Hot Articles for July

A collection of recently published articles recommended as HOT by our referees: put these on your reading list!

Catalytic decomposition of ammonium dinitramide (ADN) as high energetic material over CuO-based catalysts
Rachid Amrousse, Kohji Fujisato, Hiroto Habu, Ahmed Bachar, Claudine Follet-Houttemane and Keiichi Hori
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00214D, Paper

Catalytic decomposition of ammonium dinitramide (ADN) as high energetic material over CuO-based catalysts

A silver-free system for the direct C–H auration of arenes and heteroarenes from gold chloride complexes
Nanna Ahlsten, Gregory J. P. Perry, Xacobe C. Cambeiro, Tanya C. Boorman and Igor Larrosa
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00240C, Communication

A silver-free system for the direct C–H auration of arenes and heteroarenes from gold chloride complexes

Highly practical iron-catalyzed C–O cleavage reactions
Dominik Gärtner, Hannelore Konnerth and Axel Jacobi von Wangelin
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00266G, Communication

Highly practical iron-catalyzed C–O cleavage reactions

Tandem ethylene oligomerisation and Friedel–Crafts alkylation of toluene catalysed by bis-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene nickel(II) complexes and ethylaluminium dichloride
Asheena Budhai, Bernard Omondi, Stephen O. Ojwach, Collins Obuah, Emmanuel Y. Osei-Twum and James Darkwa
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00334E, Paper

Tandem ethylene oligomerisation and Friedel-Crafts alkylation of toluene catalysed by bis-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene nickel(II) complexes and ethylaluminum dichloride

Evaluation of nanostructured vanadium(V) oxide in catalytic oxidations
Eric T. Drew, Yang Yang, Julia A. Russo, McKenzie L. Campbell, Samuel A. Rackley, JoAn Hudson, Patrik Schmuki and Daniel C. Whitehead
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00183K, Paper

Evaluation of nanostructured vanadium(V) oxide in catalytic oxidations

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Simple Grinding: Key to a highly active bi-metallic catalyst

Posted on behalf of Shreesha Bhat

The trend of employing metal alloys as catalysts in various organic reactions is gaining popularity owing to the considerable advantages it offers. Alloying gold with palladium is known to enhance the activity of the formed catalyst for various oxidation reactions. Present methods employed for the preparation of Au-Pd alloys include wet impregnation, deposition precipitation and sol-immobilization. These methods utilize chloride salts of the gold as a precursor which make the removal of the chloride from the final catalyst difficult. The presence of chloride is known to cause a loss in the catalytic activity of the alloys through blocking of the active sites. Scientists have been trying to find a way to reduce the chlorine content, but the alternatives have been equally discouraging due to various problems associated with them.

In an answer to this challenging problem, Researchers from UK and Pakistan have come up with a simple solution: Simply grind the metal acetates for 10 min with a support and get highly active chloride-free alloys as oxidation catalysts. These catalysts were evaluated against catalysts prepared by impregnation for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol, glycerol and direct H2O2 synthesis.

Various optimization studies on the Au:Pd ratio and the metal loading were carried out using turn over frequency (TOF) as the standard for comparisons. The results indicated that the physical grinding (PG) facilitated the Pd-Au alloy formation (not observed with other methods) which is known to produce a synergistic effect on the catalytic activity. It was also found that an optimum ratio of both metals resulted in higher activity with optimum metal loadings. To provide the icing on the cake, the PG (physically ground) catalysts were further successfully employed for the oxidation of various substrates with equal (or improved) TOFs, thus proving the general applicability of these catalysts.

Thus, the present paper showcases how the conventional physical grinding was successful in providing highly active bimetallic catalysts, where most of the other complex methods faltered!!

