I am delighted to announce an upcoming themed issue for Catalysis Science & Technology entitled Heterogeneous Catalysis for Fine Chemicals, with guest editors Mario Pagliaro and Graham Hutchings. It is our pleasure to invite you to contribute to this themed issue.
Research in heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals synthesis, preparative chemistry and drug discovery, is currently more active than ever before. This themed issue aims to grasp the current momentum in catalysis chemistry for fine chemicals and hopes to bring together contributions from experts in the field, involved in either the fundamental development of new catalytic mediators or in the multidisciplinary application of these organometallic entities anywhere in between these facets.
Deadline for submissions 13th June 2011
All types of manuscript, Communications, Full Papers, Minireviews and Perspectives, will be considered for publication. The manuscript should be prepared according to the format for regular articles and should be submitted online and submitted no later than the 13th June 2011. All invited manuscripts will be subjected to the normal refereeing procedure. Any questions should be directed to the Catalysis Science & Technology Editorial Office.