
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012,2, 54-75
DOI: 10.1039/c1cy00361e

Copper N-heterocyclic carbene complexes in catalysis
Jonathan D. Egbert, Catherine S. J. Cazin and Steven P. Nolan
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 912-926
DOI: 10.1039/c2cy20816d

Epoxidation of olefins with homogeneous catalysts – quo vadis?
Simone A. Hauser, Mirza Cokoja and Fritz E. Kühn  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 552-561
DOI: 10.1039/c2cy20595e

Recent advances in the photocatalytic CO2 reduction over semiconductors
Jin Mao, Kan Li and Tianyou Peng  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2481-2498
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00345k

Aminopropyl coated on magnetic Fe3O4 and SBA-15 nanoparticles catalyzed mild preparation of chromeno[2,3-d]pyrimidines under ambient and solvent-free conditions
Hamid Reza Shaterian and Morteza Aghakhanizadeh  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 425-428
DOI: 10.1039/c2cy20543b

Metal sulphide semiconductors for photocatalytic hydrogen production
Kai Zhang and Liejin Guo
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 1672-1690
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00018d

Metal organic frameworks as heterogeneous catalysts for the production of fine chemicals
Amarajothi Dhakshinamoorthy, Maksym Opanasenko, Jiří Čejka and Hermenegildo Garcia  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2509-2540
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00350g 

Challenge and progress: palladium-catalyzed sp3 C–H activation
Hu Li, Bi-Jie Li and Zhang-Jie Shi  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2011,1, 191-206
DOI: 10.1039/c0cy00076k

Catalytic activity of unsupported gold nanoparticles
Yusuke Mikami, Amarajothi Dhakshinamoorthy, Mercedes Alvaro and Hermenegildo García
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 58-69
DOI: 10.1039/c2cy20068f

Design of hierarchical zeolite catalysts by desilication
Danny Verboekend and Javier Pérez-Ramírez  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2011,1, 879-890
DOI: 10.1039/c1cy00150g

Please leave any comments or thoughts on these articles in the comment box below.

Do you have an article you would like to submit to Catalysis Science & Technology? If so, why not submit to us here today!

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Call for Papers: 2014 themed issues

Catalysis Science & Technology We are delighted to announce that Catalysis Science & Technology will be publishing two themed issues focusing on environmental catalysis in 2014. We welcome your submissions, so read on for details:

Catalytic Conversion and Use of Carbon Dioxide for Value-Added Organics–deadline 1st December 2013

Sustainable Catalytic Conversions of Renewable Substrates–deadline 11th February 2014

Issue scopes

Catalytic Conversion and Use of Carbon Dioxide for Value-Added Organics
Guest edited by Professor Arjan Kleij, this issue will highlight developments in the field of catalytic conversion and use of carbon dioxide into higher value organic compounds.

Sustainable Catalytic Conversions of Renewable Substrates
Guest edited by Professor Yuriy Román-Leshkov and Professor Pieter Bruijnincx, this issue will contain contributions on topics related to catalytic biomass conversion methods, including homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic processes.

Want to submit?

All types of manuscript—communications, full papers, Minireviews and Perspectives, will be considered for publication. The manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system.

All manuscripts will be subject to the normal refereeing procedure and inclusion in the themed issue will be at the discretion of the Guest Editors. Please indicate in your submission that you would like the manuscript to be considered for this themed issue.

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HOT articles for October

These articles are HOT as recommended by the referees. And we’ve made them free to access for the next 4 weeks.

Simple hydrothermal synthesis of mesoporous spinel NiCo2O4 nanoparticles and their catalytic behavior in CH3OH electro-oxidation and H2O2 electro-reduction
Rui Ding, Li Qi, Mingjun Jia and Hongyu Wang
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00590A

Free until 25 November 2013.

Photocatalytic water oxidation with cobalt-containing tungstobismutates: tuning the metal core
Fabio Evangelisti, Pierre-Emmanuel Car, Olivier Blacque and Greta R. Patzke
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00475A

Free until 25 November 2013.

Homogeneous hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol
Yu-Nong Li, Ran Ma, Liang-Nian He and Zhen-Feng Diao
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00564J

Free until 25 November 2013.

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All that glitters – gold and palladium serve catalysis needs

Sara Coles is a guest web-writer for Catalysis Science & Technology. She currently works for Johnson Matthey in Royston, UK.