Physical mixing of metal acetates: Optimisation of catalyst

To read more, follow the link below:

Physical mixing of metal acetates: optimisation of catalyst parameters to produce highly active bimetallic catalysts
Peter J. Miedziak, Simon A. Kondrat, Noreen Sajjad, Gavin M. King, Mark Douthwaite, Greg Shaw, Gemma L. Brett, Jennifer K. Edwards, David J. Morgan, Ghulam Hussain and Graham J. Hutchings
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00263B, Paper

Shreesha Bhat is a medicinal chemist pursuing his M.S.(Pharm.) in Medicinal Chemistry at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, India

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Separation issues? Not for this heterogeneous reaction

The majority of laboratory scale organic reactions rely on homogenous catalysts which are usually removed via chromatography, often a time-consuming process that generates solvent and silica gel waste. These separation issues become untenable for large scale industrial processes and as a result, heterogeneous catalysts are preferred for ease of isolation. To be adopted as an industrial process, the reaction must also satisfy high standards of conversion to product, costliness and enantioselectivity.

This article details the asymmetric epoxidation of alkenes using heterogeneous iminium micro- and mesoporous supported organocatalysts with TPPP (tetraphenylphoshonium monopersulfate) as a stoichiometric oxidant. This method holds potential for industrial production as the catalyst can be reused after simple filtration and washing and avoids the use of expensive transition metals. Enantiopure epoxides, which are valuable synthetic building blocks, were obtained in high yields and enantioselectivities for select alkenes. Successive uses of the catalyst do however result in lower yields for reasons currently unknown to the authors. Nonetheless this report may serve as valuable precedent for future efforts towards a reusable heterogeneous chiral iminium catalyst for epoxidation.

Read the full article here:

Towards heterogeneous organocatalysis: chiral iminium cations supported on porous materials for enantioselective alkene epoxidation
Philip C. Bulman Page, Andrew Mace,  Damien Arquier, Donald Bethell, Benjamin R. Buckley, David J. Willock, and Graham J. Hutchings
Catal. Sci.Technol., 2013, DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00352c

Tien Nguyen is a web contributor working towards her PhD in David Nicewicz’s research  group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her current area of research  focuses on anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of alkenes using photoredox catalysis.

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Nanonets with palladium – good news for green chemistry

Sara Coles is a guest web-writer for Catalysis Science & Technology. She currently works for Johnson Matthey in Royston, UK.

Porous carbon nanostructures can be excellent catalyst supports, especially for nanoparticles of noble metals such as palladium.

A paper co-authored by Maiyong Zhu and colleagues, in China, describes the use of pre-synthesised α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles as templates to form hollow carbon ‘nanonets’ on which palladium nanostructures are deposited by an in situ precipitation-reduction procedure. The advantage of the hollow nanonet structure is that a higher catalyst loading can be achieved, potentially leading to greater activity towards the target reaction.

Schematic showing formation of palladium catalysts on hollow carbon nanonet supports

The researchers tested their supported palladium catalysts for the Suzuki and Heck  coupling reactions, with good yields although the conversions of substituted substrates tended to be lower than unsubstituted ones. The reactions could also be carried out in water – good news for ‘green’ chemistry.

Compared to supports based on solid carbon spheres, the nanonet supported catalysts had slightly higher palladium loadings and considerably better catalytic performance.

The group have also confirmed through experimental methods that the reactions are indeed catalysed by the supported palladium and not by any leached palladium in solution. The catalysts could be recycled, though there was some loss of activity. Analysis showed that after the Heck reaction, in particular, there was significant aggregation of palladium nanoparticles, thought to be due to temperature effects, as well as deformation of the nanonet carbon structure.

Read more detail about this work in Catalysis Science & Technology:

Hematite nanoparticle-templated hollow carbon nanonets supported palladium nanoparticles: preparation and application as efficient recyclable catalysts
Maiyong Zhu, Ying Wang, Chengjiao Wang, Wei Li and Guowang Diao
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 952-961, DOI: 10.1039/C2CY20562A

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Catalysis Science & Technology’s impact factor for 2012 released

Catalysis Science and TechnologyThe 2012 Journal Citation Reports ® have just been released and Catalysis Science & Technology received its first impact factor of 3.75.

We would like to thank all our authors, referees and readers who have contributed to this success, as well as the hard work from our Editorial and Advisory Board members to make this journal an important resource in the field of catalysis research.

