Posts Tagged ‘Publishing’

We are pleased to announce the winners of the RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2017

We are delighted to announce the winners of the RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2017 (#RSCPoster).

The Royal Society of Chemistry Twitter Poster Conference is an online event held entirely over Twitter to bring members of the scientific research community together to share their research, network and engage in scientific debate.

Building upon the success of the previous two Analytical Science Twitter Poster Conferences, the 2017 poster conference encompassed all areas of the chemical sciences. The conference reached the scientific research community around the world, achieving 1,650 contributors, 6,473 tweets, an audience of 2,770,749 and 11,841,519 total impressions.

You can find out all the details about the conference here.

The following winners have been awarded prizes for the nine subject categories-

Analytical – #RSCAnal

1st Prize
Matthew Healey, Loughborough University, Detecting Prion Diseases Using Aptamers and Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing

2nd Prize
Laena D’Alton, La Trobe University, 3D-printed optical sensor chip for cell and particle analysis and Modified chitosan as an alternative to paper in paper-based sensing

3rd Prize
Sarah Hampson, Loughborough University, 3D-printed optical sensor chip for cell and particle analysis

Chemical Biology – #RSCChemBio

1st Prize
Novenia Oerip Ariyani‏, Nanyang Technological University, Protein nanocage-stabilized emulsion: The first nonviral protein nanocage.

2nd Prize
Michael J Booth, University of Oxford, Light-activated communication in synthetic tissues

3rd Prize
Jean-Marc Henry, University of Manchester, Integrated catalysis opens new arylation pathways via regiodivergent enzymatic C-H activation

Education – #RSCEdu

1st Prize
Michael Seery, The University of Edinburgh, Peer Assessment of Laboratory Skills

2nd Prize
Dino Spagnoli, The University of Western Australia, Technology to Develop Transferable Skills + Enhance the Lab Experience in 1st Year Chemistry

3rd Prize
Fraser Scott, University of Lincoln, A Very Brief Overview of Scott’s Numeracy Framework: A Refinement of Hogan’s

Environmental – #RSCEnv

1st Prize
Nadine Borduas, ETH Zurich, The atmospheric fate of organic nitrogen compounds

2nd Prize
Nigel Richards, Cardiff University, Exploring the effect of heat treatments on 2 wt% Pd-Al2O3 for N2O decomposition

3rd Prize
Zeljka Kesic, University of Belgrade, Biodiesel synthesis using mechanochemically obtained mixed oxide catalyst

Inorganic – #RSCInorg

1st Prize
Jason Dutton, La Trobe University, A New Family of Au (III) Trications

2nd Prize
Suzanne Jansze, EPFL, Size matters

Materials – #RSCMat

1st Prize
David Lunn, University of Oxford, Versatile and scalable synthesis of functional lipids for material applications

2nd Prize
Adam Squires, University of Bath, Breaking the mould: lipid cubic phases as templates for catalytic metal nanomaterials

3rd Prize
Zachariah Page, University of California, Santa Barbara, Lights, camera, action: Photoswitches & photopolymerizations shot in real time with NMR

Nanoscience – #RSCNano

1st Prize
Samuel Hinman, University of California Riverside, DNA linkers and diluents for ultrastable gold nanoparticle conjugates

2nd Prize
Paolo Actis, University of Leeds, Creative use of electrowetting to perform biopsies from living cells

3rd Prize
Valerio Voliani, Istituto Italiano Di Tecnologia, Passion fruit-like nano-architectures as cleavable inorganic theranostics

Organic – #RSCOrg

1st Prize
Neil Keddie, University of St Andrews, All cis-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexafluorocyclohexane: the most polar aliphatic molecule currently identified

2nd Prize
James Birkett and Joe Sweeney, University of Huddersfield, Iron catalysed synthesis of novel spirocyclic heterocycles

Physical – #RSCPhys

1st Prize
Andrea Villa-Torrealba, Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Degrees of Freedom of Soft Particles

2nd Prize
Gieberth Rodriguez-Lopez, Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Anomolous Diffusion of a Brownian Droplet Under Oswald Ripening

3rd Prize
Matthew Ryder, University of Oxford, Mechanical Trends and Elastic Anomalies Underpinning the Stability of Isoreticular Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks

The RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2017 audience award for most re-tweeted and liked poster is awarded to-

Jo-Han Ng, University of Southampton Malaysia Campus, Telepresence Learning of Chemistry using Minecraft in Virtual Reality, entered in the #RSCEdu category.

The winners received cash prizes, RSC book or OA journal vouchers, or 6 month digital subscriptions to Chemistry World. We would like to give special thanks to external sponsors Fluorochem, Morton Fraser and Thermofisher for their prize donations and support for the conference.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to the scientific community for making the conference such a big success!

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RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2017

We are delighted to announce the RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2017 (#RSCPoster) will be happening on Monday March 20th (9am GMT) to Tuesday March 21st (9 am GMT).

