Discover Sustainable Fashion in our cross-journal collection

Explore original research advancing the sustainability of fashion and textiles!

The impact of fast fashion on the planet is costly. Demand for the mass production of clothing has led to large scale pollution of waterways and danger to wildlife. Chemists are tackling this challenge by creating sustainable alternatives for the fashion industry, and by providing chemical pathways for the upcycling of unusable textiles.

This cross-journal collection is dedicated to innovative approaches to making fashion more sustainable. We are excited to highlight some of our published content that has attracted attention in the field of sustainable fashion and textiles. Many Open Access papers are included in the topic collection, including:


Collection Highlights

Upcycling of textile waste into high added value cellulose porous materials, aerogels and cryogels

RSC Sustain., 2023,1, 335-345




From waste to wearable: an alternative waste stream for unusable textiles turned into piezoelectric textiles

RSC Sustain., 2023,1, 326-334


Charting a path to catalytic upcycling of plastic micro/nano fiber pollution from textiles to produce carbon nanomaterials and turquoise hydrogen

RSC Sustain., 2023,1, 1177-1183


Microbial nanocellulose biotextiles for a circular materials economy

 Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2022,1, 276-284

Browse the full collection here!


RSC Sustainability is a dedicated forum for scientists developing new sustainable technologies, or finding cleaner chemical solutions. The journal welcomes research from all subject areas that are dedicated to solving sustainability challenges for a better, greener future.

Environmental Science: Advances publishes advances in all areas related to environmental sustainability. The journal welcomes and celebrates research that contributes to our understanding of the environment, and to the advancement of several UN Sustainable Development Goals.

If you have any queries about our journals, please contact the Editorial Office at or

Join our author showcase to hear from authors and editors

Join our RSC Sustainability author showcase                

Friday 8th December 2023 14:00 – 15:30 (UK time)

Our upcoming author showcase is your chance to discover papers from RSC Sustainability. Whether you’re curious about the newest solutions for a greener future, or are looking for the right place to publish your own discoveries, join us on 8 December to hear from our authors and editorial board members.

Tune in to the webinar via LinkedIn or YouTube.


What will the author showcase cover?

 Join the people behind RSC Sustainability to:

  • hear our editorial board present their 2023 highlights
  • see interviews with the authors, including Patrick McKenna, Silvia Parilla-Lahoz, Ulf-Peter Apfel, Xochitl Dominguez-Benetton, Omar Martinez-Mora and Daniel Whitehead.
  • explore the editorials focussing on UN SDG 2 and 7 featured in our 2023 issues, and get involved in a broader discussion around the role of chemistry in building a sustainable world
  • find out more about RSC Sustainability – and discover a home for your own exceptional research


Start exploring RSC Sustainability

 The latest research from RSC Sustainability is ready for you to discover. You’ll find the latest excellent, solutions-focused research in the chemical sciences dedicated to solving sustainability challenges – all free to read online. Read our papers here.



If you have any questions in advance of the webinar, please feel free to get in touch via email.

We look forward to you joining us.

Tom Welton, and the RSC Sustainability Editorial Board
Royal Society of Chemistry


One-day Symposium for RSC Sustainability


On 6th October, the Editorial Board of RSC Sustainability hosted a one-day symposium at Burlington House.

The event was a great success and featured presentations from both the Editorial Board and invited speakers. The talks covered a wide breadth of topics around developing sustainable technologies and finding cleaner chemical solutions. The day featured exciting discussions, network opportunities and engagement between the Editorial Board, invited speakers and delegates.

Check out some images of the day below!


Announcing 3 new RSC Sustainability Themed collections

RSC Sustainability is pleased to announce 3 brand new Themed Collections that are open for submissions from 30th October 2023:

  1. Energy Materials Redesign, Reuse and Repurpose
  2. CO2 Conversion
  3. Circular Economy

These collections cover key areas within sustainable chemistry that will be critical to achieving a sustainable future. Each collection is Guest Edited by a member of RSC Sustainability‘s Editorial Board and other leaders in the field. Work that falls within the scope of any of these collections and meets the general requirements for publication in RSC Sustainability is welcomed for consideration.


Energy Materials Redesign, Reuse and Repurpose

Guest Editors: Cristina Pozo-Gonzalo, Bethan Charles, Xiaolei Wang, Erlantz Lizundia

Submission deadline: 31st July 2024

Themed Collection shortcode: SUEnMat24

This collection welcomes submissions on the following topics:

Extraction and separation of critical metals from end-of-life products using selective and sustainable methods (e.g. leaching, electroleaching, membranes, electrowinning)

Recycling of lithium-ion batteries, including developing more efficient methods, and improvements through a sustainability lens (e.g. less solvent usage, milder conditions, economically improved processes)

Recovery of precious, critical and in-demand metals from waste electronics, and industrial waste streams

Solar panel recycling.

Life cycle assessment and sustainability analysis of energy materials recycling.

Waste management and policy, including developing initiatives to promote energy materials recycling.

Advances in green hydrometallurgy, bioleaching and direct recycling.

