Photofuel Cells for Methanol Production from Carbon Dioxide

Due to its sustainability appeal, carbon dioxide is gaining popularity as a feedstock for the synthesis of commercially-important chemicals, including fuels for energy applications. Methanol may be formed from carbon dioxide via water splitting with the assistance of photocatalysts. In this study, reverse photofuel cells incorporating tungsten oxide and layered double hydroxide (LDH) photocatalysts were used for the oxidation of water and the reduction of carbon dioxide, respectively. Two different fabrication designs were tested: in one cell, the catalysts were either used alone or mixed with carbon black; in the other, LDH was mounted on copper, tungsten oxide was mounted on carbon, and the photoelectrodes were immersed in hydrochloric acid solution.

The second cell outperformed the first in terms of the amount of photocurrent generated, since the transfer of protons across the Nafion film was more efficient in the acid solution. However, product selectivity differed between the two cells: gaseous carbon dioxide led to the preferential formation of methanol, whereas the second cell predominantly generated hydrogen due to the poor solubility of carbon dioxide in water.

The full paper is available here:
Photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide into methanol in reverse fuel cells with tungsten oxide and layered double hydroxide photocatalysts for solar fuel generation
Motoharu Morikawa, Yuta Ogura, Naveed Ahmed, Shogo Kawamura, Gaku Mikami, Seiji Okamoto, and Yasuo Izumi
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00959A

Jenna Flogeras obtained her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton), Canada. Currently a Ph.D. student at Memorial University of Newfoundland, she is excited to spend some time outside the laboratory this summer to explore Thailand and Southeast Asia.

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HOT articles in Catalysis Science & Technology

Take a look at the selection which are free to read for a short time: Graphical abstract: Cu-MOFs as active, selective and reusable catalysts for oxidative C–O bond coupling reactions by direct C–H activation of formamides, aldehydes and ethers

NaF regulated aqueous phase synthesis of aromatic amides and imines catalyzed by Au/HT
Qianqian Wang, Youquan Deng and Feng Shi
DOI: 10.1039/C4CY00210E, Communication

Cu-MOFs as active, selective and reusable catalysts for oxidative C–O bond coupling reactions by direct C–H activation of formamides, aldehydes and ethers
I. Luz, A. Corma and F. X. Llabrés i Xamena
DOI: 10.1039/C4CY00032C, Paper

Recent developments in liquid-phase selective oxidation using environmentally benign oxidants and mesoporous metal silicates
Oxana A. Kholdeeva
DOI: 10.1039/C4CY00087K, Perspective

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HOT articles in Catalysis Science & Technology

Take a look at the selection which are free to read for a short time: Graphical abstract: Homogeneous catalysis for the conversion of biomass and biomass-derived platform chemicals

Homogeneous catalysis for the conversion of biomass and biomass-derived platform chemicals
Peter J. Deuss, Katalin Barta and Johannes G. de Vries
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01058A, Perspective

Highly active Cr(III) catalysts for the reaction of CO2 with epoxides
Sait Elmas, Muhammad A. Subhani, Marcus Harrer, Walter Leitner, Jörg Sundermeyer and Thomas E. Müller
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01087B, Paper

Regioselective transformation of alkynes catalyzed by a copper hydride or boryl copper species
Tetsuaki Fujihara, Kazuhiko Semba, Jun Terao and Yasushi Tsuji
DOI: 10.1039/C4CY00070F, Perspective

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Catalysis Science & Technology Issue 5 of 2014 out now!

Graphical abstract: Front coverThe latest issue of CS&T is now online. You can read the full issue here.

The outside front cover features the paper Deactivation studies of a carbon supported AuPt nanoparticulate catalyst in the liquid-phase aerobic oxidation of 1,2-propanediol by Carmine D’Agostino, Yulia Ryabenkova, Peter J. Miedziak, Stuart H. Taylor, Graham J. Hutchings, Lynn F. Gladden and Mick D. Mantle.

The authors gave the following explanation of their cover image: ‘This hand-made drawing represents the essence of our article. There are fishes (reactant molecules) that swim under water (the solvent for the reaction), in marine caves (porous catalyst matrix) looking for pots of gold and platinum (the active components of the catalyst). A cave is accessible (the catalyst mesopores) despite the presence of obstacles (the deposits formed during the reaction) and the smiling fishes rush happily towards the precious metal pots! The other cave (the micropores of the catalyst) is much narrower and the path is blocked by the deposits. What a pity for the fishes, who are unable to access the precious metal pots, showing disappointed faces!’

The drawing was made in collaboration with Chen Xi, a Cambridge local artist whose other works can be seen at: abstract: Inside front cover

Homogeneous catalysis for the conversion of biomass and biomass-derived platform chemicals is the paper highlighted on the inside front cover by Peter J. Deuss, Katalin Barta* and Johannes G. de Vries.

