A UK researcher has proposed a new process to decompose waste desalination brine using solar energy that could allow desalination plants to act as a sink rather than a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and help to neutralise ocean acidity.
Phil Renforth, a geo-environmental engineer from Cardiff University, highlights that a major advantage of Davies’ process is that it can be appended to existing technology. ‘This approach may allow the industry to transform itself from a carbon dioxide villain into a force for good in the climate change debate.’
Read the full article in Chemistry World.
Read the full research paper for free* in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology:
Solar thermal decomposition of desalination reject brine for carbon dioxide removal and neutralisation of ocean acidity
P. A. Davies
Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C4EW00058G, Communication