The Royal Society of Chemistry Twitter Poster Conference is an online event held entirely over Twitter to bring members of the scientific research community together to share their research, network and engage in scientific debate.

Building upon the success of the previous two Analytical Science Twitter Poster Conferences, we have broadened the scope of the poster conference to include all areas of the chemical sciences.

How do I take part?
During the event simply tweet an image (e.g. JPEG) which will be a digital poster summarising your research along with #RSCPoster, the most appropriate subject area hashtag and the title of your work.

The hashtags required are:

Analytical – #RSCPoster #RSCAnal

Chemical Biology – #RSCPoster #RSCChemBio

Education – #RSCPoster #RSCEdu

Environmental – #RSCPoster #RSCEnv

Inorganic – #RSCPoster #RSCInorg

Materials – #RSCPoster #RSCMat

Nanoscience – #RSCPoster #RSCNano

Organic – #RSCPoster #RSCOrg

Physical – #RSCPoster #RSCPhys

For instance, if you are presenting an analytical poster you would tweet “Poster Title” #RSCPoster #RSCAnal. Throughout the day you can then answer any questions posed to you by other people on Twitter and ask questions about other posters. Make sure you follow #RSCPoster throughout the day as the conference progresses.

You also need to upload your poster and details to the conference Tumblr site, under the appropriate subject category, to ensure you are in contention for a prize. Access the Tumblr site here.

When is it?
Posters tweeted with #RSCPoster with the most relevant subject hashtag and also uploaded to Tumblr between 9am GMT March 20th and 9am GMT March 21st will be eligible to win prizes. Make sure you ask and answer lots of questions to ensure your work is well understood!

Is my research area suitable?
The conference is open to anyone working in any area of science whose research topic falls within one of the subject hashtag categories. If you’re unsure if your poster is suitable for the conference, just get in touch and we can advise.

What can I win?
The main aim of the event is to meet new scientists, share ideas and learn about the latest developments in different scientific areas. The scientific committee will select posters which stimulate wide interest and feature innovative, high quality, exciting research. Posters prizes will be awarded for content & accessibility, design and researcher interaction with the conference. There will also be an audience award for the most tweeted poster.

Who is organising the event and how do I find them?
At different points throughout the day members of each scientific committee for each subject area will be logging in to Twitter and searching #RSCPoster to ask questions about some of the posters. Make sure you check back in at different times to see if you have any new questions and also make sure you ask questions about other posters. Members of the organising and scientific committee and their Twitter names are listed below and make sure you follow the RSC journal twitter accounts relevant to your research for updates.

How do I register?
Pre-registration is not necessary; however we will need to verify who you are and where you do your research to be eligible for the prizes. We strongly recommend you do this before the event by emailing us and letting us know:
•    Your name, address and contact details
•    The title or topic of your poster
•    Your twitter ID

Conference Chairs
Matthew J Baker, University of Strathclyde, @ChemistryBaker
Craig Banks, Manchester Metropolitan University, @ACT_mmu

Samuel Illingworth, Manchester Metropolitan University, @Samillingworth
Edward Randviir, Manchester Metropolitan University, @EdwardRandviir

Royal Society of Chemistry

Subject Chairs

Roy Goodacre, University of Manchester, #RSCAnal, @RoyGoodacre

Martin Resano, University of Zarragoza, #RSCAnal, @MartinResano

Michael Johnson, University of Arizona, #RSCChemBio, @blacksciblog 

Marloes Peeters, Manchester Metropolitan University, #RSCChemBio, @Peeters_Marloes

Claire McDonnell, Dublin Institute of Technology, #RSCEdu

Kristy Turner, University of Manchester, #RSCEdu, @doc_kristy

Damien Arrigan, Curtin University, #RSCEnv, @arri_aus

Doug Macfarlane, Monash University, #RSCEnv, @DRMacFarlane

Polly Arnold, University of Edinburgh, #RSCInorg, @ProfArno

Rebecca Melen, Cardiff University, #RSCInorg, @rebecca_melen

Athina Anastasaki, University of California, Santa Barbara, #RSCMat, @AthinaAnastasa1

Fiona Hatton, University of Sheffield, #RSCMat, @fi_hat

Gemma-Louise Davies, University of Warwick, #RSCNano, @GemmaLouDavies

Karen Faulds, University of Strathclyde, #RSCNano, @FauldsKaren

Ryan Mewis, Manchester Metropolitan University, #RSCOrg

David Nelson, University of Strathclyde, #RSCOrg, @TheNelsonGroup

Committee Members

Zoe Ayres, University of Warwick, @zjayres

Perdita Barran, University of Manchester, @PerditaB

James Batteas, Texas A&M University, @jamesbatteas

Gonçalo Bernardes, University of Cambridge, @gbernardes_chem

Margaret Brimble, University of Auckland, @BrimbleM

Holly Butler, University of Strathclyde, @HollehButler

Richard Dluhy, UAB College of Arts and Sciences, @radluhy

Malika Jeffries-EL, Boston University, @Chem_Diva

Simon Lewis, Curtin University, @SimonWLewis

Jean-Francois Masson, University of Montreal, @Masson_chem

Warren Piers, University of Calgary, @Wpiers1

Michael Seery, University of Edinburgh, @seerymk

Nick Stone, Univeristy of Exeter, @profnickstone

Marcel Swart, University of Girona, @marcel_swart

Renee Webster, Monash University, @reneewebs

Register for #RSCPoster

We look forward to meeting you in March!