Selective extraction from spent batteries.

Repurpose: Upcycling spent batteries for catalytic, waste-water and other emerging applications.


CO2 Conversion

Guest Editors: Haichao Liu, Carlos Alemán, John Mondal, Xiao Jiang

Submission Deadline: 14th August 2024

Themed Collection shortcode: SUCO224 

The RSC Sustainability CO2 Conversion themed collection seeks to publish work on the following topics:

  • Catalytic conversion of CO2, to value-added chemicals or fuels.
  • Electrochemical conversion of CO2
  • Photochemical conversion of CO2
  • Biological conversion of CO2 using algae or bacteria

We welcome submissions that report new or improved methodologies, or that optimise or improve the sustainability of an existing process. We also welcome submissions from industrial and policy, as well as academic, perspectives.


Circular Economy

Guest Editors: Vincent Nyamori, Alice Fan, Matthew Davies, Manie Vosloo

Submission Deadline: 28th August 2024

Themed Collection shortcode: SUCircEc24

This collection is seeking contributions on the following topics:

  • Development of chemical processes that are environmentally friendly, including the use of renewable resources, safer solvents, and the reduction or elimination of hazardous chemicals.
  • “Benign-by-design” approaches to materials that may be easily recycled or reused.
  • The development of more durable or resilient materials from bio-based polymers.
  • The evaluation of the environmental impact of materials and processes throughout their entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal or recycling.

We welcome submission from academia, industry and government and regulatory sectors.


Any queries regarding these collections should be directed to the Editorial Office at

Highlights from the cross-journal Quantum Dots collection — hybrid photocatalysts, antibacterial agents and pollutant degradation!

This cross-journal collection is dedicated to showcasing the exciting research on quantum dots published with the Royal Society of Chemistry over the last 20 years, in honour of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Professor Moungi G. Bawendi (MIT, USA), Professor Louis E. Brus (Columbia University, USA) and Professor Aleksey Yekimov (Nanocrystals Technology Inc., USA).

Quantum dots have been successfully implemented in a broad range of technologies and applications, and show great future potential to drive a sustainable global energy transition, for example contributing to the development of flexible electronics and thinner solar cells.

We are excited to highlight some of the innovative work included in this collection from our Energy & Environment open access journals:

Collection Highlights

Co3O4 quantum dot decorated polypyrrole nanocomposites as a flexible, conducting, anticorrosive and antibacterial agent: sustainable experimental and theoretical approach

RSC Sustain., 2023,1, 523-534

Graphical abstract: Co3O4 quantum dot decorated polypyrrole nanocomposites as a flexible, conducting, anticorrosive and antibacterial agent: sustainable experimental and theoretical approach
Graphical abstract: Non-stoichiometric CuxIn1−xS quantum dots for robust photodegradation of gemifloxacin: influencing parameters, intermediates, and insights into the mechanism Non-stoichiometric CuxIn1−xS quantum dots for robust photodegradation of gemifloxacin: influencing parameters, intermediates, and insights into the mechanism

Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2022,1, 769-780

CIS QDs nucleated on oxygen vacancy rich BOI microplates: a hybrid photocatalyst with enhanced green energy production via mediator free Z-scheme dynamics

Energy Adv., 2022,1, 422-437

Graphical abstract: CIS QDs nucleated on oxygen vacancy rich BOI microplates: a hybrid photocatalyst with enhanced green energy production via mediator free Z-scheme dynamics

Browse the full collection here!

RSC Sustainability is a dedicated forum for scientists developing new sustainable technologies, or finding cleaner chemical solutions. The journal welcomes research from all subject areas that are dedicated to solving sustainability challenges for a better, greener future.

Environmental Science: Advances publishes advances in all areas related to environmental sustainability. The journal welcomes and celebrates research that contributes to our understanding of the environment, and to the advancement of several UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Energy Advances is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes research across a broad scope of topics and welcomes work that contributes to developments throughout energy science and related fields.



Announcing a themed collection on sustainable advanced and multifunctional polymer-based materials

We are delighted to announce a themed collection arising from Symposium N – “Sustainable advanced and multifunctional polymer based materials for sensor and actuators, energy and environmental applications” – at E-MRS Fall Meeting.

Two RSC journals, RSC Sustainability and RSC Applied Polymers, welcome submissions on the following topics:

  • New advanced sustainable materials processable by additive manufacturing
  • Advanced materials based on piezoelectric materials for sensors/actuators and biomedical application.
  • Membranes for environmental remediation.
  • Advances composites for thermochromic and thermoelectric materials
  • Binary and ternary composites for energy harvesting and storage.
  • Novel approaches for porous lightweight materials
  • Multifunctional coatings for self-sensing, self-cleaning and self-healing applications
  • Sustainable materials for printed electronics
  • Advanced magnetically responsive multifunctional materials
  • Sustainable composites based on natural and biopolymers.
  • Advanced characterization techniques for these materials, including in situ and operando techniques.

