Special issue dedicated to the International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment (ABaCAS) 2024

The Editorial Office of Environmental Science: Atmospheres is excited to announce a special issue dedicated to the International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment (ABaCAS) 2024. This prestigious conference, held annually, serves as a global forum for scientists to exchange knowledge and strategies related to air pollution control and the pathway to carbon neutrality.

We invite all researchers who present their work at ABaCAS 2024 to submit their papers for consideration in this special issue. This special issue will encompass a broad range of topics, reflecting the diverse and cutting-edge research presented at the conference. The nine tentative areas of focus include:

  1. Emission inventory for atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases
  2. Advancing technologies applied in source emission measurements
  3. “Ground-air-space” monitoring for air pollutants and greenhouse gases
  4. Air quality modelling and cost-benefit analysis for air pollution control
  5. Roadmap to synergistic control of air pollutants and carbon
  6. Urban air pollution control
  7. Atmospheric environment and health
  8. Big data and artificial intelligence in the atmospheric environment
  9. Atmospheric haze chemistry

This collection will be supported by our Guest Editors: Dr Hongliang Zhang (Fudan University), Dr Song Guo (Peking University), Dr Biwu Chu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Dr Bo Zheng (Tsinghua University). We look forward to your contributions to this special issue, which will highlight the latest advancements and foster continued innovation in the field of atmospheric sciences. The submission deadline is November 30th 2025.

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When you publish with Environmental Science: Atmospheres you can:

  • Put your trust in both our rigorous peer review process and fast times to publication – our average time to decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts is just 38 days.
  • Expect your work to be promoted through our journal social media (@EnvSciRSC and LinkedIn)
  • Be confident of a global audience for your work. This means that dissemination of this work will likely go beyond chemists and reach a broader audience.

Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes high quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric chemistry. The journal scope spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, and studies addressing the interactions of indoor air pollutants with outdoor air, or considering human health effects, are encouraged. We offer authors the option to publish the peer review history alongside their article.

Article publication online and in issues will occur without delay to ensure the timely dissemination of the work. The articles will then be assembled on the RSC Publishing platform and promoted as a web-based thematic collection, to permit readers to consult and download individual contributions from the entire series.

If you’re interested, we invite you to submit your research today on our platform, quoting ‘EAABaCAS24’ in the ‘Comments to the Editor’ when submitting your manuscript. You can get in touch with the editorial office with any questions you may have about this collection.