Frequently Asked Questions (will be regularly updated)

Do I need to check the copyright and permissions needed for figures or any other parts of my poster which have already been published?
Yes. Copyright owners have the exclusive right to copy their work and to issue copies of their work to the public, and it is an infringement for anyone else to do so without the copyright owner’s permission. If you are reproducing material contained in a Royal Society of Chemistry publication (journal articles, book or book chapters) you may do so providing that you fully acknowledge the original Royal Society of Chemistry publication and include a link back to it. If you wish to include material that has been published by another publisher, you will need to check how the publisher/copyright owner of the third party material wishes to receive permission requests. Information on this can be found on our Permission Requests page at under “Use of third party material in our publications”.

If I include unpublished work in my poster, will I still be able to publish this in a peer-reviewed journal afterwards?
Subject to the usual conditions outlined in the License to Publish, being a part of the Twitter conference will not prevent you using some of the information included in your poster as part of an article in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal. Please note this policy varies by publisher and if you intend to submit your research for publication elsewhere after the event, you should check the individual policy for that journal and publisher.

What size should my poster be?
You can choose any dimensions for your poster, the important thing is that the text and figures are clear for people to read and understand. Using Microsoft PowerPoint, we found a text size of between 12-16 were clear to read when saving an A4 slide as a JPEG and uploading to Twitter. Using an A0 template, the text needed to be between 50 and 60 to be legible. You can use any software you like to create your poster, as long as the image you upload is clear for others to read. We recommend testing your poster on Twitter before the conference to make sure you are happy with your image.

My image is too big for Twitter – what can I do?
We strongly recommend uploading the highest resolution image possible, but it won’t always be so simple. If your image is too high resolution, simply upload a lesser quality image of your poster to Twitter, then upload the high resolution image to the Tumblr page. You might also like to redirect any interest shown in your work towards Tumblr.

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And the winners are…

As part of our participation in Peer Review Week, we ran a prize draw for our reviewers. Anyone who provided a review for one of our journals between 19 September 2016 and 16 October 2016 was automatically entered for a chance to win a fantastic prize!

The winners have now been selected at random, with the first three winning an Apple iPad and then next ten winning a six-month subscription to Chemistry World.

The lucky reviewers that will receive an iPad are….

Name Institution Country
Le Yu Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Bin Hu Wuhan University China
Claudia Kummerloewe Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences Germany

The reviewers that have won a six-month subscription to Chemistry World are….

Name Institution Country
Kaushik Chatterjee Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India
A. Stephen K. Hashmi Heidelberg University Germany
Xiaolin Wang City University of Hong Kong China
W. Henderson The University of Waikato New Zealand
Julia Laskin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory United States
Robert Phipps University of Cambridge United Kingdom
Feng Guo Pennsylvania State University United States
Shengfang Li Hubei Polytechnic University China
William Wuest Temple University United States
E. Ruijter VU University Amsterdam Netherlands

Please join us in congratulating all of the winners!

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Review and win!

When you give your time as a reviewer for a Royal Society of Chemistry journal, you are part of the world’s leading chemistry community, supporting us in advancing excellence in the chemical sciences.  As a little added bonus to celebrate Peer Review Week, for the next four weeks you will also be in with a chance of winning a fantastic prize!

The first three lucky winners will receive an Apple iPad and 10 runners-up will collect a free 6 month digital subscription to Chemistry World the Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship magazine featuring the latest chemistry news, research updates, features, opinions, podcasts and more. This offer also includes a 25% discount on a 12 month digital subscription after the end of the free access period.

Entry couldn’t be simpler – a reviewer who submits a review for any of our journals between 19 September 2016 and 16 October 2016 will be automatically eligible for a chance to win.  Winners will be selected at random and announced in the first week of November 2016.*

If you would like to become a reviewer for any of our journals, just contact the journal by email with details of your research interests and an up-to-date CV or résumé.  You can find more details in our author and reviewer resource centre.

P.S. Did you know that all reviewers for our journals are entitled to a 25% discount on books published by the Royal Society of Chemistry?  Contact for more information.

*Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the winner(s). If the winner(s) cannot be contacted, we reserve the right to offer the prize to the next eligible entrant drawn at random. We reserve the right to reject entries from entrants not entering into the spirit of the competition.

