New themed collection now online: Air Quality in Emerging Economic Regions

We are delighted to announce that the Environmental Science: Atmospheres themed collection on air quality in emerging economic regions is now online.

Understanding the sources and composition of air pollutants in emerging economic regions is essential for implementing effective pollution control measures and mitigating the adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Addressing air quality issues in these regions is important for sustainable development, as poor air quality can impede economic growth and hinder progress towards achieving global environmental goals. This collection highlights the impactful atmospheric science research occurring in these regions.

Our collection was guest edited by Francis Pope (The University of Birmingham), Vinayak Sinha (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali), Michael Gatari (University of Nairobi).

Read the full issue online.

It includes:

Statistical assessment of an atmospheric mercury passive sampler at a regional site in South Africa

Kerneels Jaars et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2025, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00071D


Air pollution (PM2.5) and its meteorology predictors in Kampala and Jinja cities, in Uganda

Gabriel Okello et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 1145-1156, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00074A


Variability in air quality, ozone formation potential by VOCs, and associated air pollution attributable health risks for Delhi’s inhabitants

Mayank Pandey et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 897-910, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00064A


Characterization of mercury in atmospheric particulate matter in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Adriana Gioda et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 872-878, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00044G

We hope that you enjoy reading this collection of articles. Please get in touch if you have any questions about this themed collection or want to contribute to the growing work on air quality in emerging economic regions.

New themed collection now online: Peroxy Radicals in the Atmosphere

We are delighted to announce that the Environmental Science: Atmospheres themed collection on peroxy radicals in the atmosphere is now online.

Understanding the chemistry and behaviour of peroxy radicals can help improve air quality models, leading to more accurate predictions of pollution levels and their impacts on human health and the environment. Additionally, peroxy radicals are key intermediates in atmospheric oxidation processes, influencing the atmospheric lifetime of greenhouse gases and contributing to climate change dynamics.

Our collection was guest edited by Carl Percival (California Institute of Technology), Barbara Nozière (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) and Lisa Whalley (University of Leeds).

Read the full issue online.

It includes:

Enhanced detection of aromatic oxidation products using NO3− chemical ionization mass spectrometry with limited nitric acid

Olga Garmash and Matti Rissanen et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024, 4, 1368-1381, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00087K


Towards automated inclusion of autoxidation chemistry in models: from precursors to atmospheric implications

Lukas Pichelstorfer et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 879-896, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00054D


Interactions of peroxy radicals from monoterpene and isoprene oxidation simulated in the radical volatility basis set

Neil M. Donahue et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 740-753, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00056K


Lifetimes of pre-reactive complexes of peroxy radicals revisited: thermostat effects, temperature dependence and highly oxygenated molecules

Christopher David Daub et al.

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 732-739, DOI: 10.1039/D4EA00037D


We hope that you enjoy reading this collection of articles. Please get in touch if you have any questions about this themed collection or want to contribute to the growing work on peroxy radical chemistry.

Special issue dedicated to the International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment (ABaCAS) 2024

The Editorial Office of Environmental Science: Atmospheres is excited to announce a special issue dedicated to the International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment (ABaCAS) 2024. This prestigious conference, held annually, serves as a global forum for scientists to exchange knowledge and strategies related to air pollution control and the pathway to carbon neutrality.

We invite all researchers who present their work at ABaCAS 2024 to submit their papers for consideration in this special issue. This special issue will encompass a broad range of topics, reflecting the diverse and cutting-edge research presented at the conference. The nine tentative areas of focus include:

  1. Emission inventory for atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases
  2. Advancing technologies applied in source emission measurements
  3. “Ground-air-space” monitoring for air pollutants and greenhouse gases
  4. Air quality modelling and cost-benefit analysis for air pollution control
  5. Roadmap to synergistic control of air pollutants and carbon
  6. Urban air pollution control
  7. Atmospheric environment and health
  8. Big data and artificial intelligence in the atmospheric environment
  9. Atmospheric haze chemistry

This collection will be supported by our Guest Editors: Dr Hongliang Zhang (Fudan University), Dr Song Guo (Peking University), Dr Biwu Chu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Dr Bo Zheng (Tsinghua University). We look forward to your contributions to this special issue, which will highlight the latest advancements and foster continued innovation in the field of atmospheric sciences. The submission deadline is November 30th 2025.

