Themed Collection on ‘Metal-Free Photo/Electrocatalysts for Sustainable Energy Solutions’ is now open for submissions

Announcing Metal-Free Photo/Electrocatalyts Themed Collection for Sustainable Energy & Fuels

We are delighted to open our latest Sustainable Energy & Fuels themed collection titled ‘Metal-Free Photo/Electrocatalysts for Sustainable Energy Solutions‘ to submissions. Guest edited by Menny Shalom (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Sebastian Sprick (University of Strathclyde, UK) and Xinchen Wang (Fuzhou University, China), it will showcase metal-free photo- and electrocatalytic materials for sustainable energy applications.

Photo- and electrocatalysis are promising research areas for sustainable energy applications and chemicals production. Metal-free photo- and electrocatalysts for energy conversion potentially offer a low-cost and efficient solution. These materials include carbon nitrides, boron carbon nitrides, triazine-based frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, conjugated materials as well as composites and biohybrid systems. This collection aims to highlight the unique properties of metal-free photo- and electrocatalysts and their important energy applications such as photocatalytic water splitting, carbon dioxide reduction, hydrogen peroxide production and organic transformation reactions.

The deadline for submissions is 20th December 2024.

Manuscripts should be submitted via the Royal Society of Chemistry’s online submission service and the Editorial Office informed by email. Please add the themed collection code “SEMFree23” when prompted at submission. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check the suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection and the inclusion of accepted articles in the collection is not guaranteed. Please also note that all submissions will be subject to initial assessment and rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of Sustainable Energy & Fuels. All manuscripts will be subject to the journal’s usual peer-review process. Accepted manuscripts will be added to the online collection as soon as they are online and they will be published in a regular issue of Sustainable Energy & Fuels.

Authors are welcome to submit original research as a Communication article or Full Paper or contribute a Review or Perspective article. If you have any questions about the collection, please do get in touch with the Editorial Office.

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