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Celebrating our reviewers

This week, we are excited to be joining in the celebrations for Peer Review Week – a global event recognising the essential role that peer review plays in maintaining scientific quality.

At the Royal Society of Chemistry, we are passionate about ensuring that our journals deliver rigorous and fair peer review.  We wouldn’t be able to achieve that commitment without the amazing contribution of our reviewers.

So far this year, nearly 40,000 individual reviewers have provided a review for one or more of our journals.  Between them they have submitted over 120,000 reviews!  Every one of them is contributing to the efforts of our community to advance excellence in the chemical sciences.

Our community is truly a global one, with reviewers coming from over 100 different countries.

This Peer Review Week, we want to celebrate just some of the individuals who’ve made significant contributions to our journals by reviewing for us this year.  We’ll be publishing a list of the top 10 reviewers for each of our journals throughout this week, starting today with our materials and nanoscience journals.

While it’s not possible to list all of them here, we would like to thank each and every reviewer for their support.  We’d also like to say an extra-special thank you to the members of our journals’ editorial and advisory boards who often serve as senior reviewers and adjudicators.

Each day, a different set of journals will publish their Top 10 reviewers for 2016, as selected by the editor for their significant contribution to the journal


19th September


20th September


21st September


22nd September


23rd September

Materials and Nanoscience Energy, Environmental and Catalysis Organic, Biological and Medicinal Inorganic, Physical and Analytical General chemistry and Applied chemistry
Biomaterials Science Energy & Environmental Science Integrative Biology Dalton Transactions Chemical Communications
Journal of Materials Chemistry A Environmental Science: Nano Metallomics Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Chemical Science
Journal of Materials Chemistry B Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Molecular BioSystems CrystEngComm Chemical Society Reviews
Journal of Materials Chemistry C Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology MedChemComm Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics New Journal of Chemistry
Materials Chemistry Frontiers Green Chemistry Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry Analyst Molecular Systems Design & Engineering
Materials Horizons Catalysis Science & Technology Toxicology Research Analytical Methods Reaction Chemistry & Engineering
Polymer Chemistry Food & Function Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Soft Matter Organic Chemistry Frontiers Lab on a Chip
Nanoscale Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences

Make sure you come back everyday this week to see the top reviewers for our journals.

If you would like to become a reviewer for any of our journals, just contact the journal by email with details of your research interests and an up-to-date CV or résumé.  You can find more details in our author and reviewer resource centre.

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Introducing Sustainable Energy & Fuels

The new place to publish your energy and fuels researchSustainable Energy and Fuels cover image

Here at the Royal Society of Chemistry, we are justifiably proud of our reputation for high quality publications in energy science. So we are delighted to announce the expansion of our energy portfolio with the launch of new journal Sustainable Energy & Fuels.

Complementing our leading titles Energy & Environmental Science and Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Sustainable Energy & Fuels will publish interdisciplinary research that contributes to the development of sustainable energy technologies, with a particular emphasis on new and next-generation technologies.

An essential resource for energy researchers, Sustainable Energy & Fuels cuts across major disciplines – materials science, physics, chemistry, engineering and biology – covering evolving and emerging areas such as:

•    bioenergy including biofuels, biomass conversion and fuels from living organisms
•    carbon capture, storage and utilisation
•    energy conversion including fuel cells, piezoelectrics and thermoelectrics
•    energy storage including batteries and supercapacitors
•    hydrogen production, storage and distribution
•    new technologies for energy efficiency including magnetocalorics,  lighting and heating
•    nuclear power
•    solar energy including solar photovoltaics and solar fuels
•    sustainable fossil and alternative fuels

Guided by Editor-in-Chief Professor James Durrant (Imperial College London and Swansea University, UK), Sustainable Energy & Fuels will publish monthly issues containing a mix of Communications, Full papers and Reviews. Look out for the first issue online in spring 2017, with advance articles published from December 2016.

We’ll be sharing more news soon – including when Sustainable Energy & Fuels opens for submissions. With all content published in 2017 and 2018 free to access upon registration, publishing your research in these high profile first issues offers you maximum exposure for your work.

Make sure you stay up to date – sign up to email alerts today.

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Celebrating our 2016 prize and award winners

Prizes and awards 2016

Across the scientific community, talented groups and individuals are shaping the future of the chemical sciences.

For over 140 years, we’ve been acknowledging and celebrating that talent with our prizes and awards programme.

Our awards reflect the exceptional achievements and diverse nature of our community, across academia, education and industry. Winners have come from a vast range of specialisms, backgrounds, countries and communities. Many have gone on to be Nobel Laureates. All have proved that passion, excellence and dedication deserve recognition and reward.

In celebration of our 2016 prizes and awards, we have collected articles from across our journals to showcase some of the remarkable contributions made by this year’s winners.

All articles are free to access until 5th June 2016.