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When you publish with Environmental Science: Atmospheres you can:

  • Put your trust in both our rigorous peer review process and fast times to publication – our average time to decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts is just 38 days.
  • Expect your work to be promoted through our journal social media (@EnvSciRSC and LinkedIn)
  • Be confident of a global audience for your work. This means that dissemination of this work will likely go beyond chemists and reach a broader audience.

Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes high quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric chemistry. The journal scope spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, and studies addressing the interactions of indoor air pollutants with outdoor air, or considering human health effects, are encouraged. We offer authors the option to publish the peer review history alongside their article.

Article publication online and in issues will occur without delay to ensure the timely dissemination of the work. The articles will then be assembled on the RSC Publishing platform and promoted as a web-based thematic collection, to permit readers to consult and download individual contributions from the entire series.

If you’re interested, we invite you to submit your research today on our platform, quoting ‘EAABaCAS24’ in the ‘Comments to the Editor’ when submitting your manuscript. You can get in touch with the editorial office with any questions you may have about this collection.

Themed Collection Open Call: Solar Radiation Management

Submit your recent research on Solar Radiation Management to our new ES: Atmospheres collection! 

We invite you to contribute to our collection on Solar Radiation Management (SRM), also known as Solar Geoengineering. Understanding the mechanisms and potential impacts of SRM, as well as the broader field of solar geoengineering, can refine climate models, leading to more accurate projections of their efficacy and risks. SRM has the potential to reduce climate impacts globally, yet it also carries significant risks and uncertainties. For more information on the collection, which closes for submissions on 31 Jan 2025 , see our open call for papers.

When you publish with Environmental Science: Atmospheres you can:

  • Put your trust in both our rigorous peer review process and fast times to publication – our average time to decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts is just 38 days.
  • Expect your work to be promoted through our journal social media (@EnvSciRSC and LinkedIn)
  • Be confident of a global audience for your work. This means that dissemination of this work will likely go beyond chemists and reach a broader audience.

Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes high quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric chemistry. The journal scope spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, and studies addressing the interactions of indoor air pollutants with outdoor air, or considering human health effects, are encouraged. We offer authors the option to publish the peer review history alongside their article.

Article publication online and in issues will occur without delay to ensure the timely dissemination of the work. The articles will then be assembled on the RSC Publishing platform and promoted as a web-based thematic collection, to permit readers to consult and download individual contributions from the entire series.

If you’re interested, we invite you to submit your research today, quoting ‘EASRM24’ in the ‘Comments to the Editor’ when submitting your manuscript. You can get in touch with the editorial office with any questions you may have about this collection.

Showcasing our Ab Initio Reaction Mechanisms themed collection

By Stephen Klippenstein, Environmental Science: Atmospheres Associate Editor.

Environmental Science: Atmospheres is pleased to highlight the content that makes up our themed collection on ab initio reaction mechanisms. The full collection can be read here. In this blog, Associate Editor Stephen Klippenstein shares his thoughts on this topic and the articles published here:

The chemistry of the atmosphere is incredibly complex, with an enormous number of coupled reactions affecting key aspects of the atmosphere such as the concentration of aerosols. Various proposed responses to the global need for reducing our carbon emissions may dramatically alter emissions into the atmosphere. Quantitative models of the effect of such emissions are urgently needed. Such models rely on ever more detailed and accurate descriptions of a wide variety of elementary reactions. Ab initio studies of reaction mechanisms are a major contributor to the remarkable progress in our understanding of complex atmospheric reaction mechanisms.

