We are delighted to announce new members of the Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Advisory Board.
David Weissbrodt
David is an Assistant professor at TU Delft, the Netherlands. His research interests are in microbial systems, process engineering, water, energy and health sciences.
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Tom Bond
Tom is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey, UK. His research interests are drinking water disinfection byproducts, aquatic microplastics and sustainable treatment technologies.
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Jingyun Fang
Jingyun is a Professor at Sun Yat-Sen University, China. Her research focuses on the aqueous chemistry of radicals and high-valent manganese in both natural and engineering systems.
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Maria José Farré
Maria is a Research Scientist at ICRA, Spain. She researches water treatment, including disinfection byproducts and novel strategies for the holistic diagnosis of water samples.
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Jochen Hack
Jochen is Leader of the Engineering Ecology department and SEE-URBAN-WATER research group at TU Darmstadt, Germany. His research interests include urbanization and water resources, green infrastructure, nature-based solutions and water management.
Yong Sik Ok
Yong is a Professor at Korea University, South Korea, and Director, APRU Sustainable Waste Management. His research focuses on strategies for waste management, including conversion to energy and value-added products.
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Xin Wang
Xin is a Professor at Nankai University, China. His research focuses on electroactive bacteria in the environment, and their uses to recover energy from waste, sense biotoxicity and accelerate anaerobic bio-processes.
Defeng Xing
Defeng is a Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology, China. His research interests are in genomics and proteomics of hydrogen-producing bacteria, metagenomic analysis of activated sludge and biofilms, and bioelectrochemical systems.
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Long Nghiem
Long is the Director of the Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater and a Professor in Environmental Engineering at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. His work focuses on technologies for improving the provision of clean water, and wastewater purification.
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Michael Templeton
Michael is a Professor at Imperial College London, UK. His research focuses on addressing public health challenges related to water supply and sanitation.
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April Gu
April is a Professor at Cornell University, USA. Her research focuses on water quality and environmental health, including biotechnology for wastewater treatment, the impact of climate change on global phosphorus cycling, and next-generation toxicogenomics-based toxicity assessment technology to enable water quality monitoring.
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Peng Liang
Peng is a Professor at Tsinghua University, China. His research interests are in the development of novel wastewater treatment technologies to recover water, energy, nutrients and value-added products from wastewater.
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