Access the full collection

Dr Robert Parker, Chief Executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry says:
“It is an honour to recognise the illustrious achievements of our prize and award winners in our 175th anniversary year.

“We were founded in 1841 by a group of academics, industrialists and doctors who understood the power of the chemical sciences to change our world for the better. Our winners share that vision and are advancing excellence in their fields, whether through innovative research or inspirational teaching and outreach.

“We are proud to celebrate and support the work of inspiring and influential individuals, whose work has the potential to improve so many lives.”

Did you know?

An incredible 47 previous winners of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s awards have gone on to win Nobel Prizes for their pioneering work, including Harry Kroto, Fred Sanger and Linus Pauling. Indeed, one of the 2012 Royal Society of Chemistry prize winners, Arieh Warshel, was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

A full list of winners and more information about the Royal Society of Chemistry prizes and awards can be found at:

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Introducing Materials Chemistry Frontiers

Journal cover for Materials Chemistry Frontiers

The international, high-quality journal for topical and multi-disciplinary research on all aspects of materials chemistry.

We are delighted to announce Materials Chemistry Frontiers, the third title in the enterprising Frontiers family – a truly international, world-class journal series directed by leading Chinese academic institutions and published in partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry.

High-impact science
Materials Chemistry Frontiers is the ideal home for studies of a significant nature which further the development of organic, inorganic, composite and nano-materials.

This online-only, highly interdisciplinary journal will focus on the synthesis and chemistry of exciting new materials, and the development of improved fabrication techniques. Characterisation and fundamental studies that are of broad appeal are also welcomed.

In a simple and straightforward publishing format, Materials Chemistry Frontiers will publish only three article types:

• Research Articles
• Critical Reviews
• Chemistry Frontiers

Find out more.

Led by experts
Materials Chemistry Frontiers is jointly owned by the Chinese Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry, supported by the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The journal will be led by Editor in Chief Benzhong Tang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).

This winning collaboration of China-led research expertise and innovative publishing by a world-leading not-for-profit publisher guarantees a journal that will uphold the highest ethical standards and showcase only the very best research from China, Asia and the rest of the world to an international audience.

Maximum visibility

High-impact research needs high visibility. All content published in the first two volumes will be free to access upon registration – offering authors maximum exposure for their work.

World-class publishing

At the Royal Society of Chemistry, we’ve successfully launched journals across the breadth of the chemical sciences, including an ALPSP Best New Journal winner and a host of high impact titles leading the way in their field. So you can be sure Materials Chemistry Frontiers is in safe hands.

Benefits of being a Materials Chemistry Frontiers author include:

• Rapid publication and first-class author service
• A simple and user-friendly online submission process
• No submission charges or page limits, and free colour
• Open access publishing options
• Free electronic reprints of your own paper

Keep in touch
Be the first to hear the latest news about Materials Chemistry Frontiers – including when the journal is open for submissions – sign up to e-alerts today.

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Top open access articles from our journals – all in one place

Read and share research that everyone should know about.

Open access articles appear throughout our journal portfolio, and range from Research papers and Perspectives to Minireviews, Communications and Edge Articles. All of the open access articles we’ve published can be recommended for their quality, variety and relevance. The research in this collection is at the top of that list.

Click a subject to browse the articles in that field:

Analytical chemistry

Self-cleaning properties in engineered sensors for dopamine electroanalytical detection

Guido Soliveri,ab Valentina Pifferi,ab Guido Panzarasa,c Silvia Ardizzone,ab Giuseppe Cappelletti,ab Daniela Meroni,ab Katia Sparnaccic and Luigi Falciola*ab

Published in Analyst, Jan 2015 – Paper

A dual-response BODIPY-based fluorescent probe for the discrimination of glutathione from cystein and homocystein

Feiyi Wang,a Li Zhou,b Chunchang Zhao,*a Rui Wang,b Qiang Fei,a Sihang Luo,a Zhiqian Guo,a He Tiana and Wei-Hong Zhu*a

Published in Chemical Science, Jan 2015 – Edge Article

Metal-Amplified Density Assays, (MADAs), including a Density-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (DeLISA)

Anand Bala Subramaniam,a Mathieu Gonidec,a Nathan D. Shapiro,a Kayleigh M. Kressea and George M. Whitesides*abc

Published in Lab on a Chip, Dec 2014 – Paper

Exploring new dimensions in cadaveric decomposition odour analysis

P.-H. Stefanuto,*a K. A. Perrault,b R. M. Lloyd,c B. Stuart,b T. Rai,d S. L. Forbesb and J.-F. Focanta

Published in Analytical Methods, Feb 2015 – Communication

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Biological chemistry

Kinetics of polymer looping with macromolecular crowding: effects of volume fraction and crowder size

Jaeoh Shin,a Andrey G. Cherstvya and Ralf Metzler*ab

Published in Soft Matter, Oct 2014 – Paper

Cancer stem cells: small subpopulation or evolving fraction?