The successes of all of the RSC’s journals in the recent impact factor release can be found here, highlighting the quality of our publications.

Check out our journal hompage for the latest news in catalysis, or submit your paper to us to ensure that it gets the attention it deserves.

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Simple and inexpensive method for highly efficient biodiesel production

According to the USDA foreign agriculture service, the European Union consumed 13.8 billion litres of biodiesel in 2012. The increasing demand for biodiesel stems from its lower greenhouse gas emissions, estimated to be 57% lower than emissions from burning petroleum diesel.  To become competitive with fossil fuels, alternative energy sources must achieve low production costs starting from abundant feedstocks.

In this Advance Article, Yang and co-workers reports the transesterification of several oils to biodiesel (primarily fatty acid methyl ester, FAME), obtaining >97% yields using 3 wt% calcined porous calcite or dolomite catalysts. Prepared through simple thermal decomposition of cheap Mg/Ca carbonate minerals and stearic acid mixtures, these heterogeneous catalysts possess high special surface areas (SSAs) increasing the sites accessible for reactivity.

The researchers found that the catalysts could be regenerated by treatment with stearic acid, and re-used with no appreciable loss in activity. The authors propose that this process could be well-suited for industrial application as it is inexpensive and environmentally benign.

Read the full article here:

A facile, low-cost route for the preparation of calcined porous calcite and dolomite and their application as heterogeneous catalysts in biodiesel production

Rui Wang. Hu Li, Fei Chang, Jiafeng Luo, Milford A. Hanna, Daoyang Tan, Deyu Hu, Yuping Zhang, Baoan Song, and Song Yang

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, DOI:10.1039/C3CY00129F

Tien Nguyen is a web contributor working towards her PhD in David Nicewicz’s research  group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her current area of research  focuses on anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of alkenes using photoredox catalysis.

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Here comes the sun – visible light promoted MOF catalysts

Posted on behalf of Tien Nguyen

Tien Nguyen is working towards her PhD in David Nicewicz’s research group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her current area of research focuses on anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of alkenes using photoredox catalysis.

To satisfy the energy demands of an ever-increasing population, it is critical to develop renewable energy sources. Photocatalytic hydrogen production from water stands out among the alternatives as this process yields a clean energy source and relies on visible light, which has exciting implications for harnessing the power of the sun.

In this article, Matsuoka and co-workers report efficient hydrogen production employing a Pt-deposited amino-functionalized Ti metal organic framework catalyst (Pt/Ti-MOF-NH2) in aqueous triethanolamine (TEOA) and visible light. The organic linker serves to absorb the light and donate electrons to the titanium-oxo cluster with TEOA present as a sacrificial electron donor. An optimal loading of 1.5 wt% was found for the Pt cocatalyst, which is proposed to trap the photogenerated electrons and suppress unproductive electron-hole recombination.

The authors also successfully extended this system to the reduction of nitrobenzene, providing an environmentally benign alternative to existing methods. They found that the photocatalyst could be reused at least three times with no appreciable loss in activity. These findings hold promise for the development of highly efficient photocatalysts promoted by naturally abundant sunlight.

Read the full article here:

Efficient hydrogen production and photocatalytic reduction of nitrobenzene over a visible-light-responsive metal–organic framework photocatalyst
Takashi Toyao, Masakazu Saito, Yu Horiuchi, Katsunori Mochizuki, Masatoshi Iwata, Hideyuki Higashimura and Masaya Matsuoka

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, DOI: 10.1039/c3cy00211j

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Foam, fleece and honeycomb supports for platinum nanoparticles

Sara Coles


Sara Coles is a guest web-writer for Catalysis Science & Technology. She
currently works for Johnson Matthey in Royston, UK.


Foam, fleece and honeycomb have one unexpected thing in common: they are all physical structures that can be made into supports for industrial platinum catalysts.

Patrick Sonström and colleagues in Germany have studied the deposition of colloidally preformed nanoparticles of platinum deposited with or without a washcoat onto low surface area codierite honeycombs, alumina foam and nickel fleece.Colloidal platinum nanoparticles on monolithic supports

Their technique allows higher platinum loadings to be applied without the disadvantages of agglomeration and adhesion, meaning that higher catalytic activities can be achieved on low surface area substrates.

