PFAS: Themed Issue

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology seeks your high-impact research for our upcoming Themed Issue on PFAS.

Guest Edited by Lutz Ahrens (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden), Michelle Crimi (Clarkson University, USA) and Chris Higgins (Colorado School of Mines, USA), this issue will provide an overview of topics related to emerging technologies and approaches that are being developed for treatment, remediation and management of PFAS-contaminated water.

Examples of specific topics of interest for this Themed Issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Transformation of polyfluorinated precursors – processes and products
  • Biological, chemical, and physical treatment methods of PFAS and polyfluorinated precursors
  • Fate of PFAS in public water systems and solid waste treatment systems
  • Approaches to PFAS site characterization and exposure assessment
  • Risk management and options for regulation (e.g. short-chain PFAS)
  • Identification and tracking of sources of PFAS contamination

This issue will be part a pair of Themed Issues on PFASs organized in collaboration with ESWRT’s sister journal Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (ESPI). The ESWRT Themed Issue will focus on treatment, remediation, and management of PFASs; whereas the ESPI issue will focus on occurrence, fate, behaviour and effects of PFAS. Find out more about the ESPI issue here.

Submissions for this Themed Issue are due by 30th April – If you would like to submit to this Themed Issue, please contact the Environmental Science Water Research & Technology Editorial Office at to let us know.

Guest Editors: Left to Right – Lutz Ahrens (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden), Michelle Crimi (Clarkson University, USA) and Chris Higgins (Colorado School of Mines, USA

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