We’re delighted to let you know that we’ve made five additions to our Editorial Board. Bringing in a huge depth of expertise from many different disciplines related to the environmental sciences, our new team are looking forward to an exciting journey ahead for Environmental Science: Advances.

Meet the team
Ru-Jin Huang (Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences) brings expertise on atmospheric aerosol chemistry, and its link to climate change and human health in both urban and marine environments. His research has been recognized through multiple awards including the Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award (2017), Schmauss Award (2018) and the Special Award of China Youth Science and Technology Award (2020). He has authored/co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed publications.
Submit your research to Ru-Jin
Joe Ryan is a Professor in the Environmental Engineering Program at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. His group research the fate and transport of contaminants in natural waters, with recent projects including the role of organic matter on the speciation and bioavailability of mercury, and the effects of oil and gas development on water quality.
Dive into Joe’s research in this 3-minute video
Liwu Zhang has a broad range of research interests including environmental chemistry, atmospheric aerosol chemistry, environmental nanotechnology, photochemistry, and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for pollutant analysis. He is a Professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Fudan University.
Read Liwu’s recent publication in our sister journal, Environmental Science: Nano: Atmospheric organic complexation enhanced sulfate formation and iron dissolution on nano α-Fe2O3
Silvia Lacorte leads an interdisciplinary research group in the field of analytical and environmental sciences at IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona. Her research evaluates the presence and impact of organic contaminants (including microplastics) in the environment and finds solutions to mitigate chemical pollution, with special emphasis placed on the protection of wildlife and natural resources.
Silvia is a member of the EuChemS Environment Division and the Catalan Society of Chemistry (SCQ).
Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto is a senior scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) working to understand the sources, fate and distribution of new and regulated organic contaminants in outdoor and indoor environments on both local and global scales. She leads the Norwegian Monitoring Programme of long-range transported atmospheric contaminants, conducted on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency.
Pernilla co-ordinates the “Emerging substances in the indoor environment” working group of the NORMAN network.
Ru-Jin, Joe, Liwu and Pernilla will all be handling submissions for our first issues in their Associate Editor roles. All article processing charges are waived until mid-2024, making our gold open access journal free to publish in.
We hope that you’ll consider us for your future publications – please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the editorial team and tell us what you’re working on.
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