Gold-palladium nanoparticles are hot stuff when it comes to catalysis. Catalysis Science and Technology’s themed issue, entitled ‘Gold Catalysis’, highlights just three examples of the many studies that regularly appear in the literature.

A minireview from Pasi Paalanen et al., Utrecht University, gives an overview of recent developments in the synthesis of supported gold-based bimetallic nanoparticles for catalytic applications. They focus on three major structural features to be characterised and, where possible, controlled: size, composition and nanostructure. They highlight selected literature examples in which gold-palladium nanoparticles were found to be active for reactions such as CO oxidation, vinyl acetate synthesis, cyclotrimerization of acetylene to benzene, selective oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes or ketones, direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide, hydrocarbon hydrogenation, oxidation of primary C–H bonds, hydrodechlorination and hydrodesulfurization.

chloronitrobenzene hydrogenation and hydrogen peroxide synthesis over gold palladium nanoparticlesMeanwhile Elena Corbos and her colleagues at Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, in collaboration with Synchrotron Soleil, France, and University College London, present some original research on the preparation of bimetallic PdAu nanocatalysts. They tested the catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of 2-chloronitrobenzene to 2-chloroaniline and the direct formation of hydrogen peroxide. They found that a Pd-rich surface offered superior selectivity and reaction rates for 2-chloronitrobenzene hydrogenation, while for hydrogen peroxide synthesis, an optimal quantity of gold was required to ensure high productivity.

Tatsumi Ishihara et al., Kyushu University, Japan, carried out synthesis of hydrogen peroxide by direct oxidation of hydrogen in air on gold-palladium/titania. They report that the H2 conversion and H2O2 selectivity were strongly affected by the crystal phase of the titania. With increasing H2 pressure, H2O2 selectivity increased on AuPd/rutile TiO2 and the yield of became higher than on brookite or anatase TiO2 at 1.0 MPa. The effects of fluorinated hydrocarbon addition to reaction media were also studied.

Find out more about all this research in Catalysis Science and Technology.

Progress in controlling the size, composition and nanostructure of supported gold–palladium nanoparticles for catalytic applications
Pasi Paalanen, Bert M. Weckhuysen and Meenakshisundaram Sankar
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2869-2880, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00341H

Tuning the properties of PdAu bimetallic nanocatalysts for selective hydrogenation reactions
Elena C. Corbos, Peter R. Ellis, James Cookson, Valérie Briois, Timothy I. Hyde, Gopinathan Sankar and Peter T. Bishop
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2934-2943, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00255A

Effects of fluorinated hydrocarbon addition on H2O2 direct synthesis from H2 and air over an Au–Pd bimetallic catalyst supported on rutile-TiO2
Tatsumi Ishihara, Kohei Shigeta, Yuuki Ooishi, Maki Matsuka, Hidehisa Hagiwara and Shintaro Ida
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2971-2975, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00273J

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Small Tweaks to Gold Nanoparticle Catalyst System Selectively Reduces Nitroarenes

Nitrogen containing aromatic compounds are important in pharmaceutical, materials and agrochemical applications. A direct, catalytic and selective reduction of nitroarenes is a desirable transformation that many groups have targeted.

In this advance article, researchers employed a ceria-supported heterogeneous gold catalyst in combination with 2-propanol as a hydrogen source as a mild system for the selective reduction of nitroarenes. Cao and colleagues obtained excellent yields of azoxyarenes, azoarenes and anilines by varying simple components of the reaction conditions. Running the reduction in the presence of 0.5 equivalents of KOH and water selectively yields the azoarene, while just lowering the amount of water diverts conversion to azoxyarenes. Exclusion of base at elevated temperatures furnishes the primary amine. Though the authors do not know the precise mechanism they propose involvement of a metal-hydride species similar to the Haber electrochemical hydrogenation.

To read more, follow the link below:

Mild, selective and switchable transfer reduction of nitroarenes catalyzed by supported gold nanoparticles
Xiang Liu, Sen Ye, Hai-Qian Li, Yong-Mei Liu, Yong Cao and Kang-Nian Fan
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article

Tien Nguyen is working towards her PhD in David Nicewicz’s research group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her current area of research focuses on anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of alkenes using photoredox catalysis.

