Sustainable Energy & Fuels is open for submissions

Sustainable Energy & Fuels will publish research that contributes to the development of sustainable energy technologies with a particular emphasis on new and next-generation technologies. All submitted manuscripts will be handled by our international team of Associate Editors, which we are delighted to introduce below.

Ryu Abe, Kyoto University, Japan

Professor Abe’s research focuses on the development of photocatalytic reactions over semiconductor materials for solar energy conversion and environmental purification. His expertise includes photocatalysis, semiconductiors, inorganic materials, metal oxides, materials aspects of electrocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis, and some aspects of battery technologies.

Vincent Artero, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CEA, France
Professor Artero works to develop bio-inspired catalysts and light-driven systems for hydrogen evolution and artificial photosynthesis. He has expertise in molecular and bio aspects of electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and related organometallic and inorganic chemistry.

Garry Rumbles, National Research Energy Laboratory and University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Dr. Rumbles’ current research interests are in solar energy with a focus on the basic science of solar photoconversion processes and photoinduced electron transfer processes in polymer-based nanostructured interfaces. His primary research expertise lies in photochemistry and photophysics, with a specialty in kinetics, as well as organics, photovoltaics, solar fuels (oxides too), photochemistry and physical chemistry.

Marta Sevilla, Instituto Nacional del Carbón – CSIC, Spain
Dr Sevilla is based at the Instituto Nacional del Carbón and has research expertise in supercapacitors, electroreduction reaction, hydrogen oxidation in the anode, carbon capture and storage.


Send us your high quality research today for the chance to be included in our high-profile first issue, available online in spring 2017 with advance articles publishing as early as December this year. Find out more.

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Sustainable Energy & Fuels is open for submissions

A new journal dedicated to interdisciplinary research for the development of sustainable energy technologies

We are delighted to announce the launch of Sustainable Energy & Fuels, the newest journal by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The journal complements existing titles in energy science, Energy & Environmental Science and Journal of Materials Chemistry A (materials for energy & sustainability).

Sustainable Energy & Fuels cover imageScope
Sustainable Energy & Fuels will publish research that contributes to the development of sustainable energy technologies with a particular emphasis on new and next-generation technologies. The journal will be an essential resource for energy researchers and cuts across major disciplines – materials science, physics, chemistry, engineering and biology – covering evolving and emerging areas such as:

  • Solar energy conversion including photovoltaics and artificial photosynthesis
  • Energy storage including batteries and supercapacitors
  • Catalysis for energy technologies, including the sustainable synthesis of fuels and chemicals
  • Fuel cells
  • Hydrogen production, storage and distribution
  • Carbon capture, storage and utilisation, including chemicals from carbon dioxide
  • More sustainable routes to fossil fuel utilisation
  • Bioenergy including biofuels, biomass conversion and fuels from living organisms
  • Other sustainable energy conversion technologies including thermochemical, piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials and devices

Why publish in Sustainable Energy & Fuels?
Sustainable Energy & Fuels will publish high quality articles in energy research.
All articles benefit from wide exposure, with free access upon registration to all content published during 2017 and 2018 giving maximum visibility to your work.
Sustainable Energy & Fuels authors will benefit from the following:

  • Rapid publication times
  • Simple and user-friendly online submission process
  • Free use of colour
  • No page charges
  • No page limits
  • Open access publishing options
  • Free electronic reprints (PDF) of own paper

Editorial Board

James Durrant, Imperial College London and Swansea University, UK

Associate Editors
Ryu Abe, Kyoto University, Japan
Vincent Artero, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CEA, France
Garry Rumbles, National Research Energy Laboratory and CU Boulder, USA
Marta Sevilla, Instituto Nacional del Carbón – CSIC, Spain

Article types
Sustainable Energy & Fuels will publish:

  • Communications
  • Full paper
  • Reviews
  • Perspectives

For more information about the journal and to submit your research visit the Sustainable Energy & Fuels website.

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