This mini collection of articles provides three topical examples of the community efforts to advance our abilities to accurately model reaction mechanisms. The paper by Nguyen and Stanton on “Ab initio rate coefficients for the reaction of OH and H2O2 under troposphere and lower stratosphere conditions” demonstrates the utility of benchmark ab initio kinetics in mapping the rate constants for a simple but important reaction across wide ranges of temperature and pressure. There is an urgent to understand the global warming potentials of the molecules arising from the degradation of hydrofluoroolefins, which are a new class of refrigerants that are rapidly growing in importance. The paper by Watson and Beames on “Bimolecular sinks of Criegee intermediates derived from hydrofluoroolefins – a computational analysis” uses ab initio kinetics to map out a number of the key reaction rates and pathways for this new class of molecules. Highly oxygenated molecules, which are formed from the oxidation of various hydrocarbons, are important precursors to the formation of aerosols. The chemistry involved in the formation of such molecules is poorly understood. The reaction of two RO2 radicals provides one route to molecular growth that is expected to contributed to highly oxygenated molecule formation. The paper by Murphy et al. on “Accretion product formation in the self-reaction of ethene-derived hydroxy peroxy radicals” explores this chemistry in detail for a prototypical atmospheric hydrocarbon radical.

We hope you find these articles interesting. If you would like to contribute work on a similar topic, please feel free to send a proposal to, where a member of our editorial team will be happy to help.

New themed collection now online: Traffic non-exhaust substances

We are delighted to announce that the Environmental Science: Atmospheres cross journal themed collection on non-exhaust substances from roads and road traffic is now online.

Non-exhaust substances from road traffic, arising from the wear of vehicle parts (such as from the brakes, tyres and clutch), road wear and road dust resuspension, are an emerging issue for our environment and public health. This collection aims to improve our knowledge of the composition and quantity of these substances, their impact on our surroundings and the potential of technological and non-technological mitigation measures.

Our collection was guest edited by Dr Fulvio Amato (CSIC, Barcelona) and Dr Ye Liu (University of Leeds).

Read the full issue online.

It includes:

Ultrafine particle emissions from dry clutches: number concentration, size distribution and chemical composition

Rikard Hjelm, Yezhe Lyu, Alessandro Mancini, Bozhena Tsyupa, Minghui Tu, Ulf Olofsson and Jens Wahlström

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 35-42, DOI: 10.1039/D3EA00127J


Microplastic distribution and ecological risks: investigating road dust and stormwater runoff across land uses

M. Alamgir Kabir, Muhammed A. Bhuiyan, Guomin Zhang and Biplob Kumar Pramanik

Environ. Sci.: Adv., 2024,3, 62-75, DOI: 10.1039/D3VA00128H


Unrecognized volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds from brake wear

Perraud, D. R. Blake, L. M. Wingen, B. Barletta, P. S. Bauer, J. Campos, M. J. Ezell, A. Guenther, K. N. Johnson, M. Lee, S. Meinardi, J. Patterson, E. S. Saltzman, A. E. Thomas, J. N. Smith and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2024, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D4EM00024B


Traceable determination of metal composition of tyres using tandem ICP-MS and benchmarking of emissions inventories

Emma C. Braysher, Andrew S. Brown, Richard J. C. Brown and Nick Molden

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2024,26, 298-304, DOI: 10.1039/D3EM00344B


Induction of toxicity in human colon cells and organoids by size- and composition-dependent road dust

Sung Bum Park, Eun-Ah Kim, Ki Young Kim and Byumseok Koh

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 2833-2840, DOI: 10.1039/D2RA07500H


We hope that you enjoy reading this collection of articles. Please get in touch if you have any questions about this themed collection or want to contribute to the growing work on non-exhaust emissions from roads and road traffic.

Themed collection open call: Air Quality in Emerging Economic Regions

Consider our collection for your next atmospheric science publication!

