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Highlights from the cross-journal Quantum Dots collection — hybrid photocatalysts, antibacterial agents and pollutant degradation!

This cross-journal collection is dedicated to showcasing the exciting research on quantum dots published with the Royal Society of Chemistry over the last 20 years, in honour of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Professor Moungi G. Bawendi (MIT, USA), Professor Louis E. Brus (Columbia University, USA) and Professor Aleksey Yekimov (Nanocrystals Technology Inc., USA).

Quantum dots have been successfully implemented in a broad range of technologies and applications, and show great future potential to drive a sustainable global energy transition, for example contributing to the development of flexible electronics and thinner solar cells.

We are excited to highlight some of the innovative work included in this collection from our Energy & Environment open access journals:

Collection Highlights

Co3O4 quantum dot decorated polypyrrole nanocomposites as a flexible, conducting, anticorrosive and antibacterial agent: sustainable experimental and theoretical approach

RSC Sustain., 2023,1, 523-534

Graphical abstract: Co3O4 quantum dot decorated polypyrrole nanocomposites as a flexible, conducting, anticorrosive and antibacterial agent: sustainable experimental and theoretical approach
Graphical abstract: Non-stoichiometric CuxIn1−xS quantum dots for robust photodegradation of gemifloxacin: influencing parameters, intermediates, and insights into the mechanism Non-stoichiometric CuxIn1−xS quantum dots for robust photodegradation of gemifloxacin: influencing parameters, intermediates, and insights into the mechanism

Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2022,1, 769-780

CIS QDs nucleated on oxygen vacancy rich BOI microplates: a hybrid photocatalyst with enhanced green energy production via mediator free Z-scheme dynamics

Energy Adv., 2022,1, 422-437

Graphical abstract: CIS QDs nucleated on oxygen vacancy rich BOI microplates: a hybrid photocatalyst with enhanced green energy production via mediator free Z-scheme dynamics

Browse the full collection here!

RSC Sustainability is a dedicated forum for scientists developing new sustainable technologies, or finding cleaner chemical solutions. The journal welcomes research from all subject areas that are dedicated to solving sustainability challenges for a better, greener future.

Environmental Science: Advances publishes advances in all areas related to environmental sustainability. The journal welcomes and celebrates research that contributes to our understanding of the environment, and to the advancement of several UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Energy Advances is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes research across a broad scope of topics and welcomes work that contributes to developments throughout energy science and related fields.