This could have potential to expand the use of monolithically supported platinum catalysts beyond their automotive niche and into wider industrial use for reactions such as methanol steam reforming, oxidative dehydrogenation of propane and liquid phase hydrogenations. The advantages of monolithic catalysts over their classic pellet bed alternatives include lower pressure drops and improved mass transfer.

To find out more about this work read the article in Catalysis Science & Technology:

Foam, fleece and honeycomb: catalytically active coatings from colloidally prepared nanoparticles
Patrick Sonström, Birte Halbach, Sonia Tambou Djakpou, Beate Ritz, Kirsten Ahrenstorf, Georg Grathwohl, Horst Weller and Marcus Bäumer

Catal. Sci. Technol
., 2011, 1, 830–838, DOI: 10.1039/c1cy00077b

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This one is “just right” – Nanoparticle size effects in CO methanation

Posted on behalf of Tien Nguyen, web-writer for Catalysis Science & Technology

Tien Nguyen is working towards her PhD in David Nicewicz’s research group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her current area of research focuses on anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of alkenes using photoredox catalysis

On May 8th 2013, the NOAA’s (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) Mauna Loa observatory recorded a daily mean concentration of CO2 in excess of 400 ppm, a record high since mankind’s appearance on the planet. As carbon dioxide levels continue to increase at an alarming rate, many laboratories are engaging in alternative energy research to mitigate this problem. 

One such solution involves the methanation reaction, which converts syngas (CO + H2) to synthetic natural gas (CH4). This reaction is highly sought after given that energy from burning natural gas releases approximately 30-45% less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels. 

In this article, researchers evaluated a series of α-Al2O3-supported Ni catalysts of various Ni particle size (5-10, 10-20 and 20-35 nm) for their catalytic efficiency in the methanation reaction. At high temperatures (300-600 °C), ambient pressure and high WHSV (weight hourly space velocity of 240,000 mL/g/h), Ni particles sized 10-20 nm exhibited the highest CO conversion, CH4 yield and turnover frequency, as well as the lowest carbon deposition. 


They hypothesized that the smaller Ni particles exhibit more carbon deposition because they have more exposed step edges, which are more susceptible to such formations. They also proposed that Ni particles that are too large may lead to the undesirable growth of carbon nanofibers. Having identified the optimal Ni particle size, the next advancement for the CO methanation reaction lies in improving the stability of these catalysts. 

Read the article here: 

Effect of nickel nanoparticle size in Ni/α-Al2O3 on CO methanation reaction for the production of synthetic natural gas
Jiajian Gao, Chunmiao Jia, Meiju Zhang, Fangna Gu, Guangwen Xua and Fabing Su

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Cracking activity of Y zeolites depends on their Bronsted acidity

This article is HOT as recommended by the referees. And we’ve made it free to access for 4 weeks.

Alkane cracking is an important industrial process, and zeolites are commonly used as catalysts in the reaction. There have been many studies into the reaction, and the variation in the catalytic activity between different zeolites is often explained by the differences in the heat of alkane adsorption on the zeolite, which is determined by the pore size.

In this paper, the authors proposed that the zeolite acid strength (the BrØnsted acidity), rather than heat of alkane adsorption on the zeolite is the main factor in determining the cracking activity. They supported this view with a series of experiments and computational studies on ultra-stable Y zeolites. These include measurements of how the activation energy of cracking varies with the acidity of the zeolite, and a density functional theory calculation of the reaction. The good agreement between the model and experimental results suggests that the proposed mechanism is correct.

pendence of cracking activity on the Brønsted acidity of Y zeolite: DFT study and experimental confirmation

Find out more from their paper:

Dependence of cracking activity on the Brønsted acidity of Y zeolite: DFT study and experimental confirmation
Miki Niwa, Katsuki Suzuki, Nami Morishita, German Sastre, Kazu Okumura and Naonobu Katada
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00195D, Paper

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