We invite you to contribute to our collection highlighting air quality in emerging economies. Understanding the sources and composition of air pollutants in these regions is essential for implementing effective pollution control measures and mitigating the adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Addressing air quality issues in emerging economic regions is important for sustainable development, as poor air quality can impede economic growth and hinder progress towards achieving global environmental goals. For more information on the collection, which closes for submissions on 15th December 2024, see our open call for papers.

When you publish with Environmental Science: Atmospheres you can:

  • Put your trust in both our rigorous peer review process and fast times to publication – our average time to decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts is just 38 days.
  • Expect your work to be promoted through our journal social media (@EnvSciRSC and LinkedIn)
  • Be confident of a global audience for your work. This means that dissemination of this work will likely go beyond chemists and reach a broader audience.


Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes high quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric chemistry. The journal scope spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, and studies addressing the interactions of indoor air pollutants with outdoor air, or considering human health effects, are encouraged. We offer authors the option to publish the peer review history alongside their article.

Article publication online and in issues will occur without delay to ensure the timely dissemination of the work. The articles will then be assembled on the RSC Publishing platform and promoted as a web-based thematic collection, to permit readers to consult and download individual contributions from the entire series.

As a gold open access journal, Environmental Science: Atmospheres levies an article-processing charge (APC) upon acceptance. However, we do not want this to be a barrier to participation, and we would support waiver and discount applications from authors based in emerging economies.

If you’re interested, we invite you to submit your research today, quoting ‘EAAQEmEc24’ in the ‘Comments to the Editor’ when submitting your manuscript.

Themed collection open call: Peroxy Radicals in the Atmosphere

Could our collection be the ideal platform for your next atmospheric science publication?

We invite you to contribute to our collection highlighting atmospheric peroxy radicals. Understanding the chemistry and behaviour of peroxy radicals can help improve air quality models, leading to more accurate predictions of pollution levels and their impacts on human health and the environment. Additionally, peroxy radicals are key intermediates in atmospheric oxidation processes, influencing the atmospheric lifetime of greenhouse gases and contributing to climate change dynamics. For more information on the collection, which closes for submissions on 30th November 2024, see our open call for papers.

When you publish with Environmental Science: Atmospheres you can:

  • Put your trust in both our rigorous peer review process and fast times to publication – our average time to decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts is just 38 days.
  • Expect your work to be promoted through our journal social media (@EnvSciRSC and LinkedIn)
  • Be confident of a global audience for your work. This means that dissemination of this work will likely go beyond chemists and reach a broader audience.


Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes high quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric chemistry. The journal scope spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, and studies addressing the interactions of indoor air pollutants with outdoor air, or considering human health effects, are encouraged. We offer authors the option to publish the peer review history alongside their article.

Article publication online and in issues will occur without delay to ensure the timely dissemination of the work. The articles will then be assembled on the RSC Publishing platform and promoted as a web-based thematic collection, to permit readers to consult and download individual contributions from the entire series.

If you’re interested, we invite you to submit your research today, quoting ‘EAPeroxy24’ in the ‘Comments to the Editor’ when submitting your manuscript.

New Themed Collection: “Traffic non-exhaust substances” from ES: Atmospheres

Could our collection be the ideal platform for your next atmospheric science publication on traffic non-exhaust substances?

We invite you to contribute to our collection highlighting traffic non-exhaust substances and their impact on air quality, health, and possible remediation measures. Non-exhaust emissions from road traffic, arising from the wear of vehicle parts (such as from the brakes, tyres and clutch), road wear and road dust resuspension, are an emerging issue for air quality and public health. It is therefore necessary to improve our knowledge on the current impact of such substances in the air we breathe and the potential of technological and non-technological mitigation measures. For more information on the collection, which closes for submissions on 31st March 2024, see our open call for papers.

