IUPAC World Congress – Focus Session on A Sustainable Planet and Society

The Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society are jointly organising and sponsoring a Focus Session at the IUPAC World Congress in The Hague, Netherlands, on August 21, titled ‘A Sustainable Planet and Society’.

The 90-minute session (15:10–16:40 Central European Time) will be chaired by Julie Zimmerman (Yale University) and Pete Licence (Nottingham University), and feature talks from

  • Kristopher McNeill (ETH Zurich, Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts) – Working with the chemical industry to improve the environmental fate of their products.
  • Alessandra Quadrelli (CNRS, Associate Editor, Green Chemistry) – The Nitrogen Cycle and the Situated Green Chemistries Framework
  • Jakub Kostal (George Washington University) – Sustainable and Green by Design
  • Walter Leitner (Max Planck Institute) – The full Iife-cycle approach to chemical design, use, disposal, and human and environmental protection

The session will close with a summary and panel discussion led by Paul Anastas (Yale University).

If you’re attending the conference, we hope to see you for this exciting session. Be sure to view the event website for the latest updates: https://cbd.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/iupac-chains-2023/schedule/Agenda

Attending the event and want to meet us? A number of RSC colleagues are attending the event and will be delighted to meet you in-person (we are at Exhibition Stand #20) – let us know when works for you. https://form.jotform.com/231772824357361