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Chemical Cross-linking of lipase in Mesoporous silica: A new addition to the enzyme immobilization kit

themed issue on Enzyme Immobilization was recently published in Chemical Society Reviews encompassing the advances made in the field of enzyme immobilization and its importance in the Industrial arena. The credit goes to a simple discovery by Nelson and Griffin, who in 1916 rediscovered that artificial carrier-bound invertase on Al(OH)3 and charcoal was still catalytically active. They put to rest the claims that substances like charcoal caused inhibition of the enzymes (due to adsorption) and established that adsorption had no role in the decreased activity of the enzymes. This discovery laid the foundation for the immobilized enzymes to find wide applications in the chemical industry.

The carriers used for immobilization include natural and synthetic polymers like cellulose, starch,  polystyrene, sephadex and inorganic carriers like clay, kaolinite, silica gel etc. Of these, Mesoporous silica materials (MPS) have been found to be an attractive alternative due to their intrinsic properties. The immobilization of the enzymes on these carriers are generally carried out by physical adsorption or covalent binding, but face the problem of enzyme leaching. In order to overcome this problem, the Cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) method has emerged of late and has been successful to a certain extent. In the present paper, the authors have explored the CLEAs of lipase from Candida sp. 99-125 immobilized in MPS and found them to be thermally and catalytically stable with  improved enzymatic activities.

As a measure of their improved properties, the activity and stability of the Cross-linked lipases in MPS (nicknamed CLL@MPA) were compared with the simple adsorbed lipases (ADL@MPA) and the native enzymes, and were found to be highly stable (at high temperatures as well as on shaking) with improved hydrolytic, esterification and transesterification activites. Although these lipases (from candida sp. 99-125) were less active than the commercially available Novzyme 435 (from candida antarctica), their cheaper costs make them a promising alternative for industrial applications.

This study thus paves the way for cheaper and effective enzyme immobilization options, which can be further extended to other enzymes and lead to potential advances in various enzyme-based industrial processes.

Lipase Candida sp. 99-125 CLEAs in MPS

Lipase CLEAs in mesoporous silica- a robust biocatalyst with increased stability and recyclability

Read more at:

Formation of lipase Candida sp. 99-125 CLEAs in mesoporous silica: characterization and catalytic properties
Jing Gao
,   Lianlian Shi,   Yanjun Jiang,   Liya Zhou and   Ying He
Catal. Sci. Technol.
, 2013, Accepted Manuscript

Shreesha Bhat, Web Writer Shreesha Bhat is a M.S.(Pharm.) in Medicinal Chemistry from National Institute  of  Pharmaceutical  Education and Research,  India. His area of interests  include  chemical  synthesis of biologically important  molecules  and developing  newer    methods for organic  synthesis using novel catalysts.

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HOT Articles for September

Amino-alcohol cyclization: selective synthesis of lactams and cyclic amines from amino-alcohols
Dennis Pingen and Dieter Vogt  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00513E

Aqueous phase reforming in a microchannel reactor: the effect of mass transfer on hydrogen selectivity
Maria Fernanda Neira D’Angelo, Vitaly Ordomsky, John van der Schaaf, Jaap C. Schouten and T. Alexander Nijhuis  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2834-2842
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00577A

Ligand effect in the Rh-NP catalysed partial hydrogenation of substituted arenes
Jessica Llop Castelbou, Aitor Gual,  Elisabet Mercadé, Carmen Claver and Cyril Godard  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2828-2833
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00388D

Au/xCeO2/Al2O3 catalysts for VOC elimination: oxidation of 2-propanol
Pandian Lakshmanan, Laurent Delannoy, Catherine Louis, Nicolas Bion and Jean-Michel Tatibouët  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00238A

Carbon nanotube-supported Pd–Co catalysts covered with silica layers as active and stable cathode catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Sakae Takenaka, Tomoharu Tsukamoto, Hideki Matsune and Masahiro Kishida 
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2723-2731
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00446E

Clean synthesis of acetaldehyde oxime through ammoximation on titanosilicate catalysts
Jianghong Ding, Le Xu, Yejun Yu, Haihong Wu, Shijie Huang, Yulin Yang, Jing Wu and Peng Wu  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2587-2595
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00471F

 A mild solution chemistry method to synthesize hydrotalcite-supported platinum nanocrystals for selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde in neat water
Xu Xiang, Wanhong He, Lisha Xie and Feng Li  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2819-2827
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00437F

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One size does not fit all: Encapsulation of a NHC-Au(I) catalyst for alkyne hydration

Synthetic chemists have long been attempting to attain the exquisite levels of substrate selectivity offered by enzymes. Heterogeneous catalysts can provide high selectivities through the control of their porosity. While there are some strategies for achieving selectivity with homogeneous catalysis, this field still lags behind its enzymatic and heterogeneous counterparts.