Issue 5 contains a number of excellent Mini-review articles:

Role of microwaves in heterogeneous catalytic systems
Satoshi Horikoshi* and Nick Serpone

Solar photocatalysis for water disinfection: materials and reactor design
Donal A. Keane, Kevin G. McGuigan, Pilar Fernández Ibáñez, M. Inmaculada Polo-López, J. Anthony Byrne, Patrick S. M. Dunlop, Kevin O’Shea, Dionysios D. Dionysiou and Suresh C. Pillai

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FineCat 2014: Great Catalysis Science and Art third FineCat – Symposium on heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals was held in Palermo, Italy, on April 2-3, 2014 in the splendid venue of the Steri Palace. The Symposium ended late in the evening of April 3rd with a spectacular social dinner at the Tasca d’Almerita estate, following the guided tour of the 1,000 years old Steri Palace the day before.

The scientific program featured 12 symposia and 11 poster presentations that highlighted practically relevant chemical innovation in fields as diverse as flow catalysis, catalysis with metal “Lego” nanoparticles, photocatalysis and biomass catalytic valorization. Fine chemicals — polyfunctional molecules with specific properties imparting them high added value — have traditionally been synthesized via selective homogeneous synthetic methods. All this is now changing as newly developed heterogeneous catalysis emerges as a convenient industrial tool capable to make the fine chemicals industry not only environmentally, but also economically, more sustainable. Delegates from Slovenia, Thailand, Canada, UK, Italy and Germany showed once again the truly international nature of this Symposium series inaugurated in 2012.

A Catalysis Science & Technology post prize was awarded to Maria Luisa Testa for her poster concerning he use of acid hybrid silicas in esterification reactions, awarding one year’s personal e-subscription to Catalysis Science & Technology. The Prize was offered by RSC Publishing, partnering with the organizers since the very first FineCat symposium.

Read more about the conference here.

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Styrene carbonate synthesis by unsymmetrical aluminium catalyst

Reactions that utilize carbon dioxide are widely studied for their potential role in climate change mitigation. Symmetrical aluminium salen complexes are well known for their ability to catalyze reactions of carbon dioxide with epoxides, producing commercially valuable cyclic carbonates or polycarbonates. Aluminium complexes based on an unsymmetrical coordination environment, however, have not yet been explored for the cycloaddition reaction. This research represents the first catalyst study incorporating a hybrid salen-acetylacetonate ligand, using styrene oxide as a substrate.

The University of Sheffield researchers discovered that the catalyst achieves 70% conversion to styrene carbonate at atmospheric pressure and elevated temperatures. When used in conjunction with tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) in dichloromethane, this value reaches 90%. Moreover, TBAB alone catalyzes the reaction in yields comparable to the aluminium catalyst.

The full paper can be read here:

A single centre aluminium(III) catalyst and TBAB as an ionic organo-catalyst for the homogeneous catalytic synthesis of styrene carbonate
Somsak Supasitmongkol and Peter Styring
Catal. Sci. Technol. 2014, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01015E 

Jenna Flogeras obtained her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton), Canada. She is currently working towards her Ph.D. at Memorial University of Newfoundland, under the supervision of Dr. Francesca Kerton. Her research is focused on the synthesis of biodegradable polymers using main-group metal complexes as catalysts.

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HOT articles for March

These articles are HOT as recommended by the referees. And we’ve made them free to access for the next 4 weeks!

Catalysis engineering of bifunctional solids for the one-step synthesis of liquid fuels from syngas: a review
Sina Sartipi, Michiel Makkee, Freek Kapteijn and Jorge Gascon
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014,4, 893-907
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01021J

Graphical abstract

Free to access until 11th April 2014

Combining wet impregnation and dry sputtering to prepare highly-active CoPd/H-ZSM5 ternary catalysts applied for tandem catalytic synthesis of isoparaffins
Jian Sun, Wenqi Niu, Akira Taguchi, Takayuki Abe, Yoshiharu Yoneyama and Noritatsu Tsubaki  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01091K

Graphical abstract

Free to access until 11th April 2014

Cooperation between the surface hydroxyl groups of Ru–SiO2@mSiO2 and water for good catalytic performance for hydrogenation of quinoline
Lei Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang, Ying Xue, Xiaojun Zeng, Hua Chen, Ruixiang Li and Shanling Wang  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01071F

Graphical abstract

Free to access until 4th April 2014

Easily accessible bifunctional Zn(salpyr) catalysts for the formation of organic carbonates
C. Martín, C. J. Whiteoak, E. Martin, M. Martínez Belmonte, E. C. Escudero-Adán and A. W. Kleij
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01043K

Graphical abstract


Free to access until 4th April 2014

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Top Ten most accessed Catalysis Science & Technology articles from October to December 2013

During October, November and December, the following articles were the Top Ten most accessed:

Graphene-based materials for catalysis
Bruno F. Machado and Philippe Serp  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012, 2, 54-75
DOI: 10.1039/c1cy00361e