When you publish with Environmental Science: Atmospheres you can:

  • Put your trust in both our rigorous peer review process and fast times to publication – which are less than 9 weeks after submission across all our journals.
  • Expect your work to be promoted through our journal social media (@EnvSciRSC)
  • Be confident of a global audience for your work. This means that dissemination of this work will likely go beyond chemists and reach a broader audience.


Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes high quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric chemistry. The journal scope spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, and studies addressing the interactions of indoor air pollutants with outdoor air, or considering human health effects, are encouraged. We offer authors the option to publish the peer review history alongside their article.

Article publication online and in issues will occur without delay to ensure the timely dissemination of the work. The articles will then be assembled on the RSC Publishing platform and promoted as a web-based thematic collection, to permit readers to consult and download individual contributions from the entire series.

Please note that accepted manuscripts will be subject to an article-processing charge (APC) unless your institute has an existing agreement with the RSC that covers publications in our gold open access journals. More information about charges, discounts, and waivers are available here.

If you’re interested, we invite you to submit your research today, quoting ‘EANexAir24’ when submitting your manuscript.

Environmental Science: Atmospheres – Bioaerosols Themed Collection Now Online

We are delighted to announce that the Environmental Science: Atmospheres themed issue Bioaerosols: detection, transport and risk assessment is now online.


In this gold open-access themed collection, we focus on bioaerosols, which are airborne particles that are living or originate from living organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungal spores and pollen.


Guest edited by Cindy Morris (INRAE, Avignon), Xialoe Zhang (ETH Zurich), Malin Alvsed (Lund University) and Joshua Santarpia (University of Nebraska Medical Center) this collection focuses on how bioaerosols can have significant impacts on human health, agriculture and ecoystems.


Read the full issue online

It includes:

Resolving the controls over the production and emission of ice-nucleating particles in sea spray

Thomas C. J. Hill, Francesca Malfatti, Christina S. McCluskey, Gregory P. Schill, Mitchell V. Santander, Kathryn A. Moore, Anne Marie Rauker, Russell J. Perkins, Mauro Celussi, Ezra J. T. Levin, Kaitlyn J. Suski, Gavin C. Cornwell, Christopher Lee, Paola Del Negro, Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Kimberly A. Prather and Paul J. DeMott

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2023, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00154C


Assessing the efficiency of water-soluble organic compound biodegradation in clouds under various environmental conditions

Lucas Pailler, Nolwenn Wirgot, Muriel Joly, Pascal Renard, Camille Mouchel-Vallon, Angelica Bianco, Maud Leriche, Martine Sancelme, Aurélie Job, Luc Patryl, Patrick Armand, Anne-Marie Delort, Nadine Chaumerliac and Laurent Deguillaume

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2023,3, 731-748, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00153E

Drone-based particle monitoring above two harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the USA

Landon Bilyeu, Bryan Bloomfield, Regina Hanlon, Javier González-Rocha, Stephen J. Jacquemin, Andrew P. Ault, Johnna A. Birbeck, Judy A. Westrick, Hosein Foroutan, Shane D. Ross, Craig W. Powers and David G. Schmale

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2022,2, 1351-1363, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00055E

Emission of primary bioaerosol particles from Baltic seawater

Gabriel P. Freitas, Christian Stolle, Paul H. Kaye, Warren Stanley, Daniel P. R. Herlemann, Matthew Edward Salter and Paul Zieger

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2022,2, 1170-1182, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00047D

Characterization of single fungal aerosol particles in a reactive atmospheric environment using time-resolved optical trapping-Raman spectroscopy (OT-RS)

Yukai Ai, Chuji Wang, Yong-Le Pan and Gorden Videen

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2022,2, 591-600, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00030J

Speech-generated aerosol settling times and viral viability can improve COVID-19 transmission prediction

Alan Y. Gu, Yanzhe Zhu, Jing Li and Michael R. Hoffmann

Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2022,2, 34-45, DOI: 10.1039/D1EA00013F

We hope that you enjoy reading this collection of articles. Please get in touch if you have any questions about this themed collection or want to contribute to the growing work on bioaerosols.