Heiko Enderlinga

Published in Integrative Biology, Oct 2014 – Review

Toward organic electronics with properties inspired by biological tissue

Timothy F. O’Connor,a Kirtana M. Rajan,a Adam D. Printza and Darren J. Lipomi*a

Published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Feb 2015 – Highlight

Marine natural products

John W. Blunt,*a Brent R. Copp,b Robert A. Keyzers,c Murray H. G. Munroa and Michèle R. Prinsepd

Published in Natural Product Reports, Jan 2014 – Review

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Direct catalytic conversion of cellulose to liquid straight-chain alkanes

Beau Op de Beeck,a Michiel Dusselier,ac Jan Geboers,a Jensen Holsbeek,a Eline Morré,a Steffen Oswald,b Lars Giebelerb and Bert F. Sels*a

Published in Energy & Environmental Science, Sep 2014 – Paper

Transition metal-catalyzed direct nucleophilic addition of C–H bonds to carbon–heteroatom double bonds

Xi-Sha Zhang,a Kang Chena and   Zhang-Jie Shi*abc

Published in Chemical Science, Jan 2014 – Minireview

Anatomy of gold catalysts: facts and myths

Beatrice Ranieri,a Imma Escofeta and Antonio M. Echavarren*ab

Published in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, May 2015 – Review

Development of a PtSn bimetallic catalyst for direct fuel cells using bio-butanol fuel

V. K. Puthiyapura,a D. J. L. Brett,b A. E. Russell,c W. F. Lin*a and C. Hardacre*a

Published in ChemComm, Jul 2015 – Communication

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Chemical biology & medicinal

Zinc isotopic compositions of breast cancer tissue

Fiona Larner,*ab Laura N. Woodley,c Sami Shousha,d Ashley Moyes,e Emma Humphreys-Williams,f Stanislav Strekopytov,f Alex N. Halliday,a Mark Rehkämperbf and R. Charles Coombesg

Published in Metallomics, Dec 2014 – Paper

Selective glycoprotein detection through covalent templating and allosteric click-imprinting

Alexander Stephenson-Brown,a Aaron L. Acton,a Jon A. Preece,b John S. Fossey*b and Paula M. Mendes*a

Published in Chemical Science, Jun 2015 – Paper

Structure-based virtual screening for fragment-like ligands of the G protein-coupled histamine H4 receptor

Enade P. Istyastono,ab Albert J. Kooistra,a Henry F. Vischer,a Martien Kuijer,a Luc Roumen,a Saskia Nijmeijer,a Rogier A. Smits,c Iwan J. P. de Esch,a Rob Leursa and Chris de Graaf*a

Published in MedChemComm, Mar 2015 – Article

The potential of nanoparticles for the immunization against viral infections

Viktoriya Sokolova,a Astrid Maria Westendorf,b Jan Buer,b Klaus Überlac and Matthias Epple*a

Published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B, May 2015 – Review

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Does it have to be carbon? Metal anodes in microbial fuel cells and related bioelectrochemical systems

André Baudler,a Igor Schmidt,a Markus Langner,b Andreas Greiner*b and Uwe Schröder*a

Published in Energy & Environmental Science, May 2015 – Paper

Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cells

Federico Bella,*a Claudio Gerbaldi,a Claudia Barolob and Michael Grätzel*c

Published in Chemical Society Reviews, Apr 2015 – Review

Semi-crystalline photovoltaic polymers with efficiency exceeding 9% in a ∼300 nm thick conventional single-cell device

T. L. Nguyen,a H. Choi,b S.-J. Ko,b M. A. Uddin,a B. Walker,b S. Yum,a J.-E. Jeong,a M. H. Yun,b T. J. Shin,c S. Hwang,a J. Y. Kim*b and H. Y. Woo*a

Published in Energy & Environmental Science, Jun 2014 – Paper

High open-circuit voltage small-molecule p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:ICBA bulk heterojunction solar cells – morphology, excited-state dynamics, and photovoltaic performance

Aung Ko Ko Kyaw,a Dominik Gehrig,b Jie Zhang,a Ye Huang,c Guillermo C. Bazan,c Frédéric Laquai*b and  Thuc-Quyen Nguyen*c

Published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Nov 2014 – Paper

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Rare-earth recycling using a functionalized ionic liquid for the selective dissolution and revalorization of Y2O3:Eu3+ from lamp phosphor waste

David Duponta and Koen Binnemans*a

Published in Green Chemistry, Nov 2014 – Paper

Towards a holistic approach to metrics for the 21st century pharmaceutical industry

C. Robert McElroy,a Andri Constantinou,a Leonie C. Jones,a Louise Summertona and   James H. Clark*a

Published in Green Chemistry, Mar 2015 – Paper

Catalytic nanomotors for environmental monitoring and water remediation

Lluís Solera and   Samuel Sánchez*a

Published in Nanoscale, Apr 2014 – Minireview

Plasmonic colorimetric and SERS sensors for environmental analysis

Haoran Wei,abc Seyyed M. Hossein Abtahiabc and Peter J. Vikesland*abc

Published in Environmental Science: Nano, Mar 2015 – Review

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Variations in caffeine and chlorogenic acid contents of coffees: what are we drinking?

