Author Archive

Join us for our RSC Sustainability Symposium on 20th May 2025!

The one-day-in-person symposium will feature talks from both RSC Sustainability Editorial Board members and invited speakers covering a wide breadth of topics around developing sustainable technologies and finding cleaner chemical solutions.

It will take place on Tuesday 20 May 2025 at Burlington House, London, UK.

Registration closes 6th May 2025:

Speakers will include:

Calling all young scientists! Share your ideas on how chemical sciences can sustainably transform waste into valuable products in the IOCD & RSC annual essay competition!

The global essay competition is back for 2025!

Who? The International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD) and the Royal Society of Chemistry are excited to continue their collaboration and announce this year’s annual essay competition, focusing on the role of the chemical sciences in sustainability.

What? The theme for 2025 is “From waste to wealth: how chemical sciences can sustainably transform waste into valuable products”.

When? The deadline for submissions is 31st March 2025.

Where? The competition is open globally to entrants under 35, providing a unique opportunity for young scientists and researchers to showcase their ideas and contribute to the important conversation on sustainability. The winning entries will be published in RSC Sustainability, providing a platform for the authors to share their work with a global audience and make a real-world impact.

Why? Sustainability is a pressing issue that affects us all, and the chemical sciences have a vital role to play in addressing it. The competition encourages young scientists to think about the importance of scientific approaches grounded in the chemical sciences for solving sustainability challenges and to take a wide, global perspective, including reflecting on the intersection of science, society and policy aspects, rather than to describe a particular scientific advance in great technical detail. This year’s theme is particularly relevant in light of the growing global issue of waste management and resource depletion. The competition challenges participants to envision how chemical processes can be harnessed to create sustainable solutions that reduce environmental impact, enhance resource efficiency, and contribute to a circular economy.

Further information on entering the competition can be found here.

Explore last year’s winning essays in this collection:

We encourage all young scientists and researchers who are passionate about sustainability to submit an entry to this year’s competition.

Join our author showcase to hear from authors and editors

Join our RSC Sustainability author showcase                

Friday 8th December 2023 14:00 – 15:30 (UK time)

Our upcoming author showcase is your chance to discover papers from RSC Sustainability. Whether you’re curious about the newest solutions for a greener future, or are looking for the right place to publish your own discoveries, join us on 8 December to hear from our authors and editorial board members.

Tune in to the webinar via LinkedIn or YouTube.


What will the author showcase cover?

 Join the people behind RSC Sustainability to:

  • hear our editorial board present their 2023 highlights
  • see interviews with the authors, including Patrick McKenna, Silvia Parilla-Lahoz, Ulf-Peter Apfel, Xochitl Dominguez-Benetton, Omar Martinez-Mora and Daniel Whitehead.
  • explore the editorials focussing on UN SDG 2 and 7 featured in our 2023 issues, and get involved in a broader discussion around the role of chemistry in building a sustainable world
  • find out more about RSC Sustainability – and discover a home for your own exceptional research


Start exploring RSC Sustainability

 The latest research from RSC Sustainability is ready for you to discover. You’ll find the latest excellent, solutions-focused research in the chemical sciences dedicated to solving sustainability challenges – all free to read online. Read our papers here.



If you have any questions in advance of the webinar, please feel free to get in touch via email.

We look forward to you joining us.

Tom Welton, and the RSC Sustainability Editorial Board
Royal Society of Chemistry