233rd ECS Meeting – Abstract Deadline: 17 November 2017

The 233rd ECS Meeting will be taking place in Seattle, Washington on the 13-18 May 2018.

The event will feature over 50 symposia on areas including:

  • Batteries and Energy Storage
  • Carbon Nanostructures and Devices
  • Corrosion Science and Technology
  • Dielectric Science and Materials
  • Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition
  • Electrochemical Engineering
  • Electronic Materials and Processing
  • Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems
  • Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion
  • Organic and Bioelectrochemistry
  • Sensors
  • Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry

Key Dates:

More information can be found here.

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International Symposium on Novel Energy Nanomaterials, Catalysts and Surfaces for Future Earth

The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan, will host the International Symposium on Novel Energy Nanomaterials, Catalysts and Surfaces for Future Earth (NENCS) between the 28-30 October 2017. The symposium will provide a scientific platform for the global community of researchers active in materials research, characterization/imaging with synchrotron radiation in situ/operando XAFS, and X-ray based techniques.

Catalysis Science & Technology, Energy & Environmental Science, PCCP and Sustainable Energy & Fuels are delighted to be supporting the symposium and each journal will be sponsoring  a poster award by offering a one-year online subscription to the winners!

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1st Ulm Symposium on Solar-Driven Chemistry

Between October 8th – 10th 2017, the 1st Ulm Symposium on Solar-Driven Chemistry (SOLCHEM) will be taking place at Ulm University in Germany. SOLCHEM aims at bringing together researchers interested in (solar) light-driven chemistry so as to generate a central platform for diverse research areas including:

  • Photochemistry and Photocatalysis
  • Organic Photovoltaics and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
  • Light-driven Mechanisms, Spectroscopy and Photophysics
  • Photoelectrochemistry and Photochemical Devices
  • Photodynamic therapy and light-induced theranostics

Energy & Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy & Fuels are pleased to be supporting SOLCHEM 2017 and will be each offering a prize for the winner poster submissions – good luck to all those who have entered!

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36th International Conference on Thermoelectrics

The Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, CA will be hosting the annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (2017ICT) between 31 July and 3 August 2017. This Conference is the 36th in the series of international conferences on thermoelectrics that provides a global forum for presentations and information exchange on the latest emerging thermoelectric technology. This conference series began in 1976 in Arlington, Texas, USA and since 1988, has been held in various countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas, where most of the activities in thermoelectrics research are located.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels and Journal of Materials Chemistry C are delighted to support the 36th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT).

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4th Annual Energy Materials Symposium

The 4th Annual Energy Materials Symposium will be taking place on Thursday 7 September 2017 at the University of Bath.

This meeting will cover experimental and computational work on new materials, fundamental science and industrial developments on solar cells, lithium batteries, solid oxide fuel cells and thermoelectric devices.

Royal Society of Chemistry journals Energy & Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy & Fuels will be supporting the event, contributing prizes for the winning posters.

Registration for the event closes 31 July 2017.

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15th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization

The 15th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XV) will run between 17-21 July 2017 in Shanghai, China, co-hosted by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and ShanghaiTech University. The conference will covers these 5 main topics:

  1. CO2 as a green feedstock via reduction
  2. CO2 as a building block via functionalization
  3. CO2 Capture and mineralization
  4. CO2 as a working agent
  5. Carbon budget, policy and strategies

Buxing Han

Philip Jessop


ICCDU XV will also include two symposium focusing on industriallization of CCUS and the most frontier research of CCUS, respectively.

Green Chemistry Chair, Philip Jessop, will be part of the International Scientific Committee for the event. Green Chemistry Associate Editor Buxing Han will be at the conference as a keynote speaker for the session on “CO2 as a green feedstock via reduction”.

Green Chemistry Advisory Board member Park Sang-Eon will also be at the event as the keynote speaker session 4, “CO2 as a working agent”.

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3rd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics

The 3rd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO-2017) will take place in Oxford (UK) between 18-20 September 2017. The programme will include a combination of invited talks, contributing talks and poster presentations in a meeting which will bring a broad spectrum of the community together to discuss and share knowledge on the latest advances in perovskite materials, devices and photophysical and optoelectronic properties and phenomena.

Green Chemistry Advisory Board member Henry Snaith is part of the Organisers and Scientific Committee. Sustainable Energy & Fuels Associate Editor Nam-Gyu Park will be among a selection of invited lectures, which includes Sustainable Energy & Fuels Advisory Board members Christoph BrabecEmilio Palomares and Aron Walsh. Also present at the event  will be RSC Centenary 2016 Prize-winner Professor Michael Grätzel, who will be giving a tutorial lecture.

For more details on the conference, please visit psco-conference.org.

Registration for the conferences closes on 30 June 2017.

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2017 IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

The 44th edition of the international IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-44) will take place the week of 25-30 June 2017 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington D.C.

The event’s Technical Program will be divided into 12 areas covering cutting-edge developments in science and engineering of photovoltaics, ranging from fundamentals to applications, with an emphasis on material science, devices, systems, solar resources and policy related matters. The 12 areas to be covered are:

  1. Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies
  2. Chalcogenide Thin Film Solar Cells
  3. III-V and Concentrator Technologies
  4. Silicon Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
  5. Characterization Methods
  6. Perovskite and Organic Solar Cells
  7. Space and Specialty Technologies
  8. PV Modules, Manufacturing, Systems and Applications
  9. PV and System Reliability
  10. Power Electronics and Grid Integration
  11. Solar Resource for PV and Forecasting
  12. PV Deployment and Sustainability

The 2017 keynote speaker at the event will be Dr. Charlie Gay, the Solar Energy Technologies Office Director for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

For more information about the event, please visit ieee-pvsc.org/PVSC44/index.php.

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Centre for Plastic Electronics Annual Symposium 2017

Professor Michael Grätzel

Professor Michael Grätzel

The Centre for Plastic Electronics will be hosting their 2017 Annual Symposium on 27 June at Imperial College London, UK. Dr Katie Lim, Deputy Editor from the Royal Society of Chemistry will be attending and the event will be supported by poster prizes from Sustainable Energy & Fuels and Energy & Environmental Science.

Also present at the event as a keynote speaker will be 2016 RSC Centenary Prize-winner Professor Michael Grätzel. Professor Grätzel will be giving a lecture on “flexible dye sensitized and perovskite solar cells”.

The CPE Annual Symposium will be preceded by the postgraduate Researcher Symposium on Monday 26 June (also at Imperial College).

Symposium Chairs:
Professor Natalie Stingelin (Imperial College London and Georgia Tech)
Professor James Durrant (Imperial College London, Sustainable Energy & Fuels Editor-in-Chief).

Keynote Speakers:
Professor Michael Grätzel (EPFL)
Professor Seth Marder (Georgia Tech)


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2nd International Solar Fuels Conference 2017

ISF-2 will take place between 6-10 July in San Diego, California.

The second biannual International Solar Fuels conference (ISF-2) will be held on 6-10 July 2017 in San Diego, CA. The conference will bring together scientists working with biological and chemical approaches to utilise solar energy for direct fuel production.

Sustainable Energy & FuelsEnergy & Environmental Science and Journal of Materials Chemistry A are delighted to be sponsoring the event. Dr Anna Simpson, Executive Editor for Sustainable Energy & Fuels and Energy & Environmental Science, will be attending the conference and looks forward to meeting you there.

For more information, please visit isf2.ucsd.edu or e-mail isf2@ucsd.edu.

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