Iziar A. Ludwig,a Pedro Mena,b Luca Calani,b Concepción Cid,c Daniele Del Rio,b Michael E. J. Leand and Alan Crozier*a

Published in Food & Function, Jun 2014 – Paper

Corrin-based chemosensors for the ASSURED detection of endogenous cyanide

Felix Zelder*a and Lucas Tivana*b

Published in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Oct 2014 – Perspective

Discrimination between lectins with similar specificities by ratiometric profiling of binding to glycosylated surfaces; a chemical ‘tongue’ approach

L. Ottena and M. I. Gibson*a

Published in RSC Advances, Jun 2015 – Communication

Food derived microRNAs

Anika E. Wagner,*a Stefanie Piegholdt,a Martin Ferraro,a Kathrin Pallaufa and Gerald Rimbacha

Published in Food & Function, Jan 2015 – Review

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Unprecedented silicon(II)→calcium complexes with N-heterocyclic silylenes

Burgert Blom,*a Günter Klatt,b Daniel Gallego,a Gengwen Tana and Matthias Driess*a

Published in Dalton Transactions, Nov 2014 – Pape

Metal organic framework synthesis in the presence of surfactants: towards hierarchical MOFs?

B. Seoane,*a A. Dikhtiarenko,a A. Mayoral,bc C. Tellez,b J. Coronas,b F. Kapteijna and J. Gascon*a

Published in CrystEngComm, Jan 2015 – Paper

Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and charge transport properties of the (2-fluoro-3-pyridyl)(4-iodophenyl)borinic 8-oxyquinolinate complex

Grzegorz Wesela-Bauman,*ab Simon Parsons,c Janusz Serwatowskia and Krzysztof Woźniakb

Published in CrystEngComm, Oct 2014 – Paper

Synthesis of CuInS2 nanocrystals from a molecular complex – characterization of the orthorhombic domain structure

Jorge L. Cholula-Díaz,a Gerald Wagner,b Dirk Friedrich,a Oliver Oecklerb and Harald Krautscheid*a

Published in Dalton Transactions, May 2015 – Paper

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Liquid marbles: topical context within soft matter and recent progress

G. McHale*a and M. I. Newtonb

Published in Soft Matter, Feb 2015 – Review

Thermoresponsive polyelectrolytes derived from ionic liquids

Yuki Kohno,ab Shohei Saita,bc Yongjun Men,d Jiayin Yuan*e and Hiroyuki Ohno*bc

Published in Polymer Chemistry, Jan 2015 – Review

Extremely tough composites from fabric reinforced polyampholyte hydrogels

Daniel R. King,a Tao Lin Sun,b Yiwan Huang,c Takayuki Kurokawa,b Takayuki Nonoyama,b Alfred J. Crosby*a and Jian Ping Gong*b

Published in Materials Horizons, Aug 2015 – Communication

Microstructure replication of complex biostructures via poly(ionic liquid)-assisted carbonization

Martina Ambrogi,a Karoline Täuber,a Markus Antoniettia and  Jiayin Yuan*a

Published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Feb 2015 – Communication

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Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems

Andrea C. Ferrari,*a Francesco Bonaccorso,ab Vladimir Fal’ko,c Konstantin S. Novoselov,d Stephan Roche,ef Peter Bøggild,g Stefano Borini,h Frank H. L. Koppens,i Vincenzo Palermo,j Nicola Pugno,klm José A. Garrido,n Roman Sordan,o Alberto Bianco,p Laura Ballerini,q Maurizio Prato,r Elefterios Lidorikis,s Jani Kivioja,h Claudio Marinelli,t Tapani Ryhänen,h Alberto Morpurgo,u Jonathan N. Coleman,vw Valeria Nicolosi,vwx Luigi Colombo,y Albert Fert,zaa Mar Garcia-Hernandez,ab Adrian Bachtold,i Grégory F. Schneider,ac Francisco Guinea,ab Cees Dekker,ad Matteo Barbone,a Zhipei Sun,a Costas Galiotis,aeaf Alexander N. Grigorenko,d Gerasimos Konstantatos,i Andras Kis,ag Mikhail Katsnelson,ah Lieven Vandersypen,ad Annick Loiseau,ai Vittorio Morandi,aj Daniel Neumaier,ak Emanuele Treossi,j Vittorio Pellegrini,bal Marco Polini,al Alessandro Tredicucci,al Gareth M. Williams,am Byung Hee Hong,an Jong-Hyun Ahn,ao Jong Min Kim,ap Herbert Zirath,aq Bart J. van Wees,ar Herre van der Zant,ad Luigi Occhipinti,as Andrea Di Matteo,as Ian A. Kinloch,at Thomas Seyller,au Etienne Quesnel,av Xinliang Feng,aw Ken Teo,ax Nalin Rupesinghe,ax Pertti Hakonen,ay Simon R. T. Neil,az Quentin Tannock,az Tomas Löfwanderaq and Jari Kinaretba