Single-layer MoS2 as an efficient photocatalyst
Yunguo Li, Yan-Ling Li, Carlos Moyses Araujo, Wei Luo and Rajeev Ahuja  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 2214-2220
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00207a

Homogeneous hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol
Yu-Nong Li, Ran Ma, Liang-Nian He and Zhen-Feng Diao  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00564j

Metal organic frameworks as heterogeneous catalysts for the production of fine chemicals
Amarajothi Dhakshinamoorthy, Maksym Opanasenko, Jiří Čejka and Hermenegildo Garcia  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 2509-2540
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00350g

Recent advances in the photocatalytic CO2 reduction over semiconductors
Jin Mao, Kan Li and Tianyou Peng  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 2481-2498
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00345k

Gold Catalysis – the journey continues
A. Stephen K. Hashmi and Graham J. Hutchings  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 2861-2861
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy90026f

Remarkable Lewis acid catalytic performance of the scandium trimesate metal organic framework MIL-100(Sc) for C–C and CN bond-forming reactions
Laura Mitchell, Berenice Gonzalez-Santiago, John P. S. Mowat, Mary E. Gunn, Patrick Williamson, Nadia Acerbi, Matthew L. Clarke and Paul A. Wright  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 606-617
DOI: 10.1039/c2cy20577g

Metal sulphide semiconductors for photocatalytic hydrogen production
Kai Zhang and Liejin Guo  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 1672-1690
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00018d

Photocatalytic water oxidation with cobalt-containing tungstobismutates: tuning the metal core
Fabio Evangelisti, Pierre-Emmanuel Car, Olivier Blacque and Greta R. Patzke  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 3117-3129
DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00475a

Challenge and progress: palladium-catalyzed sp3 C–H activation
Hu Li, Bi-Jie Li and Zhang-Jie Shi  
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2011, 1, 191-206
DOI: 10.1039/c0cy00076k

Please leave your comments or thoughts on any of these articles in the comment box below.

Do you have an article that you would like to submit to Catalysis Science & Technology? Why not submit to us here today?

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Fastest journal in catalysis research

Catalysis Science & Technology publishes research faster than any other catalysis journal

CatSciTech Cover

The average time to publication for Catalysis Science & Technology is shorter than for any other high-impact catalysis journal*. In a recent survey by the Catalysis Science & Technology editorial office, the time between when an article is received and its first online publication was compared for all primary and secondary research articles published in ACS Catalysis, ChemCatChem, Journal of Catalysis and Catalysis Science & Technology in 2013.

The mean time to publication for Catalysis Science & Technology in 2013 was 65 days, more than 10 days faster than the next fastest journal. Our survey also highlighted that Catalysis Science & Technology’s times to publication are getting even shorter, as indicated by a mean time of just 55 days between September and December 2013.

Catalysis Science & Technology publishes 12 issues a year containing primary articles, communications, perspectives and mini reviews covering all fundamental science and technological aspects of catalysis. In addition to rapid publication times, our fair and impartial peer-review process means the content we publish is always of the highest possible quality.

Why not take advantage of the shortest time-to-publication in catalysis science and submit your next article to Catalysis Science & Technology?

* Defined as specialised journals publishing catalysis with an impact factor greater than 3.5

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Chromium complexes catalyse carbon dioxide/epoxide copolymerization

Homogeneous catalysts for the copolymerisation of carbon dioxide and epoxides encompass a wide range of main group and transition metal complexes; these often incorporate multidentate ligands such as porphyrins, salens, and salans, among other related classes. Amine-bis-phenolates are one class of ligands which have been employed as supporting scaffolds for polymerisation catalysts, providing tunability at the metal centre by functional group modifications at both the aromatic ring positions and on the neutral pendent donor atom. Recent research by the Kozak Group at Memorial University of Newfoundland has focussed on developing amine-bis(phenolate) complexes of mid-to-late transition metals as catalysts for this reaction. In a recent paper published in Catalysis Science & Technology, three six-coordinate chromium complexes with two types of pendent arm were evaluated as copolymerisation catalysts.

The most active catalyst in this study utilised a ligand featuring a coordinated tetrahydrofuranyl pendent group, while ligands featuring non-coordinating benzyl groups resulted in lower yields of the poly(cyclohexene carbonate) product. Although the polymer produced was atactic in all cases, the catalyst was found to be advantageous due to the high percentages of carbonate linkages prevailing in the final product with no evidence suggesting undesirable formation of cyclic carbonate formation.

Read the orginal paper below, which was also cited as a HOT article by the Catalysis Science & Technology referees:

Chromium(III) amine-bis(phenolate) complexes as catalysts for copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide and CO2
Hua Chen, Louise N. Dawe, and Christopher M. Kozak
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY01002C

Jenna Flogeras

Jenna Flogeras obtained her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton), Canada. She is currently working towards her Ph.D. at Memorial University of Newfoundland, under the supervision of Dr. Francesca Kerton. Her research is focused on the synthesis of biodegradable polymers using main-group metal complexes as catalysts.

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