In this advance article, Strukul and co-workers demonstrated substrate selectivity in the hydration of alkynes using a NHC-Au(I) catalyst encapsulated in a hexameric resorcin host. In the presence of the encapsulated catalyst the cyclic aliphatic alkyne was converted to product faster than the longer chain linear substrates. The authors ascribe this effect to the better fit of the cyclic substrate into the host cavity. Aromatic substrates were also tested and showed low yields likely due to their increased rigidity. Overall, aliphatic and aromatic alkynes were hydrated in low to modest yields but the observed trends serve as a valuable proof of concept.

To read more, click the link below:

Substrate selectivity in the alkyne hydration mediated by NHC-Au(I) controlled by encapsulation of the catalyst within a hydrogen bonded hexameric host
Alessandra Cavarzan, Joost N. H. Reek, Francesco Trentin, Alessandro Scarso, and Giorgio Strukul
Catal. Sci. Technol. 2013, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00300k

Tien Nguyen is working towards her PhD in David Nicewicz’s research group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her current area of research focuses on anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of alkenes using photoredox catalysis.

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Spinel Cobalt catalysts: Potential solution to reduce tailpipe emissions in LPG

Watching an automobile expert converting a gasoline engine to a LPG engine (using conversion kits) may leave the witness in awe of the technological advances which man has achieved ever since the invention of the wheel. But, this Jugaad comes with its own set of problems and issues which may not leave the environmentalists in the right frame of mind. Pollution has been raising concerns ever since the inception of automobiles (particularly two and three wheelers) and has been a serious concern in both developed as well as developing nations like India and China. To curb the menace of pollution, LPG has been considered an attractive alternative in terms of  low CO2 production, lower emission of other greenhouse gases, cheaper cost and more efficient fuel usage.

However, the use of conversion kits almost kills the purpose of  LPG as it results in emission of high concentrations of light hydrocarbons  (HCs) along with other pollutants such as CO and NOx, as LPG must be run on custom-made engines rather then gasoline engines. The HCs and CO can be oxidized to H2O and CO2 in presence of oxygen, but due to reduced availability of oxygen in LPG engines, the demand of oxidation catalysts has risen in order to facilitate the conversion of HCs into CO2 and H2O. Three-way catalysts (TWC) which include the platinum group metals, fail to oxidize HCs at low temperatures (between 200 to 300 °C), resulting in the maximum emissions of HCs after a cold-start. (Engines started when they are cold generally have initial temperatures around this range)

To come up with a low-temperature catalyst, researchers from Indian Institute of  Technology (IIT-BHU) tried their hands with cobaltite spinel oxidation catalysts (MCo2O4) and had immediate success with their experiments. They studied different metal cobaltites (M = Zn, Ni, Cu) and found Ni cobaltite to exhibit the best performance for oxidation of LPG at low temperatures, with the effectiveness of the catalysts following the order: NiCo2O4 > CuCo2O4 > ZnCo2O4.

Due to the synergistic effect of simultaneous oxidation of LPG and CO, total LPG oxidation was found to occur at 185 °C, which is 10°C less than that for oxidation of LPG alone. Thus, the researchers were able to devise a new spinel catalyst which catalyse the oxidation of HCs and CO at low temperatures and were able to solve the problem of  cold-start of LPG fuelled vehicles to some extent.

Low Temperature Complete Combustion of Lean Mixture of LPG Emissions over Cobaltite Catalysts

Read more about the preparation and characterization of spinel cobaltite catalysts from the article:

Low Temperature Complete Combustion of Lean Mixture of LPG Emissions over Cobaltite Catalysts
Ram Prasad, Sony Chaddha and Pratichi Singh
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00537B

Shreesha Bhat, Web Writer Shreesha Bhat is a M.S.(Pharm.) in Medicinal Chemistry from National Institute  of  Pharmaceutical  Education and Research,  India. His area of interests  include chemical  synthesis of biologically important  molecules  and developing  newer methods for organic  synthesis using novel catalysts.

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