RSC Sustainability is a dedicated forum for scientists developing new sustainable technologies, or finding cleaner chemical solutions. The journal welcomes research from all subject areas that are dedicated to solving sustainability challenges for a better, greener future.

RSC Applied Polymers is a journal focused on the application of polymers, both natural and synthetic, including experimental and computational studies. The journal serves as a premier cross-disciplinary platform for scientific research that leverages polymeric materials in a range of applications, welcoming high-impact advances made possible with polymers across materials, biology, energy applications, and beyond.

The submission deadline to have your manuscript included is 31st March 2024. To express your interest in contributing to the collection, please contact Jon Ferrier in the editorial office ( When submitting your paper, please quote XXSusAMP24 in Comments to the Editor on submission.

To submit a manuscript to RSC Sustainability:

To submit a manuscript to RSC Applied Polymers:

IUPAC World Congress – Focus Session on A Sustainable Planet and Society

The Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society are jointly organising and sponsoring a Focus Session at the IUPAC World Congress in The Hague, Netherlands, on August 21, titled ‘A Sustainable Planet and Society’.

The 90-minute session (15:10–16:40 Central European Time) will be chaired by Julie Zimmerman (Yale University) and Pete Licence (Nottingham University), and feature talks from

  • Kristopher McNeill (ETH Zurich, Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts) – Working with the chemical industry to improve the environmental fate of their products.
  • Alessandra Quadrelli (CNRS, Associate Editor, Green Chemistry) – The Nitrogen Cycle and the Situated Green Chemistries Framework
  • Jakub Kostal (George Washington University) – Sustainable and Green by Design
  • Walter Leitner (Max Planck Institute) – The full Iife-cycle approach to chemical design, use, disposal, and human and environmental protection

The session will close with a summary and panel discussion led by Paul Anastas (Yale University).

If you’re attending the conference, we hope to see you for this exciting session. Be sure to view the event website for the latest updates:

Attending the event and want to meet us? A number of RSC colleagues are attending the event and will be delighted to meet you in-person (we are at Exhibition Stand #20) – let us know when works for you.

Announcing our themed collection in partnership with 6th EuGSC

The Royal Society of Chemistry is delighted to support the 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (6th EuGSC) taking place from 3–6 September 2023 in Salerno (Italy).

As part of our partnership with this event, a number of our journals are inviting contributions to a themed collection, which will celebrate both the vibrant and collaborative spirit of the conference, and the contribution green & sustainable chemistry makes to solving global challenges.

This scope of this collection covers the breadth of green & sustainable chemistry, with emphasis on the following areas:

  • Alternative fuels and green energy
  • Benign low-energy chemical processes
  • Biomass and CO2 utilization
  • Green chemistry metrics and environmental assessment
  • Pollution prevention and remediation
  • Sustainable catalytic, industrial and synthetic processes
  • Waste recycling and valorisation and the circular (bio)economy

The following RSC journals are supporting the collection:

  • Catalysis Science & Technology – a multidisciplinary journal focusing on cutting edge research across all fundamental science and technological aspects of catalysis.
  • Green Chemistry – publishes original and significant cutting-edge research that is likely to be of wide general appeal.
  • Reaction Chemistry & Engineering – an interdisciplinary journal bridging the gap between chemistry and chemical engineering.
  • RSC Advances – the largest gold open access journal dedicated to the chemical sciences is at the heart of our global chemistry community.
  • RSC Sustainability – an inclusive journal publishing solutions-focused research dedicated to solving sustainability challenges.

To express an interest in contributing to the collection, please reach out to Jon Ferrier (

We are honoured to support a conference that is well-aligned with the Royal Society of Chemistry’s aims, namely, to highlight chemistry’s role in addressing global challenges and driving progress towards a more sustainable world. You can learn more about our environmental sustainability campaigns, policy and research, and how to get involved, here.

Watch back: RSC Sustainability author showcase

To celebrate that RSC Sustainability has published its first issues we organised an author showcase webinar. The webinar highlighted a broad range of the excellent work published in our journal so far through a mix of live speakers and pre-recorded contributions.

Find out more about RSC Sustainability and read our published articles here.

Join our author showcase to hear from authors and editors

Join our RSC Sustainability author showcase                

10 May 2023, 14:00-15.15 (UK time)


Our upcoming author showcase is your chance to discover papers from RSC Sustainability. Whether you’re curious about the newest solutions for a greener future, or are looking for the right place to publish your own discoveries, join us on 10 May to hear from our authors and editorial board members.


Tune in to the webinar on YouTube or LinkedIn.


What will the author showcase cover?


Join the people behind RSC Sustainability to:


  • hear our editorial board present their highlights from the first quarter of 2023
  • see interviews with the authors, including Karolina Matuszek, Ryohei Kakuchi and Mirella di Lorenzo
  • find out more about RSC Sustainability – and discover a home for your own exceptional research


Start exploring RSC Sustainability


The latest research from RSC Sustainability is ready for you to discover. You’ll find the latest excellent, solutions-focused research in the chemical sciences dedicated to solving sustainability challenges – all free to read online. Read our papers here.


We look forward to you joining us.