Published in Nanoscale, Sep 2014 – Perspective

Nanostructuring graphene for controlled and reproducible functionalization

Kunal S. Mali,*a John Greenwood,a Jinne Adisoejoso,a Roald Phillipsona and Steven De Feyter*a

Published in Nanoscale, Jan 2015 – Feature

Pd-complex driven formation of single-chain nanoparticles

Johannes Willenbacher,ab Ozcan Altintas,ab Vanessa Trouillet,c Nicolai Knöfel,d Michael J. Monteiro,e Peter W. Roesky*d and Christopher Barner-Kowollik*ab

Published in Polymer Chemistry, Apr 2015 – Paper

Self-assembly of “patchy” nanoparticles: a versatile approach to functional hierarchical materials

David J. Lunn,a John R. Finnegana and Ian Manners*a

Published in Chemical Science, May 2015 – Perspective

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Huanqing Chen,a Jiazeng Fan,a Xiaoshi Hu,b Junwei Ma,a Shilu Wang,a Jian Li,a Yihua Yu,b Xueshun Jiaa and Chunju Li*ac

Published in Chemical Science, Sep 2014 – Edge Article

Self-assembly of cyclic polymers

Rebecca J. Williams,a Andrew P. Dove*a and Rachel K. O’Reilly*a

Published in Polymer Chemistry, Mar 2015 – Review

Cyclopropanation using flow-generated diazo compounds

Nuria M. Roda,a Duc N. Tran,a Claudio Battilocchio,a Ricardo Labes,a Richard J. Ingham,a Joel M. Hawkinsb and Steven V. Ley*a

Published in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Jan 2015 – Communication

Templating carbohydrate-functionalised polymer-scaffolded dynamic combinatorial libraries with lectins

Clare S. Mahon,ab Martin A. Fascione,bc Chadamas Sakonsinsiri,b Tom E. McAllister,b W. Bruce Turnbullb and David A. Fulton*a

Published in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Jan 2015 – Paper

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Spectroscopic and computational studies of nitrile hydratase: insights into geometric and electronic structure and the mechanism of amide synthesis

Kenneth M. Light,a Yasuaki Yamanaka,b Masafumi Odaka*b and Edward I. Solomon*a

Published in Chemical Science, Jul 2015 – Edge Article

Near-infrared-induced electron transfer of an uranyl macrocyclic complex without energy transfer to dioxygen

Christina M. Davis,a Kei Ohkubo,b I-Ting Ho,a Zhan Zhang,a Masatoshi Ishida,c Yuanyuan Fang,d Vincent M. Lynch,a Karl M. Kadish,*d Jonathan L. Sessler*a and Shunichi Fukuzumi*be

Published in ChemComm, Mar 2015 – Communication

A High-Spin Square-Planar Fe(II) Complex Stabilized by a Trianionic Pincer-Type Ligand and Conclusive Evidence for Retention of Geometry in Solution

M. E. Pascualini,a N. V. Di Russo,a A. E. Thuijs,a A. Ozarowski,b S. A. Stoian,b K. A. Abboud,a G. Christoua and A. S. Veige*a

Published in Chemical Science, Oct 2014 – Edge Article

Probing the energy levels in hole-doped molecular semiconductors

Stefanie Winkler,ab Patrick Amsalem,a Johannes Frisch,a Martin Oehzelt,ab Georg Heimel*a and Norbert Koch*ab

Published in Materials Horizons, May 2015 – Communication

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Variations in caffeine and chlorogenic acid contents of coffees: what are we drinking?
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Announcing Molecular Systems Design & Engineering

It’s not often that a new journal can claim to be unique in its field. So we are delighted to announce Molecular Systems Design & Engineering – a truly interdisciplinary, international and high-impact journal bringing together biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computational and materials science.

The journal will look at how understanding molecular properties, behaviour and interactions can be used to design better systems and processes for a desired effect or specific application to solve technological problems of global significance. Launched jointly by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), it combines the expertise and commitment of two influential organisations.

The journal will cover both experimental and theoretical research in:

  • the design and characterisation of molecules and systems of molecules;
  • modelling molecular system behaviours that inspire new molecular designs for engineering applications; and
  • constraints that impact systems’ functionality.

Molecular Systems Design & Engineering will be led by our innovative Editorial Board Chair, Juan de Pablo (The Institute for Molecular Engineering, the University of Chicago), assisted by an expert team of active researchers in the field.

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