Professor Jun Ma
Professor Jun Ma of the Harbin Institute of Technology and Advisory Board member of Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology has been chosen by the Royal Society of Chemistry as the deserved winner of the Sustainable Water Award 2016. The award recognises his work on the development and application of novel technologies for wastewater treatment processes.
The Royal Society of Chemistry prizes and awards celebrate the achievements by individuals, teams and organisations in advancing the chemical sciences – and rewarding those who undertake excellent work in the chemical sciences across the world.
Jun Ma graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology (BS, MS and PhD), and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Imperial College London (recipient of Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship). He has been a Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst as well as the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG) at Switzerland. Professor Ma is now the Changjiang Scholar Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology and the Deputy Director of the National Engineering Research Centre of Urban Water Resources, China.
Congratulations Professor Ma from the entire Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology team!
Professor Jun Ma’s webpage can be found here.
Full details of all 2016 prize and award winners can be found here.